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The Village Elders


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It still smarts (OK - HURTS) that YWBB is no more. When I saw the message last night when I went back to look just. one. more. time, I saw the message. It felt like that scene from the movie of Hans Christian Anderson with Danny Kaye when he's telling the story of the Pied Piper. When the Piper leads away all of the children in the village into the side of a mountain because the mayor refuses to pay the Piper for getting rid of all the mice, there is one little boy who gets left behind because he's lame and walks with a cane, and can't hobble fast enough to keep up with his friends. All of his playmates follow the Pied Piper into a great chasm in the mountain and then the mountain seals itself without any evidence that there was even a crack, let alone an entrance. Heartbroken, the little boy is left to face the world alone as an unwanted orphan. (The Piper was the only person who took care of him because he had no parents, but SOMEHOW he neglected to REMEMBER little Orphan Boy COULDN'T RUN, but that's another issue.) That's exactly how I felt last night.


A lot of people have been saying that one of (if not THE) most precious resources was the thousands of posts from people further out that widows/ers could search so that they knew they weren't alone - that somebody else had gone through the same thing. I know I wasn't on the board as often as I had been in the past, but it may be time for me to step up and be a resource. To contribute as much as I can and say, "no, you're not abnormal - what's happened is".


I guess it's time for the Village Elders to have office hours, and build up resources again.

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Guest Munsen

once upon a time, YWBB was young too.  This board can surely grow and mature with us.




Time and again, in this widow journey I have thought of the story of the Phoenix and how it would emerge from the ashes un-destroyed and undefeated.


I think that this is the same for our widow community. YWBB might have been destroyed by forces beyond our control but this new board can and IS emerging intact and strong. I have thought much on this the last few weeks and I'm confident that this place can be every bit as supportive. Perhaps much more supportive with active admins in place who will control the excesses of the old place that led to some of us leaving due to the misbehavior of a few.


I believe that we who are further out have great reserves of knowledge and wisdom and compassion to help our brothers and sisters who are struggling in the beginning of their valley of the shadow of death. This following verse has often spoken to my heart about passing on what I've learned to others newer in their journey. I haven't always succeeded but this has been my hope.


"He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us." 2 Cor 1:4


So, when I heard the news of YWBB closing its doors, I felt rather ambivalent because though it had helped me early on, I had experienced negativity at the end that caused me to cut ties with it. And perhaps, that is why I was glad (to use for lack of a better word) to see a new place with a fresh start for all of us. I actually have been in here reading the threads and posting like I hadn't done since my early days on the old board.


That and seeing how many senior voices are back and posting, makes me think that this change, shocking as it was, has been a shot in the arm for many of us.  But, what do I know...hubby always called me 'his cock-eyed optimist'...  :P

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BSK it's hard for me to think of myself as an elder but after 8 years of finding my way in this journey I am afraid that is what I have become. It is evidenced in my user name. I hope to stop up here as well. (Hugs) and love. I am pleased to see others who helped me so much in the darkness here as well :)


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As a new widow one month into this, I just want to say that all your time spent sharing has already helped a lot and I truly appreciate it.  And continuing to contribute will be such a valuable resource for the newer widows.  Thank you.

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So, when I heard the news of YWBB closing its doors, I felt rather ambivalent because though it had helped me early on, I had experienced negativity at the end that caused me to cut ties with it. And perhaps, that is why I was glad (to use for lack of a better word) to see a new place with a fresh start for all of us. I actually have been in here reading the threads and posting like I hadn't done since my early days on the old board.


That and seeing how many senior voices are back and posting, makes me think that this change, shocking as it was, has been a shot in the arm for many of us.  But, what do I know...hubby always called me 'his cock-eyed optimist'...  :P


I didn't really feel that there was a place for me at YWBB anymore. There were a lot of cliques, and as someone who didn't post much, I did not feel like I belonged there. But with this new board, I feel like there has been an effort made to be open to everyone. I see a completely new tone to the board, and it is appreciated. And it is great to see so many names I recognize too.  :D

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Okay, if BSK is a Village Elder, then I guess I am too, since we both joined this "club" within a couple of weeks of each other.


And I always appreciated comments from the previous "elders", so I'm making an effort to hang out here.  The success comes from people of all time frames helping each other out.

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Hey 2013widow... To each his own.  I'm way past the days of crying every day (or at all).  I hadn't really participated at YWBB regularly for several years, until it closed.  I'm coming up on 8 years out this summer, and have a whole new life going on.  I feel kind of obligated to hang out here and help the new place get going.


I avoid some of the sections, probably because I feel I can't relate anymore.  At some time I should probably sneak in those sections and see if I can find any wisdom to impart, or at least a suggestion or two.  If I think back, what seems "whiny" now was probably very important to me early on.


Maybe we can think up some of the fun threads that used to be on the old board that helped pull people out of their dark places.  I know some of those fun threads were where I hung out the most.

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