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Posts posted by Tweety76

  1. I've had my fair share of crazies too. Mainly 26 year-olds offering gentleman company (one included massage), these "adult company without commitment" kind of things and the first ever message I got on the site 3 minutes after putting it online was "5cm thick. exactly what you are looking for". Oh...thanks...


    Today's special was that I had a nice conversation online with this dude last night and by the time I read my messages he had sent me this (please note that it is freely translated from another language. The lack of punctuation except the smileys however are from the original message) "With all due respect to you :) and I have been thinking about things and we have very different lifestyles because you are a smart one working on IT :) and I'm this regular not so smart guy and I go to the bars and I have my sun every other weekend and I like playing console games and I live with my brother. All the best to you and best of luck finding the right one :) hugs"


    Oh, ok. Right. Whatever....

  2. I've always been drawn to Tweety bird and I've been using it on and off on many sites and it's just natural part of me. 76 is shockingly my birth year :)


    Wheelerswife: I too married in my thirties (32 to be exact) and much like you was so used to my own name (which sort of was a brand for me too because the combination of my first and last name is very rare) I couldn't loose it after all (I gave much thought on "going under radar" by taking his name). Instead, I added his name after mine. My cousin laughed at me when she learned my new name that "so you couldn't give up your fathers name, then". My reply: Nope :)


    Love this thread! Thank you for starting it!!!

  3. I was hit by a massive full body ache two weeks ago. Pain and stinging sensation on each muscle off my body. I got scare that it was something serious especially when my neck went stiff just by walking to lunch... Took me a few days to remember that I felt the same pain a year ago on April. Back then I thought it was because a stress was relieving from both the early day shakes and stress and I may have been in overshape. A friend of mine suggested in August that the other symptoms may have been caused by my subconscious protecting my mind with the pain that distracts (efficiently) me from remembering something. Well, here going through the second round, I can't really say for sure but I'm turning to the latter.


    The pain came just a week before the anniversary and got better over the weekend. Yesterday it came back and I was puzzled what for. This morning when I was leaving for work, the 19th of March last year flooded in my brain and I nearly fainted. At 6 months I wrote "6months ago today I" from 10th of March on until the 18th and then I stopped because I didn't want to go through what happened on 19th. Well, today I didn't have a choice. I was the worst driver in the traffic this morning but I managed to maneuver myself to the office without hitting anything. I had to constantly remind myself to focus and that I would write the whole day down once at the office. Which I did. I started feeling relief while writing even my body still hurt. I wrote down year ago tomorrow and started feeling a new pain on my side. Then I went on to the 21st of last year. The day I saw my husband dead in the coffin for the first time. The second last time I'd ever see him. Well you guessed it, instant Niagara flooded through me and I had to escape to the bath room. Cried a bit and decided that ok, I'll write the rest when I'm at home and that now I shall focus on the tasks at hand at the office and voil?, it was easier to breath and I'm ok again.


    it's so strange that I'm clear headed (have been for weeks) but the body is a messy bundle of pain. I sure hope I don't have re-live everything from last year as it seems the body remembers even my head couldn't care less.


    Just had to get this off my chest so I can go on my merry way for the rest of the day :) Hugs to everyone!!!!! 

  4. Thank you guys! I'm so glad my post made Carey smile and I got hugs I needed.


    We should really have a "medal" we could give each other on the board to acknowledge the anniversaries, don't you think? No one else does that but why shouldn't we? (Spring summer shining...I'm full of crazy ideas so pardon me my sillyness!)

  5. Reporting to my new group. Sheesh! I really did make it here and I shined through the one year mark. Today, a day after, I feel really weird. I made it, now what? My thought just a little while ago was, what if this year you'd live? I feel like crying but it isn't out of misery or pain. More puzzlement and relief. I wonder what my therapist will say when I see her this week after 3 week break. So many things to tell.


    Call me mad but I ordered myself a brand new car yesterday (the one year mark). I've never owned a car that was specifically equipped as I want it to be equipped. It'll take until the fall for it to arrive but it's a car I've fuzzed over for 20+ years. So the anniversary will be remembered in the future as the day I did just that.


    Tweet flying for the second year waiting for Amsterdam and a little red monster (the car) being very grateful for this board and it's member for helping me getting here. Luv ya'll guys!!!!!!

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