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Posts posted by swilson

  1. In the US we have OSHA that is very effective at getting laws and regulations on the books to improve worker safety. I'm sure there is a similar agency down your way. It would be wonderful to have something positive as a result of your heart breaking loss, good luck.

  2. {hugs} Sandy. I'm sorry, your whole world has been spun into chaos. Your emotions may crash in on you once all the kerfuffle dies down and you have a chance to begin to process your huge loss. James E. Miller said "If you remember nothing else as you begin to grieve, remember this: you will grieve in your own unique way, unlike anyone else. And that is as it should be. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."


  3. I'll hang onto this raft until my knuckles turn white. 6 months out for me this week, but not ready to be weaned off the nourishment I receive from everyone. Off topic - I love the capital W logo formed by a two handed pinky swear, does anyone know if it has meaning or am I just over thinking it?

  4. As I channel my inner Deadhead, "What a long strange trip it's been" Thank you so much Jezzy and everyone who pulled this off. Friday evening I sent a farewell message for @Justin to be sure he had my email addy to stay in touch. Saturday morning I get his return email "New Board!" Wow, this is exciting for someone only 6 months out to realize they're not going to bob around aimlessly in the widow sea. I can't get everything from therapy and need this forum for some real world balance.

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