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Posts posted by Momtojandj

  1. Ri, I received a bill four weeks after John died from the ambulance company . They said they are volunteer and hope I would donate because he was transported to the hospital. I felt like saying , he was dead , didn't need an ambulance to go to the hospital. Sad thing, it looked like a bill and I almost paid it before really reading the small print about donation.

  2. There is a reason I'm asking, trying to set all on Facebook to private . Is there a way that when I post a picture or quote, that I only see comments and likes , no one else? So if you go on my Facebook and see something, it looks like no one commented or liked? Thanks if anyone knows.

  3. I want to thank everyone for chiming in. I would never give up pensions to get married. I will do research to see if at a certain point , I can remarry without losing it. I honestly have been saying I wouldn't ever marry again.  But I liked being married , it's sad that I won't have that again. I do realize , I could commit to someone and it doesn't have to be legal.

  4. Spent day with bf, doc appt and lunch . Then took his 14 year old daughter back to my house , he met us later with rest of his kids. We BBQ and opened my pool .total of 6 kids , 2 dogs.. He left his 2 dogs home. It's strange, but also becoming strangly normal.

  5. How sad is this, I called social security once to clarify .. And the woman made no sense . I have learned more about ss from this thread . Lol .. pensions, I will have to call and ask , but pretty sure I lose if I remarry .

  6. Ok, I thought since the boys and I are collecting social security now, that's all I get from him on that. And when boys each turn 18 it all stops. So when I turn of ss age, I will only have mine to collect?

    As far as pensions.. I thought it had to be cashed out at beginning or it went to monthly ? Boy am I confused ..

  7. Guy I'm with, has been married twice and divorced twice. Myself, married once and widowed . I said never again will I marry , partially due to pensions set up, that I will lose if I remarry . Guy and I have talked about how you don't need a piece of paper. However , I can't lie .. I think I would want to marry again . Sigh, if I could give up pension .

  8. So things are going really good. Dating since August , we have gotten to the point of seeing each other a lot. Mixed activities with kids involved. Family and friends have started meeting each of us. He has for the last few weeks , keeps bringing up ..you know in a few months I really want us to discuss moving in together , or he will say , you know at some point it will be 6 kids, 4 dogs and 2 adults.. I change the subject.. He's even comented on that. Told him, I don't plan too much anymore , I'm enjoying him and his kids.. And very excited to see where this leads us.

    I also have said , I don't want to pull my kids from school . Ones a junior, one a freshman . Of course he had a solution for that.. Lol . Who knows what the future holds. I'm enjoying the ride with him right now.

  9. Guilt, a lot for me. One hubby and I had been having some issues in our marriage . Both of us to stubborn to give in and make it right. It was a Saturday , I can still see what he was wearing , I had this overwhelming urge all day, everytime he passed me in the house to grab him and hug him, tell him we will be ok. I didn't , I went to part time job, kids went to sleepover . Last Time I talked to him , 9pm he said he was at a friend  house. He was killed at midnight riding home on his motorcycle.

    Guilt for not following my gut, and telling him we were gonna be ok, hugging him that one last time.  Ironically he changed clothes , and I have the shirt still in my closet that he was wearing that day.

  10. Quick recap, dating guy since August . My kids and his all met each other in December . Have had a lot of joint get togethers etc. He has custody of his kids, so I see them a lot. His kids are a lot younger than mine.

    His 8 year old asked me to come watch him play baseball. So I went tonight, bf is coach. Very surreal, felt like I was dropped in an alternate universe. His ex wife's mom was there , everyone knows everyone. Then there's me... Bf coaching so he can't hang with me or introduce. I realize , relationships take time.. All of them , meeting friends etc. Now he asked me to come to his sons communion, and then his daughters confirmation. I don't know if I'm ready to meet all these people . 😬 I have met some of his family , but now all of the exs family as well will be there .

  11. I wanted to say, I feel your pain. Houses are never ending it seems. My husband used to do it all, and with him gone either I hire or my boys and I jump in and try to fix etc.  I do want to say , I'm waiting till my kids are out of hs , and then im moving and downsizing. I wish you luck in your decision.

  12. Last week an officer died here in my town. The more I look at his picture , I think it was the officer sent here to notify me of Johns death. The officer was only 47, with 2 kids. My heart hurts for them , and it's bringing up memories of John and that night. I plan on sending a card, and offering my phone number if the family needs anything. I feel connected somehow to them, strange feeling .

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