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Everything posted by marian53

  1. Amber, you always get it. The soup and pot pies turned out wonderfully. torn, I am sorry for the loss of your wife, but glad you found our little community. i don't know your music tastes, but you can take a look at her music on youtube. Try "Up on the roof". Marian
  2. means I am listening to Laura Nyro, weeping my guts out, while making turkey soup and pot pies from scratch and worrying how they turn out.
  3. That is just every kind of weird and disrespectful. I am sorry. Marian
  4. I wish you peace and acceptance in the New Year. Marian
  5. Deb, I can only echo what Mike said- and please know we care. This is such an over-whelming time of the year. Please post again when you need to, OK? Marian
  6. Just lovely, Helen! thanks for the pictures- and so nice to see you again xo 1. All siblings called and wished me Happy Birthday yesterday, as did the nephews. 2. I have everything ready for tomorrow and the house only needs to be vacuumed. 3. Every single solitary one of you. I never knew that people I "only know" (as some fool said to me) over the web could mean so much to me. God Bless us everyone, apologies to Tiny Tim! Happy Christmas! Marian
  7. Peter died on 1/1/2007, so I like the 2nd, too. Huge hugs Marian
  8. okey dokey freelancing- by the way, who were you on the former board? I should remember you and I don't. thanks Marian
  9. Holy Uckfay, girlfriend!! This post started out the best, absolutely, but then you get to what seems Doomsday for women- menopause. I just had to chime in here because I have went through menopause, still dealing with it- haven't lost my sex drive, still have sex, deal with stuff by vaginal estrogen when needed,, exercise and still feel desirable. The weight thing is different for everyone, I went from a 6 to a 00 and then got back to a 4, but so what, it's just weight. For God's sakes, we all go through spells of wanting sex all day long and then no time while dealing with work, kids, etc. We are about the same timeframe , nine years for me New Year's Day. At Jen's time frame, I was still a hollow woman, going through the day because I had to. Things change. Same for going through menopause. Hang in there, Freelancing! Even if you don't engage in sex, it is important to still feel a sexual being. It's life. Marian
  10. I am so very happy to hear this! Congratulations to the two of you! Marian this news calls for exclamation points!!
  11. what is really hard is when they aren't your own, and they are encouraged by their other parent to just do their own thing. It has been five years and his mother makes it harder every year. I read these posts and I worry.
  12. I've been telling myself stories in order to live since I can remember. I can see myself reading this book aloud to Peter the year it was published, as I had read every damn book of hers to him over the years. . It was the first book I read after his death. I committed nearly the entire book to memory. "Complicated grief". Oh yeah. She just had her 81st birthday. I want to be her when I grow up. love Marian.
  13. I hit send before finishing. I just wanted to say I am doing better, trying not to over-think things- yeah, right, hah! Yes, calimom, it will be "number nine, number nine, number nine?" (we were huge beatles fans and that Revolution song was a fav of Pete's) on New's Year's Day . I have had added health issues that have been making me feels, at times, like the Beachboy's Little Old Lady from Pasadena, as I joked to Mike the other day. I am glad to see you, Mauimaid- I was just thinking of you on Thanksgiving! massive hugs to you all, Marian
  14. I did. I knew him in another lifetime in Canada. After three and a half years I was ready to entertain the idea of another in my life. He was the one to seek me out- the same weekend I was searching for him on Facebook, he sent me a message on Facebook, out of the blue. I hadn't seen him since 1975. I lost my heart to him the first week of long, literate emails. Five years later, I still adore him. Maureen gave good advice! We had a long distance romance for three years, I retired, I moved 350 miles and he still makes my heart jump when he smiles at me. Marian
  15. " In the end though, they're just different people, different relationships, in a different time. I don't know if this helps but it has helped me to think about it like this. What was, was. And it was beautiful in many ways and I truly have no regrets. But it is over. I learned, I loved, I grew and I grew up and now I can carry that into whatever comes next for us?....and THAT, as you know, is a whole other story. " this is just about perfect, Toosoon. I need to commit this to memory. Marian.
  16. I was lazy and hit "like" instead of saying that you are one terrific father, and a Happy Birthday to your daughter on this milestone birthday! Marian
  17. Just am. So grateful for all of you. Marian
  18. Oh, what a delightful find! Thanks for sharing this with us, Barney. love Marian
  19. I am sorry I missed this post. I want to wish you a Happy Birthday. I also want to say I get your response- my birthday is December 23, and about Thanksgiving was when I was really starting to panic- one additional operation had turned into three to be scheduled, I went back to Canada to attend a memorial for my sister Hilda, was gone 4 days only, came back, my birthday and he died New Year's Day. I so get this. huge hugs Marian
  20. Hi Kevin, I saw your post and thought six years? I remember when you joined this horrendous club. Hugs to you. Marian
  21. I just wanted to say I read your post and wish I could physically give you a huge embrace. Wishing you some peace today. Marian
  22. I am comforte when I read these words. It is also my birthday 12/23. So New Year's Day?it also happens to be my partner's only daughter's birthday. Yes, I so needed to read these words. massive hugs and understanding to you all.
  23. Every year will always be significant for us. Every year, and always. I do get comfort in that. Marian The holiday widows- I think we will see a few more of us at this time of year.
  24. I am with a new partner, moved away from my home with Peter - nine years New Year's Day 2016. Please don't beat yourslf up- I was watching a documentary on Jackie Kennedy- she said, years after JFK's death, " I survived". Only the widowed understand what she means. xo Marian
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