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10-Year Reflections!


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"You are no longer where you used to be,

But you are wherever I am!"


~~ Victor Hugo





' The Bench'


Perched on a small, wintry hill

Sits a lonely bench in the icy chill

It silently looks over the frozen sea

Of white desolation and nary a tree


It mourns alone in the howling wind

For the One whose death it cannot rescind

It's the sole reminder of the One who's gone

Who fought a fierce battle that couldn't be won


It stands with great courage and bravery

As merciless nature unleashes with glee

Its fury and wrath during day and night --

It's the somber marker of a battle

Once fought with great might


It bears His name like a solid proud shield

Remembering Him, who never would yield

Who lived with great honor and courage so high

That he bravely looked death straight into the eye

And defiantly said:

*I* shall decide when I'm going to die!!


He took the grim reaper's triumph and glee

As he charted his Own Path and Destiny!


And when winter's harsh grip finally breaks

And new life springs forth

With sunny, warm rays

The lonely bench offers solace and peace

To a tired wand'rer who is ill at ease


To provide comfort and rest

And to get a fresh start

For those who are weary

Or heavy of heart


When I see this humble symbol

Of a once brilliant, great man

My mind travels and marvels

At the astonishing race he ran


His mind was strong and undeterred

No problem too great to be solved or deferred

He Loved Life and was always grateful and glad

With the adventurous spirit of a very young lad

He saw life's humor, and when he smiled

My heart jumped for joy, and I felt beguiled


I greatly miss Him!

It hurts my heart and my soul

Because He was the One

Who made me feel Whole


He's the One I carry wherever I go

During Life's ev'ry high and solitary low

The One to whom, on This solemn day

I send All my Love - far, far away

To the shores of infinity and beyond --

The One, with whom I have an unbreakable bond!




~~ À tout jamais - Forevermore ~~





10-Year Anniversary Reflections of an 'SOS' and long-time Caregiver

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Dear ATJ,


Ten years is such a significant milestone! Sending you wishes of comfort and the best that loving memories can bring. Your poem is a stunning tribute to your husband and to his imprint on your soul.


Love and hugs, Bluebird

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Your journey has been such a long and difficult one. But as you have travelled it, you have shared with us so much wisdom and beauty, this touching poetic offering being among them. I wish for you a measure of peace on this melancholy day of reflection.


--- WifeLess

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Guest Lost35

I just wanted to say, I hope this day is an easier one than the last, in some small way.  You have helped me and so many others here with your thoughtful and heartfelt posts over the years...thank you for that.  You will never know the extent to which your kindness effects others and this board as a whole...


May you find a new kind of peaceful existence in Year Eleven, whatever that may be.




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Thank You!



"The most called-upon prerequisite of a friend

is an accessible ear."


~~ Maya Angelou



Maya Angelou was right, we ALL have the need to be heard at times, especially when our heart feels heavy!


Ten years after my husband's death it seems incredible that so much time has passed.  Meanwhile the current of life has taken me in a very different direction, and it often feels surreal, as if invisibly suspended between two worlds. So many significant changes to my life and my identity, and yet, still so many echoes from the past.


On this significant marker of time, I felt the need to pay tribute to my husband somewhere to let it be known that he once walked this earth, that he is not forgotten by at least ONE, that he was loved, and that he made his 'earthly dash' count.


Therefore, I deeply appreciate each one of you who 'heard me', and thus gave recognition to Him, by graciously taking the time to reach out with words of kindness and caring.






"Turn your face to the light,

and the shadows will fall behind you."


~~  Maori Proverb






Tom Stoppard said:


"Every exit is an Entry to somewhere else."



And so I keep walking toward that 'Entry to Somewhere Else'.


ATJ  :)



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