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Posts posted by Mangomom

  1. So.. it is a popularity contest? awesome..

      I don't see it that way at all.  Believe me, there were times on the old board that I questioned whether anyone even read my posts.  An acknowledge feature would be nice to have to just say, "I hear you." without having to type out a whole response when some days I don't have the words.
  2. One thing I did like about the old new board was the like feature.  It allowed you to acknowledge someones post without having to reply with "yea, me too, I get it"  This karma/smite thing is general to the poster, not the post.  Also, it seems you can't tag people in the posts anymore.  Is there anything we can do about these two things?

  3. Reposting my response from the old new board :)


    Interesting you say that. I am at 31 months and I too am feeling the pain of his void is less. Don't get me wrong, I miss him terribly, but I find myself looking forward much more than back. And for the first time, when I look forward it is not with longing that he will be at my side. That said... tomorrow might be a whole different ball game ;)

  4. This thread was a life saver for me.  It was oddly comforting to know that the "confessions" of others were actually things I had been doing and was afraid to let anyone know.  I honestly can't even remember what my confessions were, but I know I laughed and cried right along with all of them.  Thank you for resurrecting it.

  5. At the cemetery,  3 days after he unexpectedly died, buying the plots...  "You sure you want two? You are young and pretty, you'll probably marry again."


    Former best friend... "If you think you should be crying about B and you aren't, call me and I'll do it.  I miss him so much."


    My own mother, after seeing my new hair cut at abou 9 months out... Wow, you've bounced back.  I'm so happy for you.  There's a guy in my office..."

  6. I'm not sure we are going to keep that feature. I'm don't know that it serves any useful purpose and someone that is smited may have their feelings hurt. However, before any final decision is made if anyone wants me to smite them to feel like a bad ass I am happy to do so. :)


    Ooh!  Me!  Smite me, baby!  I wanna be certifiably badass!


    Ok, so I am badass now, thank you!  But who smited me?  I'm telling on them!  :P

  7. I'm not sure we are going to keep that feature. I'm don't know that it serves any useful purpose and someone that is smited may have their feelings hurt. However, before any final decision is made if anyone wants me to smite them to feel like a bad ass I am happy to do so. :)


    Ooh!  Me!  Smite me, baby!  I wanna be certifiably badass!

  8. My kids were 12 (she was one month shy of 13) and 15 (just had his birthday 5 days before).  I have struggled the entire time knowing if the behaviors are grief or teen.  I think it is a fine tightrope we walk in raising these kids alone with grief.  It will get a little easier to differentiate the older they get.  My daughter cries all the time that she just wants to be normal and have a normal family.  And when pressed, it is mostly teen angst.  Guess what, kiddo??  THIS IS NORMAL NOW.


    I would certainly listen to and sympathize, even empathize that you miss her, too.  "But she's gone, lets make Mom proud by showing her that you can rely on me, too".  I would hesitate to say anything like we have each other, or something of the sort.  Both of my kids seem to think my emotional well being is their responsibility.  I don't think you want to foster that.


    Anyway... Your loss is still new, fresh, painful for everyone.  Be gentle and allow the extra dramatic responses, but help him pick himself up and tell him that you are doing it because mommy taught you so well how to do it.

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