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Everything posted by soloact

  1. Luxuriating in new flannel jammies
  2. Jen, thanks for the good wishes. Never a need to apologize to us. We've all been where you are and it's not an easy place to be. You give so much to us with the BB. Thanks for all your do. Wishing you peace.
  3. Response : If anyone leaves the dogs will be the last ones. That was awesome & made me smile, a smile is worth so much right now. Really that was a GREAT REPLY Glad it made you smile, Torn. I've actually told that to a few folks who were of the impression that they called the shots at my house. They offered no rebuttal. Hope your holiday brings some peace.
  4. Response : If anyone leaves the dogs will be the last ones.
  5. I feel as you do. No interest at all in a SO. I think it would complicate my life. I miss my husband very much. Nothing more to add.
  6. Best wishes Jess. Congrats Justin. Wishing you a happy life!
  7. Torn, to me your posts read as if you are an intruder in your own home. Someone to be ignored or disregarded. I'm very sorry about the situation.
  8. This is another way death is totally different from divorce. I wish it was the same but it not in so many ways. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/gabrielle-selz/emergency-contact_1_b_8755700.html?utm_hp_ref=divorce&ir=Divorce
  9. I doubt it, too, and I would also object to someone insinuating that my widowhood is similar to their divorce. I believe the root cause of equating widowhood with divorce is that, at least among people under 70, divorce is presently more common than widowhood. The people who initiated this foolish comparison to me gave two primary reasons. 1. No property division so I was very luck to walk away with all the marbles. 2. I knew where my husband was. I didn't have to worry about him being with another woman. Item 1 was usually men. Item 2 women. I wrote them all off as crazies
  10. I wonder if a widow ever approached a divorced person and said " I know exactly how you feel. My husband is dead". I doubt it. I will sign on to the death is same as divorce theory the first time a deceased spouse rises from the dead and remarries the widow(er). Until then they are just blowing smoke. :
  11. Torn, that's just heart breaking not to be included in a meal prepared in your own kitchen. Any meal but a holiday meal? I am so sorry. Hopefully your SNAP benefits are reinstated quickly. I'm so sorry you are going through family issues now while grieving your wife's death. You have so much on your plate. Overwhelming.
  12. Mopar or no car Congrats on the new job!
  13. Trying, You don't understand it because it makes no sense. It's not you. Dead and alive are total opposites. Not similar in any way. Co-patenting is the responsibility of parents who decide not to live together. Spewing venom and putting kids in the middle is a form of child abuse. If a person hates the other parent more than they love the kid they shouldn't have kids.
  14. soloact


    I like PB neighbor too. If there was a commitment he would no longer have the allure of PB
  15. As far as being too forward, in this day and age, you really have to go some to be too forward. Anything short of rubbing yourself all over a guy in the doorway of Panera's when you say "Hello" isn't too forward. Go out with each and have some fun! Good luck - Mike Mike, thanks for the big laugh. Glad I swallowed that last sip of coffee before reading your post!
  16. soloact


    Yes, and the kicker is that they have been investigated for sending staffers out as dates when there were no other people who wanted to give up $2400 so freely. I know of one person who signed up. I think there were three dates a month apart with three different people and the company send no one else. Said there were no suitable matches.
  17. I use the like button when I agree with the poster but have nothing to offer that would expand on the thought. I like the like button.
  18. Torn, your attachment to your wife's dogs is easy to understand. Keeping the lines of communication open with your daughter is good. I hope it works out well for all of you. Please keep us posted. You have friends here.
  19. Torn, I'm sorry you are in this difficult situation. Are you able to live independently or do you need someone in the home with you? If you can manage without housemates you have more options.
  20. The Vice President and Mrs. Biden were interviewed on 60 Minutes this evening. They spoke of the decision not to seek the Presidency. The Vice President wears the mask well but his sorrow is visible. Defeating cancer is a goal he thinks we should pursue. He refers to this as a moonshot to end cancer. He is channeling JFK when deciding we should go to the moon. I hope there is progress on that goal and Joe Biden's voice is heard after he leaves office. The links I found have two ads before the interview so I'm not posting them. If you would like to see the interview search 60 Minutes or Joe Biden. The Vice President speaks of the grieving process and that there is no schedule. I have much respect for him.
  21. Carey, no need to apologize. You are dealing with a lot if there were no health issues. I hope you get a some peace and much needed rest.
  22. Barney, that's probably my future. I hope it's sudden. My only fear is a protracted process.
  23. Mark, that was the sad part of the story for me. It crossed my mind a few times today. Absent family interference I wonder how different George Bell's life would have been?
  24. Mark, Thanks for posting. Our biggest accomplishment may be that our spouse was cherished and not alone. The article is interesting. Once my husband died I felt as if there was in invisible machine to erase any trace of his existence. The legal necessaries were painful in the early days. George Bell's death the effort to learn about him was the reverse action. Your assessment that there is an irony in his beneficiaries was spot on. Makes a powerful argument for bouncing the last check!
  25. This is an interesting discussion. I may be tempted to book a massage with a PT who went on to therapeutic massage. PT's can work miracles IMHO. The early grief had me so tense. Muscles were screaming. It could have worked for me then. Again, I am not the usual customer so my opinion should be taken with a pound of salt.
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