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100 + years of feminism down the drain!


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Ha. My neighbour redid all the mortar of his three brick walls. That's a lot of mortar dust. We share a driveway and my house is downhill from his. As a result, the drain in my garage that allows the rain run-off water to drain into the municipal sewage system became clogged with mortar dust. A LOT of it. Massive rainfall yesterday afternoon. My usually unflappable nanny calls me "how far are you? There's water... in the furnace room, don't know what to do".


Hm, must be a lot of water to scare her. So quick call to my father, confirming that unless I have like a foot of water, we'll be fine.


I get home, get into my rainboots (but leave the rest of my work clothes on, why not look stylish while tending to a messy emergency?) and join her and her husband in emptying the drain holes of mortar dust and water. It is GROSS. It's dark water and it smells and every time I shovel something out, I have a silent prayer "please let it not be a dead animal". We're covered in this mud, water splashing, ungloved hands right in it. Eventually we all leave for dinner.


I put the girls to bed and go back to the garage. Funny scene, me in my PJs & rainboots, crazy carpets on the floor to kneel on, still raining outside and Gossip Girl on the iPad to keep me company. I'm filling in buckets with dirt, water, dumping them out in my neighbour's yard (passive-aggressive revenge which he won't notice since his yard is a construction site right now). The girls got out of bed to join me and I couldn't even get mad, I just let them watch and "help" until finally they walked away. They were fascinated, which warmed my heart slightly, since I've always made an effort to get them to embrace how things work and non-traditional interests. Yes, in my house ALLLLL moments are teachable moments...


Two hours later, I finally get to bed. 15 buckets of sludge emptied out, a totally dry drain hole and hoping that the problem has been resolved because rain continued to fall.


And one last, totally unfeminist thought before falling asleep: "I REALLY need a man in my life". 

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I think it's actually quite a feminist perspective.  Think of all the dishwashing and laundry and spit-up-cleaning and diaper-changing women have always done - in the family unit, we're certainly like the servants, historically speaking and in many modern realities.  You're wishing for a servant.  You're totally the man of the house then!  ;)

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Oh I'd have been cussing for sure.  Feminism be damned some stuff is just man stuff lol.  But look what a great story you got out of it..rain boots and PJs ... least you rocked the wardrobe right?

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