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Everything posted by Beyondlife

  1. Moved to central Florida from Michigan a year ago. If Irma comes through the middle she will find me. It's been 7 years since Grant died. As I've been doing all the hurricane prep and finding out my pool drain has issue and trying to figure out how to drain it (thank goodness for friends and neighbors) I had a meltdown. Was yelling at him for not being here. The last six months have been stressful with health issues for my sister and I, and we were just getting back on our feet. I am so done with being strong all the time, but that's what we do. We fight to survive. Stay strong my fellow Floridians.
  2. I would. Been in Florida a year now and miss my Michigan wids. Not sure when I can though, my sister that I live with just had a massive heart attack while visiting Michigan. Not certain when she can fly home. Just got back to Tavares tonight and feeling a bit unsettled with almost losing her.
  3. I agree with Maureen. My husband died suddenly. Six years later, I am still grieving him and the life we had. I have moved forward and am content with my life, but it still takes me out sometimes. We all have our own journey.
  4. Hi DT, So glad to see you on here too. Moving out of state has been so good for me. Luckily for me, my sister moved with me, making it affordable and not completely alone. I brought very little with me. I've done ok with most of it. I hope you are finding some peace in this new life we have
  5. yep. 6 years on October 23. Haven't cried in - I can't remember when. The Dance by Garth came on the radio today and I was a puddle. Sheez Biggest of hugs
  6. Count down is here. Still having big anxety about a few things. Yesterday was my official retirement day. Sort of hard and anticlimatic coming home to an empty house and nobody to share with. I have an estate sale company here pricing everything and they are having the sale Thurs-Sat. Problem is I have to leave for Florida on Friday because it is the only time my friend can drive with me and it is too hot for my cat to fly in cargo. So road trip from Michigan to Florida with a grumpy cat! That means I had to ask my nephew and his wife to pack up whatever is left after the sale. Even if they sell 80% of it - there will be tons left. I detest dumping stuff like this on other people. They might have to rent a uhaul to take it back to their house. I haven't had closing on my condo yet. There is a problem with the papers the builder filed with the township. I will have to close in Florida. Panicing that the sale won't go through. I am leaving everything in chaos. I hate chaos. I am not the leaver. I stay and other people leave. This is all so out of my comfort zone. On the other hand, I am starting an entire new life: living with my sister, living in a new state, retired. When the chaos is over, I think I will be excited!
  7. I am 5 1/2 yrs out. As I am not interested in dating, I still wear mine. I tried to move them to my other hand a few times, but, on those particular days, my fingers swelled and I couldn't get them off. Coincidence or Grant saying "Nope, not yet"????? If I decide dating is in my future, I would remove them and wear them another way. You can wear, remove, wear as often as you need. When, and if, you are ready, you will do it (or not). It really is all about what you, and only you, need. Big hugs
  8. We do it when we're ready. When we know we're strong enough to handle it. It hurt, it made me sad, it made me remember BUT I am still upright. I guess I was finally ready.
  9. GOOD NEWS! 20 items have been recovered and 5 more are being returned tomorrow! The rest were in the box when I got to work! I texted, emailed and called all 3 shifts!!!!! 1 person was sad to give a sweater back, 1 person was irritated to give a sweater back because she loved it and 1 person had to call her daughter and tell her NOT to cut the items up and make stuffed animals! I am exhausted! Quite the embarassing day when you have to knock on doors and ask people if they garaged saled at your desk! I provided a great deal of laughter today! #sighofreliefandgoingtobed
  10. OMG OMG OMG. I am on my sister's shit list BIG TIME. She's been cleaning out her closets for our move (and she's moving in with me for 6 weeks) and giving me clothes to take to work. I took a few bags in last week. She came over on Saturday and had 2 bags of clothes. I took them into work last night and they were flying off my desk. I was surprised at what she was giving away. I mentioned it to her today and she was confused, saying she didin't give me any clothes for work! Those were her clothes she was going to wear the next 2 months while she is living here! OMG OMG OMG! I texted everyone on all 3 shifts to bring her clothes back! If this is my last message ever, you know why! [move]OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG[/move]
  11. thank you all. At 5 1/2 years I still come here to the safe place where people have the biggest of hearts
  12. so very sorry. sending you the biggest of hugs
  13. I am keeping his Harley leather - it will hang in the garage, just like it always has. The strangest thing I'm keeping - I'm keeping his black/red Keds that he wore when we got done riding for the day. Those damn 13 1/2 shoes are going in my closet! I avoided it the first time I moved (a year after he died) by bringing so much of it with me. Know that when you do it, I will be there with you in spirit, giving you a hug.
  14. That's what I've been telling myself this week. My sister and I are moving to Florida in June. She is moving in with me until the move. We've got people to help us put her stuff in storage so I'm putting the things I am taking in it too. With us combining households and moving to a place smaller than what each of us has now, I have to be selective on what I take. The hat box of every card he ever gave me. The boxes and boxes of pictures. The harley clothes, jackets, jewelry and helmets that I never wear now. His knives and zippo collections. His turquoise jewelry. Not taking any of it. None of this is going with me. Today, I threw away the clothes he died in. I've had them in a duffle bag in my closet just in case I ever needed to put them on, sit in the dark and fall apart. I haven't done it but I needed to know that option was there. Now it's not. I keep saying it's just stuff, it is not memories, it is just stuff. But damn it, it is my memories. I'm so afraid that without the stuff I will forget. Damn, Damn, Damn.
  15. Great. I'm in the process of moving to another state. Scarey but good!
  16. it would be awesome to meet people
  17. [move]OMG, OMG, OMG[/move]I went to an open house today in my condo complex to check it out for when I put mine up for sale. A couple told the realtor that they liked it but weren't interested in buying anything until May. I followed them out and told them mine was going on the market in May. I showed them my house and they want to make an offer with a closing in June when I retire! What the heck just happened????? On a side note, I had spent the last 3 days tearing apart closests, cupboards, etc., deciding what I am going to sell or take. My place was the messiest it has ever been. Holy crap Batman, things like this never happen to me. Maybe this really was meant to be!
  18. Hi, Do you have any Florida groups that get together? I will be moving to Tavares (near the Villages/Orlando) area in July. Our Michigan group sort of fizzled out. We still love each other but don't get together. Hoping to meet some of you in Florida.
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