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What a garbage day


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Picked up a phone at work; it was a lender who was unhappy. While telling me off, he mentioned something about how things work in the real world. That sent me over. I buried my husband. I know how things work in the real world thank you very much, more than most. I hung up the phone, closed my office door, and sobbed. It rattled me the whole day.


Then I get home and making dinner when DD, who was sitting at the table coloring, just starts screaming. I tried to figure out what's wrong and discern something about her hurting her mouth and then she says she wants to go to her room. I carry her up there, and she starts puking. So I grab a nearby sweater to catch the puke, and take her to the bathroom. Now, this is the first time she's thrown up since being potty trained and she looked at me like there was no way she was putting her face there. I offer her a bucket, no. So I just keep catching the puke in her sweater and paper towels.


Then, someone starts pounding on my door. It's the roofers who had been working on my gutters. They had left before I got home, and I didn't know they were coming back. I open the door, and Neelah runs in. They had left the gate open and I didn't know. I had left the gate open this past weekend and only knew she'd gotten out then because Gracchus was barking this panicked bark. So now I'm upset she got out again, don't know if DD is still puking. Finally things settle down, I get DD some toast and applesauce and plop her in front of my computer to watch videos. I get a text from guy I've been seeing asking if he can call later so we can firm up our plans for tomorrow night. Because of course, whenever I have plans I'm looking forward to, something happens, like DD getting sick.


I start getting DD ready for bed, and I hear Gracchus whining. I look into the kitchen and he's all excited, looking at the cabinets. Neelah joins him. See, I discovered I have mice last weekend, and was somewhat surprised (and frankly a little annoyed) that my dogs let them get in. Now they decide at this moment to realize there's a mouse? What am I supposed to do? I don't want to see it!


I don't know how sick DD will be, if I'll have to cancel my plans. Today sucked so bad at work I just wanted an easy evening. I feel like I'm constantly being punished, like every time I try to claw my way forward, something pushes me back. I'm just so sick of this kind of garbage, of feeling guilty, then getting slapped in the face when I start to try to put the guilt behind me. This sucks.

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I'm sorry. That day did suck...sometimes with the endless stream of negative events, it doesn't feel like u get a break. For me, last year at Thanksgiving my nanny was in a car accident so without childcare for a long while, this year my 4yr son just broke his leg...and we have to cancel a number of holiday plans we had. I hear you, it sucks. Hope days get better...

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So sorry to hear about that MrsDan.  Hope your DD is feeling better and you can keep your plans.  In solidarity, I can tell you that the s--tshow is usually all at once at our place as well.  Rains, pours, and all that.  And I totally have that sensation of being punished- like isn't it enough?  But then I try to remind myself that I am a "good" person overall and I have not been putting the kind of stuff out there in the universe that would warrant getting paid back the way I feel I am being paid. It's not karma.  Hope today is a better day. 

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I'm so sorry. It reminds me of the time, are we telling stories here? when my youngest came up to me as I was washing the dishes at the kitchen sink. He said he didn't feel good and then immediately threw up all over my feet and slippers.

Or, the time the entire family was sick, the day before Thanksgiving. I had one kid on the toilet (of our small 1 bathroom starter home) and my husband was holding a kid over the kitchen sink getting sick. I was rocking the baby in a rocking chair to calm him down, while my stomach was so sick that I didn't even want to move.

Yes, I sympathize with you. But at the time, my husband was still alive.

Peace to you,



I learned how to change puked sheets for the kid in the top bunk bed without waking up a sleeping kid in the bottom bunk! What a skill!!


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But then I try to remind myself that I am a "good" person overall and I have not been putting the kind of stuff out there in the universe that would warrant getting paid back the way I feel I am being paid. It's not karma.


Exactly. I don't believe in karma at all, any more.


I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day, and hope you guys get some rest this weekend.

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