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The Life of an Empath

Guest Bear1956

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Guest Bear1956

(Maybe only of interest to sugarbell but I am what I am.)


Everyone, other than Sociopaths or people with ASD, have empathy. It is just the normal part of being a human being. However, being an Empath goes much further. I have been accused many times of being a psychic because I just know stuff. It might be cool to be able to read minds but this is not my talent. Like ET, I feel what others feel. Recently, a long time forum for youngish widows and widowers, that I frequent, abruptly closed its doors and I called it about a week earlier. I said something about hearing the "death rattle". The PMs started almost immediately. How did I know? I also predicted that the next pope would be from Latin America, to my humanities professor, after Pope Benedict resigned. She just looked at me like I had two heads. For a long time, I avoided crowded places like malls because it was too overwhelming being the emotional sponge that I am.  I even built a wall around myself to those I love, such as my late wife. This is my shame. It has taken me nearly sixty years to accept what I am and learn to control it without going into my shell.


(I am sorry for going all new age.)


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Guest littlebirdie

One of my yoga instructors pegged me as an empath years ago. I wasn't aware of the term at the time, but after I read up on it, it made a lot of sense and explained some previously unexplained things, events, feelings, etc. It's an interesting concept.

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Guest Bear1956

I experience the dark energy before my friend or I knew that the previous owner of the house he had just purchased had committed suicide. I could never bring myself to visit him there, as it was too overwhelming.

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Guest littlebirdie

My dad is that way too but he's religious, so he always said it was God showing him things that were going to happen.


The freakiest thing for me was the premonition about Brent dying. It was about six months before he got sick. We were in bed, he was asleep and I was wide awake (insomnia). Out of nowhere I had this...vision of him getting sick and dying. It shook me so badly. Even before he was diagnosed, when they were still trying to figure out what was wrong with him, I knew it was not going to end well. I told him I was afraid he was dying. I told my brother when we were at the hospital that he was going to die. It was just something I knew even before anyone told me.


Do you still have a hard time being in large crowds? I've been told it's anxiety I'm feeling, but it has never felt like anxiety to me; it's more of an overwhelming feeling of negative energy pressing down on me, than actual anxiety. It's hard to describe. I know what anxiety feels like, and this isn't that. It's different. I can control it better now, how much energy I take on from other people.

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Guest look2thesky

Just a thought. Is anyone who made a recent donation to the fated YWBB entitled to their money back ?

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Nice Barney!


I dislike crowds and hate driving in big cities. I do like people and most consider me a people person. They are shocked when I tell them I am 50 percent introvert...Which I need quiet time away from crowds to get my energy back up. Cause I absorb it all...and the "knowing" stuff is hard to explain to anyone. I don't discuss it IRL at all.


Sometimes it's been helpful other times it's a curse.


Mine has gotten more pronounced too with age. My son is an empath too...he's my hardest kid of my 3....He absorbs it all and just knows stuff.

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Just a thought. Is anyone who made a recent donation to the fated YWBB entitled to their money back ?


I have not looked into the details of this.  However, I have a couple thoughts that may or may not help.  The YWBB was not a stand alone venture, but was part of the larger umbrella of activities carried out by the nonprofit.  I can't remember, but I assume that when we made donations, we made them to Chapter Two not to the YWBB specifically.  If that is the case, then as long as Chapter Two is still doing what they said they would do in some fashion, I don't think there is a legal argument here.  Possibly a moral or ethical one, but not a legal one.


If this is deemed to be inappropriate to post here in any way - my apologies and I will delete immediately.


Sorry to stray so far from the topic of empaths - I will probably chime in on topic tomorrow.  Fascinating topic!

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Before my husband died I used to picture his funeral and what I would say..it always seemed morbid, but I knew he would die young, even though he was healthy and strong, and he died when he was 34 in a car accident.

Weirder still, about two months before he died he was talking about a friend who had passed away and referring to him as being "right over there" he also talked about his dreams and how he dreamt of how people were going to die. He mentioned his own death, now looking back I wish I had asked him about it...

I think there are all sorts of people with different abilities in this world.. I wouldn't consider myself an empath, but sometimes I have a feeling before things happen.. I can usually pick up on others energies as well and it can be draining..

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I'm an empath too; but i sure didn't expect this to happen when it did. ywbb forum has been on the skids for a long time. Remember how hard it was to get someone's attention when we were getting all that spam?


i hope this new site works out.


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Guest look2thesky

When I joined the other site, I  got multitudes of 3rd party emails from companies ie donations wanted.

The admin denied any disclosures, but it was ironic it happened and coincided at the same time.

The lack of admin never bothered me, too much moderation is never a great idea, but it was obvious the ship was sinking.

Anyway it is a new day.



Is that like sympathy?

; )


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Guest littlebirdie

I avoided large crowds for years.


Sorry, I meant do you still have trouble? My fingers type too fast for my brain sometimes.  :P


I had to learn to shield myself from absorbing other people's energy in crowds. I still can only last a certain amount of time in a big group before I need to retreat and recharge.

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In the past few years I have learned more about shielding myself. Also being in recovery...I knew I had to.


I am into minerals/stones/crystals. I have black tourmaline stones in bowls of sea salt (tiny bowls) in a couple of rooms in my house. Black tourmaline absorbs negative energy so I won't feel it. And lots of green plants...plants naturally absorb negativity. I sage my house about once a month. My boys roll there eyes at my "nonsense"


I see dark and light energy..Sometines I see auras...but it's rare. I know it is "new age " stuff....I sometimes wish I could do/see things as the rest of the world-trust me my life would be easier...but I can't change my make up.


I knew there was Sonething "odd" about me when the man my Mom had a long term affair with moved to our town. The first time my family met him I was 9 years old. I saw through him. I saw things...physical things between him and my Mom at age 9. (Nothing had happened then..we all just met). I felt dirty having those thoughts and thought something must be wrong with me. Over the next few years our families became good friends and I thought I must be a sick person for seeing or thinking g these things. At age 15.... It all came crashing down (I caught them knew where to find letters, etc). I knew then I wasn't crazy...I never told anyone except my high school bf who is now dying of cancer.


But I can control it now....but it took years to make peace with being an empath. It's not fun most of the time.

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Guest littlebirdie

Yes to all that you wrote, SB. I learned through meditation how to shield myself. I also have bowls of salt in my house and burn sage.


My paternal grandma, Birdie, (nonreligous side, kinda witchy) told my mom when I was little that I had lived a previous life and had some psychic gifts, but I never put much stock into what she said until I was older.


I don't see energy, but I definitely feel it. It radiates off of everyone I come into contact with. And yes, it can be exhausting.

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Guest littlebirdie

One year to the day of his death, we were taking me back from the doctor and I started crying and begging him not to die. I couldn't shake it. We both thought I was nuts.


It does make you feel crazy if you don't know what it is. I struggled with it mightily at first because, as you know, I am not one to believe in spirit/psychic/new age woo. A friend I confided in, who was into crystals and spirit realms and all of that, told me to stop fighting it and just accept it as part of my intuition. Everyone has intuition, so that made it easier.


But yeah, when it comes out of nowhere like that, it makes you feel a little nuts.

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Guest look2thesky

I always thought if there were true psychics, they would know what numbers to play in the lottery and hence wouldn't need to charge for their services. Have no idea what that has to do with this topic but I was always one to be confused : /

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I don't think I am an empath but I do have great intuition. I don't think I ever told this before but the day before DH died I saw one black crow on the top of our house and my first thought was my MIL telling me that if I see a single black crow, it means death is coming. I ignored that thought quickly but sure enough, the very next day he was gone.

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Guest littlebirdie

I always thought if there were true psychics, they would know what numbers to play in the lottery and hence wouldn't need to charge for their services. Have no idea what that has to do with this topic but I was always one to be confused : /


Yeah, I don't really subscribe to the "crystal ball gazing/always able to accurately predict the future" psychic stuff.


The way it was explained to me is more a heightened sense of intuition. The more you exercise it and the more you pay attention to it, the better you get at reading/reacting to it. Everyone has it. Some people's intuition is just more finely tuned, and many (most?) people ignore their intuition and/or write things off as coincidence. And maybe it is all coincidental. There's really no way to know for sure.

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I'm happy to see this topic come up. I can relate to so many of your posts. I also find crowds exhausting, but even more so are those I've read dubbed as 'psychic vampires'. If you've met any, I'm sure you know exactly what I mean. Unfortunately, I feel like a magnet for people of this nature. I find I actively seek recovery time after spending too much time with them or even talking to them.


I also meditate, but not enough.  I work in a hospital so you can imagine the energy here.  It's work to try to block it and then I somehow feel a little guilty for trying.


I do tend to try to lean toward logical explanations as much as possible, but I have had many experiences where theoretical thinking or speculating on a broader spectrum has made more sense than what I could come up with only relying on logic.  Nice to see I'm not alone  :).


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It's not being a clear cut psychic...The only time I see things are with people like family....or someone I have a connection

With. I love wide open spaces..nature..it feeds it. I meditate everyday...


But it's also absorbing everything. Even electronics....when my energy is short circuited...I drain cell phones (to where they won't charge for 24 hours, set off security alarms at work, crash computer systems, cash registers...credit card/debit card scanners.


The man I am seeing believes me....he has seen this happen dozens of times now with electronics. Anyone who has ever worked in an office with me believes it too. I have a magnetic mat at work where I put my feet on when on the computer because I have crashed systems. I walk out of the room and it starts working. Guess I absorb that energy.


I really wish I didn't have it...I miss the element of surprise and have pissed people off when I tell them what I see and they don't like it. So now I keep my mouth shut and just listen.

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I have 1 friend which I definitely feel is an empath.  She has never discussed or mentioned this but she can not watch TV shows dealing with cruelty, violence, and high drama.  This applies to much of the news as of late.  Her sensitivity to the emotions of others is just overwhelming.  Interestingly, she feels the emotional joy and happiness of others just as strongly as the pain and grief of others.  Rather intrigued by this topic because she is the epitome of all the good qualities one seeks in life.  Meditate she does not but is a real advocate of the power of prayer.  I don't feel these two action are non-exclusive.

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Never thought of myself as am "Empath".  How would you know?  What does one do to alleviate some of those traits? 


But, Wow, the emotional pain I feel sometimes is horrific.  Crowds are terrible, can just make me feel sick sometimes.  Loud noises actually hurt and I'm made fun of for that.  In fact, someone around me continues to do loud tapping, stomping or just tap on a pan with a spoon to prove that he's not being overly loud.  I have to leave the room cause it seriously hurts, I feel the noise in every fiber of my being!


I can tell when someone is lying to me and I don't say anything. 


When DH passed away, a few days later, after everyone left and it was just our son and I at home, when I went to sleep that night, I dreamed that he carried me through the house, down the stairs, and to the couch where we always sat.  I felt it, I really did, I can still feel it as if it were yesterday.  It was so real, so weird real...


Unfortunately, I feel beat up all the time.  Just drained, I listen to someone's negativity over and over and over, about people he works with, the store clerk who can't count change, the car that needs gas...again, the company that does nothing right, etc.  I tell him to stop, to think of something positive to talk about and he thinks I'm just not wanting to listen. It makes me depressed, lonely, I don't know, it's awful... it's draining!!


My biggest problem with where I am now is the clutter...I  feel trapped, isolated... I clean, pick up, move things here or there to make it better..maybe.  It may not seemed cluttered to anyone else, but it does to me. 


Is this what you mean by "Empath"?  If so, how do I control all these feelings that just build?  I'm exhausted all the time... But, I still wear that smile that no one sees beyond.


Guess I need to do some research on this....

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Guest littlebirdie

I have 1 friend which I definitely feel is an empath.  She has never discussed or mentioned this but she can not watch TV shows dealing with cruelty, violence, and high drama.  This applies to much of the news as of late.  Her sensitivity to the emotions of others is just overwhelming.  Interestingly, she feels the emotional joy and happiness of others just as strongly as the pain and grief of others.  Rather intrigued by this topic because she is the epitome of all the good qualities one seeks in life.  Meditate she does not but is a real advocate of the power of prayer.  I don't feel these two action are non-exclusive.


She definitely sounds empathic to me. I cannot watch the news at all either. My daughter tried to get me to watch Breaking Bad a couple of years ago, but I only lasted 20 minutes into the first episode before I could tell it was going to be too intense for me. Other people's energy and emotions can be suffocatingly overwhelming. I can see prayer having the same centering effect as meditation. It makes sense.

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Most of the time....I don't "see" energy unless it's really really bad...of exceptionally positive. I saw dark energy in our house after DH died. Dark, black energy. I absorbed it....I didn't understand all this stuff then. I also see light/good energy....which I see white light around positive exceptional people/places. But daily stuff...just feel it.


My house is light and free of dark energy...but I literally re did it. Looks like a Zen Rehab now...but the feel is now positive.


I constantly read now on this stuff....and have more since DH died. My main motivator was with my then 4 year old son --Who knew the moment his Dad passed, how he passed and where to find the body. I wanted a logical explanation how he knew this. He's an empath....felt his Dads energy the moment his Dad passed, saw location, etc. it wiped my kid out...he became extremely ill a few hours later...spikes a 103 fever for 3 days (that meds wouldn't bring down). When I finally retrieved his Dads body...within an hour he was better.


That's when I surrendered to the fact that some people have abilities that cannot be explained or understood

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