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Posts posted by Momtojandj

  1. Here's a question... Anyone I have dated really has been in real life meeting. The few dates I've done online , were usually one and done. So.. Isn't purpose of dating is to date one person , and see where it goes? Or do most online people just multi date ? Guy I had date with , is still dating others. Yes I could too , but if purpose is to have a relationship , wouldn't you want to see how one pans out ? Confused lol  interested in opinions

  2. Met a guy a few days ago on match, talked on phone, texted. Had drinks wens night. Cute, nice time . Texts when I left , sounds promising . Text yesterday good morning etc. all good. Last night .. The odd questions started .. The best was am I the agreesor in bed... Didn't respond, he txt sorry about question. So I said I have no issue talking about sex, but I just met you .l. With that I get sorry won't happen again , and I'm tired going to bed night . ... Well alrighty then . Would be shocked if hear from him again . Next ....

  3. My two cents .. If you feel comfortable don't let the time since your hubby died affect when you are ready to date . Some people are ready sooner and some later . I usually bring it up when they ask how long have you been divorced , or when the topic is brought up .. I'll ask guy how long have you been divorced , how long married that type of thing. That always prompts them to ask me .. Then I tell them .

  4. No clue what's going on , last two weeks or so.. It's off the charts. Usually around this time . I know I have a lot on my mind, son graduating , college , house issues.. However I've been thrown a lot since John died 3 years ago,and haven't had it this bad ,  not sure why this is different . I do have medication, I try and keep busy not sure what else to try . 😜

  5. I tried one , 20 plus years ago before being married . Not sure online dating even existed . I hated it , was expensive and although I went on a few dates , guys were not what I told them I was looking for. A good friend of mine last year looked into one , for successful working people ( I think that is what she said ) . She said it was expensive , she never did sign up for it.

  6. My kids really don't get the fear I have when they don't answer their phones . I text , call . No answer .. I panic . For teens that phones are glued to their hands. Ugh . My husband was killed on his motorcycle . I came home to police in my driveway . I need them to understand my fear . Deep breath.

  7. Received an email today , should've known when he said he keeps getting blocked by girls on the site . When he asked if I'm a good kisser, told him odd first choice of first question. He then responded , I won't use actual  words as to not offend anyone but had to do with oral sex. Um ok next ... Told him go away lol

  8. I can't even count , in my small area .. How many young widows and widowers Have happened ...I think 6 .. Three woman , three men since last year . All around my age . My heart is broken , I know the path , I've lived with the pain my kids feel . I just needed to vent ..

  9. I know nothing should surprise me anymore , but I guess I'm naive . So just in last two months... Three guys online ( different sites ) one was separated for a second , back with wife but profile still up . Another guy , wife is in rehab for drugs and yup he's online, last one , as far as I know still married, still showing united front with wife , but online. (Tinder) That one I want to call out .. Small town so I know these guys . I swear I'm naive .. Is this really how people are now ? Ps not to mention the people I know who are having affairs , just not online.

  10. So after being turned off by match and pof .. My friend convinced me to try tinder. I do like a lot about it. Of course normal, guys email then poof...one guy though , darn I wished I screenshot it to show you guys. He basically needed to know my freak factor and what I'm willing to do behind closed doors. Told him shame he didn't try to meet me or get to know me first , that I've been known to bring men to their knees. His response , no women will ever do that to me , then wait...  so what do you do ? Lmao ... Block , next . 

  11. My husband had bought an old coachman rv , made in 1984. With all intentions of fixing it up. If you have ever seen the movie space balls. Um, that's the rv lol. Took 3 years of convincing boys it had to go. It was just sitting in the side yard. Finally they were ok with letting it go. It sold today . Barely got anything for it . But it's gone .. Mixed feelings, but the new owner plans on fixing it up , so that's good.

  12. So I have thought for awhile now, I want to start a non profit , in my husbands name . My goal .. To help widows and widowers with funeral expenses , too many I know didn't have life insurance or any way to pay bills. Maybe I'm thinking too big .. I have no clue how or when or what I would do.. Has any of us here done anything like this? Where do you start ? Hoping by the time my youngest is out of HS (3 years ) to make this happen .

  13. Hmm.. Kids didn't want to me have my annual neighbor party, they really don't hang with a lot of those kids anymore. My kids have some friends over, I'm laying on couch with dogs . In a funk , so this suits me well . However , even though they are teens I feel the need to supervise . Happy new year .

  14. I have tried talking to guys before on phone, and also just meeting them without much communication . Honestly , I prefer to meet quick, I don't like talking and talking (or texting , emailing) a guy and getting personal until I see if there is even a connection . I have found some guys that ask to email another way , could be scammers or wanting to send nude pictures .

  15. Ok, hope no one minds .. This holiday season has been rough ( and it's barely started ) . John died 3 years ago in October, my mom 5 years ago on thanksgiving . Guy I was seeing since summer , we broke up last week. So I thought I would start a thread .. Instead of dwelling on what I don't have anymore , saying something I'm thankful for . Hope you guys will join in. Besides the obvious (kids, health) . I'm thankful that my son brought me home dinner tonight , since I was hungry and had no interest in cooking. ( hugs to all on this holiday season)

  16. I get it.. This year I'm not at all into holidays. Just 3 years since John died. Add in 5 years ago on thanksgiving my mom died. Normally Christmas decorating is fun.. This year I don't care if I do it or not. Trying to focus on thinks I do have , rather than what I don't have. Sigh .. Hugs to us all

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