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Article on surviving the death of alcoholic husband ... who IS this guy?

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Dr. Neill Neill? Really???

That aside .... I found the article worthless, and I search for stuff like this periodically cause 18 months later I ain't no better, yaknow? And I felt like it offered nothing of value, but wondered if my view is skewed. What do ya'll think of it? What would YOU say about it if asked to write on the subject?

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Hi Carey,


His name is kind of funny!


I didn't have as strong a reaction to the article. There were parts where I thought he could have written better, and parts where he treated things fairly superficially "let go of regrets" ...I would likely never sign up for the coaching he offers! However, I also thought a lot of what he wrote rang true to my personal experience. He just seemed quite distant in the way he wrote about it I guess almost on a level above the reader. That's not appealing to me at all.


Don't get me started on what I'd say Carey...do you have all night? Lol.


Take care, Bluebird

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Lisa I just had an out loud giggle at that.  I guess it was the broad generalizations that got me.  "let go of regrets".  You can't tell me how? offer suggestions? include others experiences?

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  • 1 month later...

yes, Lisa , you say it, hack hack. It sounds like he did not have enough time, wasn't paid enough or just does not give a shit about the subject he (or she??) was writing about. And , yes, it is so easy, if you loved eachother, you walk out of this entire, if you were codepenent, you don't----any chance, there may be borderline types, like people who do love eachother and may also be partly codependent, wives who do not cover up their husbands (or vice versa) problem with alcohol , who try to get out of the viscious circle of promise to get better - failing at it again -making a mess of things - apologize- well the entire thing... it is way more complex than the half A4 page he has scribbled up in 15 minutes (or copy-pasted from the handouts of a 'crash course for the widowed of alcohol abusers').... darn, it is a bad article, full stop. What I would say?  Definitively more than that- there is more than one perspective of cause and effect in this.

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I guess it was the broad generalizations that got me.  "let go of regrets".  You can't tell me how? offer suggestions? include others experiences?


I think you have to buy the book for that 


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