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A dream visit from Squish


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I'm so happy for you that you got to dream about him.  I hardly ever get to dream about my husband, and I just hit my 2-year sadiversary on March 24th.  Why do you suppose they are mostly off limits to us in our dreams?  I know I dream, it's that I just don't get to dream about him.

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It's weird... I haven't had dreams of him for years.... I mean YEARS!!  Like, not since the first year, and I'm coming up on 8 years out.  But when all the rubble fell out from the old board closing, I dreamed of him.  We were at someone's house, and a co-worker was there, and he and she were sitting on a couch and giggling like little kids over something, and I was standing near, and just laughing to myself about it.  It was so strange...

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I used to dream about Squish all the time when I was much earlier out. He's appeared in fewer and fewer dreams as time has gone on. My only conclusion is that he established himself in his role in heaven (or wherever he is) and feels less of a need to communicate with me in my dreams as time has gone on.  Maybe that's what's going on for you Linda?  I'm not sure though.

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Missing Squish, I had the same thought as you!  I had maybe 5 dreams of Will in the first four months, and they were all reassuring me he was okay.  After that I got nothing!  I believe he has established his role in heaven (moved further up) and can't communicate with me that frequently.  I don't know ... I still ask him for a visitation dream every single night.

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Missing Squish, guess what?!!  I dreamed of my dear husband last night!!!  :)  I believe it was a real visitation, and not just a dream.  I was having a regular dream, which I don't remember what it was about, when Will interrupted it.  He was sitting in a roomy chair with a large smile on his face and his arms open wide for me to run to him.  I jumped on him and was sitting on one of his legs.  Then I started to have sexual feelings (which completely abandoned me since his death), he's hugging me ... then I get the thought that he has to go.  I said outloud to him to please hug me longer so I can remember truly how it feels to be in your embrace.  I could smell his cologne, I paid attention to his chest touching mine, and his hands touching my hair and his arms around me.  Then he was gone and I woke up. 


It was a beautiful dream and I feel it was real.  Thanks for starting this thread because I doubt I would have had it if you hadn't brought this subject up.  I guess he heard or read me complaining and thought he better make an appearance!

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I'm always happy to hear about dream visits-- I've only dreamed about Jim a handful of times, and the last three have been upsetting-- he's always mad at me, and I don't know why. Maybe mad is the wrong word... frustrated? Disappointed? Unhappy, anyway. :(


That changed this morning, but I still don't understand it. Someone want to take a stab at dream interpretation? I'm pretty lousy at it.


Jim was standing by my bed, but he was unbelievably tall-- at least 10'-- and stick-thin. I didn't think it was really him, but then he hugged me, and he smelled right, so I decided it had to be him. That part was incredibly vivid. Then he gave me a ring-- a cladagh, anyone familiar with that? It's an Irish symbol, hand and a crowned heart, representing love, loyalty, and friendship. It was not a pretty ring-- the heart was huge, about the size of a dime, and some red stone. But he gave it to me, so I was determined to wear it and like it. He put it on my ring finger-- but with the heart upside down, pointing out. According to tradition, that means the wearer isn't spoken for. He disappeared, and I wasn't sad about it-- I was glad he'd visited me.


I don't know how I feel about it. It was a weird dream, not a great one, but at least he wasn't mad at me!

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