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Now I am stressed


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I have been a contract worker at the college for the last 4 years.  I am great at my job.  Finally the job has been posted.  So weird applying for your own job.  At the beginning of the week I was calm and cool all about this.  In the past I really haven't done well with interviews because I just don't toot my horn but I am ready to toot and toot it well. I have known a few other contract colleagues that have applied for a full time job and totally failed at the interview and didn't get the job.  The college puts everything on the interview.  My coworkers day in and day out keep reminding me off all this.  Now they have me worried that for some reason they want me out and going to use the excuse I did poorly during the interview.  I now went for being confident and very calm to being totally full of stress. Didn't sleep well and had nightmare after nightmare of colleagues.  turning on me and me not getting the job. 


Just like Mikeeh I really wish I had someone to talk to. One that is going to listen and give words of encouragement that would be great so nice to have right now because I am stressed.  I worked so hard to lower my stress level and bam it is back.


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Sometimes, in places like a college, the budget just hasn't included a specific job as full time until the position has proven itself as necessary.  Then, there is a required process to post the job and interview candidates.  My experience watching this process is that a qualified candidate who has been doing the job well most often gets the full time position.  You may want to pull together your contributions to the area in which you have worked over the last four years, as well as your assessment of what you can bring to the position and your work group that will make it better...how you would build on the groups strengths.  Be prepared to identify something in the group that you feel could be improved, too.  Be clear in your desire to stay in your position and make your group function better in the college.


Good luck!



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First, best of luck and we are anxious to hear how it goes.  Maureen is right, get your thoughts together and prepare well for the standard questions you are likely to be asked in the interview.  While an interview is important, you have 4 years of experience there that has proven your skill set.  In my opinion on boarding someone new is not only a hassle, it's costly.  You are going to do great but preparation is key and that may be the message your coworkers are giving.  They may want to make sure you are taking the interview seriously and that you stand out in the interview process. Take care and positive thoughts coming your way!

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Why would they want to go through the time and trouble of training a new employee when you are already doing the job and doing it well? Ignore the negative people, you've got this!  You are the best person for the job, present the facts that support this, highlight your ability to work as a team while generating and implementing positive change with your own ideas.  Don't make negative comments about coworkers, you don't need to do that to shine.


Go in their confident, good luck!

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Thanks everyone. Last week I was so calm about all of this. Contract work does suck just plain sucks.  Been laid off all summer and been doing yoga, mediation and really trying to be mindful.  When I found out the job has been posted I thought about time hire me or let me go since I am tired of it all.  I was so brave last week, this week totally another story the stress peeks and it doesn't feel good at all.    To make things worse my department has been changed to another Dean but at least the chair is someone I know.  Thank god. 


Mostly very good support from my coworkers and I recognize what I am taking as a negative might not even be a negative just my over active widow brain doing its "magic". Not sure why my brain does such strange things but it sure does.  When my husband

passed I really didn't  have support from anyone and now that I am getting support from people I compare it to that dark past. I wanted supportive people in my life so why is my brain doing that weird thing.  I need to calm it down.


  I have never prepared for an interview like this and if I screw it up I am not sure how I am going to forgive myself.  I have joked with a few that I will be admitted into a mental hospital if I don't get it but actually I am not joking at all.  Pretty sure I will have to be admitted.


Thank you everyone. 

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Guest TooSoon

Hi there.  I spent 3 years as a temp at my Uni and beat out the other finalist who had a PhD from Princeton (which I emphatically do not and she was allegedly "hot" -- so appropriate, I know).  It came down to the fact that I was doing the job better than well.  She was a risk; I was not.   


This summer our new incoming President's wife applied for the permanent job as gallery director when there was an incumbent candidate who had been in the position for more than 10 years.  The incumbent got the job in spite of the obvious potential political reasons the President's wife might have gotten it.  Most institutions will fall back on "why break something that is not broken."


Focus on the degree to which you KNOW your constituencies and the requirements of the job.  Emphasize your vision for the position if given the chance to do so.  I spoke in my interview of how much I wanted to be at an institution like ours and why.  Outsiders cannot do that because they are outsiders looking in.  Make your insider advantage work in your favor.


You're going to be great!  All my women in the workplace mojo sent your way!

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Wonderful advice everyone. 


I am still stuck a bit on my answer to the dreaded conflict question and I am getting different opinions on this.


The college grades higher for more current conflicts.  I only have one current conflict but I don't want to use it.  Last year I did go to the Dean to "spill" the beans on my office mate who wasn't doing his job.  At the time I didn't think she heard me.  But thank god he didn't do his job because if he did I certainly wouldn't have my job and maybe that is why my job is posted.  So I think that one is out.  I don't feel comfortable throwing my office mate under the bus.  I know what they are trying to get you to answer with this question that you know how to follow the chain of command.


Honestly except for the above conflict I can't say I have had any conflicts in years with faculty.  I have known them for years and I know how to set up their labs and they have no issues talking to me. 


I have had some conflicts with students but when I went on a mock interview this week she said she would stay clear of using any conflicts with students.  I have three examples.  One student entering an off limits area and then accusing me of a health and safety issue (which was false), a student almost physically assaulting me and one student who was using racist comments and I had a nice chat with. 


Years ago I did have an issue with a part time instructor.  I did way too much for this guy and was told by a academic manager to stop so I did.  The guy sent me one nasty email which I forwarded to the academic manager.  The guy wasn't rehired because of it.  Nasty ending to that story since it could have played out so differently if I wasn't so nice in the first place all of this would have been avoided.


I did have issues with another department invading our space without clearing it first.  It is kind of a complicated issue but in the end it shows how different departments can actually work together.  It was a very heated and nasty conflict and not sure if it is suitable for an interview. 


Which one should I use? 

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