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First vaccinations- scared to face alone


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I have an appointment tomorrow to take my baby girl for her first vaccinations. She is 10 weeks old now. My husband, who passed away suddenly when she was just 3 weeks old, and I have discussed in details what we want for her in terms of vaccinations. We have done some research about the adverse reactions and possible autism connection. We both were apprehensive about vaccinations, but chose to follow an alternative schedule. Now the dreaded day is actually here and I will have to face it alone. So scared about the negative effects, possible emergency situations we read about, and this fear is more so multiplied by the feeling of being totally alone and helpless. It is unbearable how I need him now, at the moments like this, his support and assurance that it will be OK. My Love, if you are watching over us, please help us through it... 

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I wish you were closer. I would go with you for support if you wanted. It is good that you had your husband's input on the plan, but I'm sorry you now you have to be the one to carry it out without him. At our Pediatrician's office, they always give us an information sheet for each vaccination listing potential side effects which would be normal to expect and those which would be of concern. If you explain your worry to them, I'm sure they'd willing to take a few minutes to review them with you in detail so you feel a little more secure. Our Peds office also has a 24 hour nurse line. See if yours has something like this available or find out while you are there what you should do if you see any adverse effects. It is very rare for babies to have unexpected adverse effects, but hopefully it will help you feel a little better if you have a plan for what to do in the rare event you would need to.


I think all new moms worry about this. Your worry is reasonably heightened due to the unexpected loss of your husband. I know I worry about my kids much more than I already did since losing my husband unexpectedly (and I was already a pretty neurotic mom, so I'm probably seeming over the top to my teens, but we feel how we feel).


Our Peds office also has this cold, numbing spray they can spray on before they give the injections so it supposedly hurts less. Since my kids were both adopted, they weren't here when they received their first vaccinations, so I'm not sure if they use the spray for babies as young as yours. I will say in our experience the nurses are very experienced and take care of doing them quickly and with your baby's comfort in mind.


Sending you and your sweet baby tight hugs of support...

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((Hugs)) If you are not comfortable you can always choose to delay a bit further, or do just one vax to see how things go. After my oldest had adverse reaction to his 3 month vax I did not do any more until he was 4 years. I did not do any with my next two at all until they were 4 years as well, and then only the dtap and polio. 

My youngest hasn't gotten any yet.


Some I will eventually do and some I will not do. I'm still on the fence about MMR, but may have my 13 year old get it at his next check up if he chooses to. It's a very personal decision as a parent to make. Best wishes and I'm sure everything will go just fine, whatever choice you make.

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It's not the same, but your pocket people are with you, technologically and in spirit.  Let us know how everything goes.  Fussiness and fever are normal, I'm sure your doctor has said and you know.  I hope everything goes smoothly.  (I think the first couple rounds of vaccines are worse for us than they are for them - my daughter only started to get upset by them once she got a little older and could really "get" that that needle was coming at her, and had caused her pain - maybe around 1 year???  She's almost 2 now, and has had all regularly scheduled vaccines.) 


Also, and I don't want to start a big controversial vaxxers/anti-vaxxers thread, but I add this only in case it brings you any comfort: that guy who said there was a link between autism spectrum disorder and vaccines (Andrew Wakefield) - it's been revealed that his "study" was either totally fraudulent or just garbage.  Also, it's my understanding that they now use single dose vials for vaccines, which require far less preservatives, etc. 



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