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Biggest Panic Attack in a Long Time

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I couldn't calm myself down last night. I felt like I was going to be sick or passout, I was sweating and my heart racing uncontrollably! It lasted a few minutes when I finally broke and talked to my Mother while I sobbed.


When does this EVER get better!? I hate waking up and facing reality all over again. I can't stress it enough, I need him home!!!


I know it'll never happen but I'm so over living in a dream just to be close to him. I really wish I could hate him! I'm so mad at him for his decision to take himself out of the equation permanently!! It's not fair!!


Thank you all for letting me rant. I'm just angry at this moment.

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Hi, Leah,


I had panic attacks and pretty significant anxiety that started immediately after my second husband died unexpectedly.  I had never had panic before, even after the death of my first husband.  My doctor prescribed short-acting anxiety meds that helped me with panic and in getting my head to shut off so that I could go to sleep.  I was not able to tolerate longer acting medications (well, the few I tried briefly) because of unacceptable side-effects.  After a year of dealing with unrelenting anxiety, I chose to get a service dog.  I know that a service dog isn't for everyone; they are expensive, for one, and I had to weigh the benefits with the risks (stigma, etc.).  I decided I was better off taking care of my needs with a dog.  I have no regrets, and over 2 years later, my anxiety and panic are under much better control.  My dog can sense my anxiety and intervenes earlier than she did when I first got her, and I find that I can recognize triggers much earlier in the process and mitigate situations.  My anxiety is much less obvious in the workplace and at home, although I tend to process more of my stressors at home and my dog works more for me at home than in public.


All this...is really to say that you aren't alone in your anxiety.  I was pretty pissed off, to be blunt, to have developed anxiety.  I had enough to cope with (surgery and a cancer diagnosis within weeks of my husband's unexpected death) and I did NOT want to be coping with panic, irritability, over-reactions, etc.


It has taken me time to regain my composure and confidence.  What I know...from too many years of experience at this and having met many other young wids...is that it does get better in time.  That being said, I'm not sure that knowledge helped me much when I was in the throes of my worst anxiety.  I guess my advice is to do SOMETHING - whatever might work for you.  See your doctor, a grief counselor, exercise if that is your thing - find something that makes a difference and keep at it until you find something that helps.  It took me a year of floundering and then trying before I found a solution that helped me.


Hugs to you,



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I had a "moment" in the grocery store today - reached for something that I always bought for my sweet hubby and he's been gone 18 months....  I just froze, then cracked and sobbed, right there in the grocery store.  I know it's not the same as a panic attack, but I understand the fear and uncertainty of what you're feeling.  I hope - I know - it will get better for you over time.  Be patient with yourself. 

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