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  1. I think you are spot on although there was no reason for her to think that. Our conversation hadn't gone there in any way. I think she, and many other women are intimidated that I say right up front I am looking for one last love. ½ the women online will only say that they are looking for friendship in their profiles. One such woman flirted with me a couple months ago. She asked if I had found love online and I honestly said yes, meaning the woman I just lost. I said that one lady and I made it to the finish line. She freaked out. Told me she was not desperate! She would not be another notch on my headboard! A little misunderstanding re. the meaning of "finish line" to a widow v divorcee Thank you for your insights Virgo. It's helpful to know these experiences are shared by widows as well as widowers. You would have loved to meet the sweet old widow I will call Ann. I told the story somewhere on WIDDA (maybe this thread lol :) about meeting her. Her kind advice to me was priceless and fits with this discussion.
  2. There has not been much to report on Virgo but things did just open up for me. I switch to a different zip code for the summer and since I have there has been non-stop activity on my profile. Maybe that's the area opening back up or maybe it's just the "fresh face" thing. One story to share. I exchanged a couple messages with a lady. On her third message to me she felt the need to tell me that she was not looking to be anyone's wife or caretaker. Dealbreaker. Not that I'm looking for a wife or a caretaker but I expect to be in love again. So much in love that I could not imagine "outsourcing" my sweetheart's care. It is sad but so many divorced people have never known love like that.
  3. Your wish is my command Maureen Thinking of Teri's Jalopy?
  4. I am almost finished with stacking next year's wood supply. This stack serves as a privacy fence and entertainment after a fashion. I'm happy with it.
  5. I am going to try that phone thingy as you suggest Virgo. I've never been great on the phone. Got that from mom. She had an actual phone phobia. One day many years ago the family was sitting in the LR when the phone rang. Mom was closest so one of us said. "Mom, why don't you answer the phone?" Her reply: "What do I do if someone is there?" She could be as batty as a bowl of Wuhan soup.
  6. Yep. I'll go with that. I am underwhelming myself daily. There are 6 or 8 nice looking ladies that I would like to start serious conversations with. The problem is when you get a good thing going with Email it can be a huge letdown if there is no chemistry when you finally meet.
  7. Hugs Bunny, I get it. I lost my second great love to cancer just one year ago. There were so many things that were exactly the same as the first time and in some small ways they made it easier. I knew when to get what supplies. But the big things can hurt just as much.
  8. What are you doing to prepare for the pandemic? We’ve all seen the panic buying, stocking up on essentials. A run on Purell, a run on toilet paper, a run on paper towels. I now report there is a run on widowers in progress. I’ve had more profile visits and serious flirts today, 3/14/20, than I had in the last two months. I think this says something about us as humans. and I like it For some reason i think it fits with this
  9. Sorry to hear that. Sucks to be right sometimes.
  10. 1. Got my snowshoes to work despite not having tested them for years. 2. Stomped around the front yard with the roof rake and cleared a few feet back at the eves. 3. Now wondering if I need another snowblower and how I would ever use more than one.
  11. SW Do you have the sense that this was a deliberate deception on his part? I don't doubt that it often is but I am curious about how often it is deliberate deceit vs. how often the "mosting" is a result of love at first sight. I'm a believer in love at first sight. My last true love started that way. Mea culpa, I've had a few heartbreaks start that way as well but never with the intent to disappear. Some of us just fall in love too quickly. Trust me, I am not negating your point of view. Men are pigs. Just wondering what the percentages are between players and good guys.
  12. I think that a lot of us here know what you mean Simon. And you express it well.
  13. So sorry Rob. I've lost track of the number of times I've thought "This is it!" only to realize later that it was not. I do pray, after a fashion. Right now I'm praying that all the wids here find a little more peace and a lot more love this season. Including you Rob.
  14. Cut down an ash tree that was a challenge to my ability. Reduced the tree to firewood size pieces. Decided that my happy place this winter will involve trees and a chain saw.
  15. This text exchange happened yesterday. I was trying to set up a 4th date. My idea was to hike on a nearby "mountain" called Watatic. Pronounced wha-tay-tic. I was dictating the message and my iPhone auto correct got things slightly wrong. That could have been the end of things, I explained how it happened. Lucky for me the lady has a sense of humor. She replied "So that was done orally?😝"
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