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Always fearing the worst now...


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About an hour ago, I got a call from my daughter's (15) school which was a recorded message telling me she was absent today. Given that I had dropped her off there on time this morning, I immediately panicked. Rather than my first reaction being that likely it was just an error, I immediately began to fear something terrible had happened to her. My mind was racing about the possibilities (all negative) as I waited for the attendance reporter to pick up the phone. She looked it up and said that she could see the teacher marked her absent in error and had tried to fix it, but didn't do it right. Huge sigh of relief, followed by a ton of tears after I got off the phone.


Anyone else find themselves with an automatic default for worrying that something terrible has happened? I wish I knew how to rid myself of this reaction to life since my husband died suddenly.

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Constantly.  If I can't locate my kids or my friends, I panic. My best friend had his phone turned off unexpectedly and when it was several hours I couldn't contact him, I was literally weeping when I finally found out he was ok.  There was an entire day of not being able to find Chad and making hundreds of frantic phone calls before I was finally told he was dead, so yes I SO empathize with you on this one. I immediately assume something terrible is going to happen, because the thing I thought could NEVER happen did, so everything else is fair game.  Less than 6 months after Chad died, my 17 year old daughter turned up pregnant. Not just pregnant, but pregnant with TRIPLETS.  And then had a horrible miscarriage. What are the odds of all of that? I feel marked.  Waiting for the next shoe to drop.


I thought about you a lot this past week, since I got hit by those carts at walmart and jacked my knee up.  It's like "really?  why me AGAIN? Isn't there someone else that hasn't had their share of shit yet that this could pass to?" ... I thought about your accident and your wrist.  Hello insult, meet injury :(


so ..........no helpful words but empathy.

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Anyone else find themselves with an automatic default for worrying that something terrible has happened? I wish I knew how to rid myself of this reaction to life since my husband died suddenly.


Oh god yes.  To be fair, I tended to do this even BEFORE his accident, but now I'm so much worse about it than before. 


I think once you have the worst-case-scenerio hit you once, you can't help but expect it again.  I'm having some unpleasantness with my job at the moment, and was talking to my mother about how unstable so many aspects of my life feel.  She said, "at least you have New Guy you can count on and help support you."  I reminded her - the last man who promised I could count on him now lives in an urn on the bookshelf.  "But that probably won't happen again."  AND WHY NOT?  It already happened to me once!



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Before my Kenneth died, I was the eternal optimist. He beat the odds for thirteen years, so I learned that even when things appeared to be the worst they could possibly be, he would miraculously improve. Once he finally died, I am now realizing that everything in life does not always get better. Horrible things really do happen.


My eternally optimistic, always hopeful, sunshiny psyche has taken a horrible blow. I cannot even begin to tell you how many fears and worries I have, now. I hear a news story about a wreck near my hometown in NC, and I am instantly worried that my daughter was the one involved. New Guy isn't feeling well, and I am instantly praying that he won't die on me, too. I SO get this, right now.

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I feel marked.  Waiting for the next shoe to drop.


Isn't there someone else that hasn't had their share of shit yet that this could pass to?"


Yup, I'm Lil Miss Worst-Case Scenario, now.


I won't even bother wishin' on a star because that son-of-a-bitch would probably choose that very moment to fall straight from the firmament and land squarely onto my curly-haired head.



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SVS, I face this everyday. If someone doesn't answer the phone I think, "they're dead." If someone says, "my head hurts." I think they're sick and dying. It can be the simplest thing and I FREAK out. I wish I could get over this.


Huge hugs and I'm thankful that your daughter is alright!

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