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Not how I planned to spend the day...

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My plan for today, the second anniversary of my husband's death, was to have a quiet day... Take a rare long soak in the tub, spend time outside on my porch, remember and treasure my memories from this house as I prepare to move and leave it, and maybe go out to get something to eat.


But, as I was out on my porch, still in my PJs, no less, watering my plants after feeding my hens, along come a couple of people in a car down the drive, asking about the for sale sign. Although a tad embarrassed, I was friendly and answered their questions and then came back inside. And started cleaning!


Sure enough, about 10 minutes later my Realtor calls. The good news is there's interest in seeing the house. The bad news? They want to see it this evening!!!!  Aaaack!  Normally I ask for 24 hour notice, but now I don't want to put people off as I have a house picked out where I'm moving, and my current home is a bit of a hard sell in my local market. 


So, my day will be spent catching up on all the cleaning missed during the past couple weeks of neglect from moving kids to and from summer school/college housing, while my kids still at home ran amok & messed things up more since I was gone so much.  Sigh...... :(


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I'm sorry you are under such a time pressure to get things ready to show the house rather than your original plans to be gentle to yourself for the day. Just do the best you can. I'm odd in that I think a home that looks like someone lives in it vs a sterile, pristine environment can appeal to some searching for a home. They've already met you in your pjs, so they know you live there. :) Just focus on the best features you'd like to highlight. Good luck with the showing! And tight hugs for the day itself....

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...I'm odd in that I think a home that looks like someone lives in it vs a sterile, pristine environment can appeal to some searching for a home. ...


My sentiments entirely. When my wife and our daughters would travel to Aussie or Hawaii or LV for the young one's dance comps, the novelty of being home and doing my own thing wears off after a day or two, coming home to a clean tidy house where I'd find myself using the same utensils which I would wash up and dry after each use, morning and night. A clean tidy house is one thing: a messy house with clothes and other unmentionables scattered throughout is a home to me.


But I fully understand the need to show potential buyers thru an "orderly" home...

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Thanks for the support!  I got things looking pretty good, especially the important parts like the kitchen and baths. I think it's best to have the kitchen spotless for showing. The garage?  Ummm, well, not so much! If I have time, I sweep and such, but it's not on my top priority list.


They liked the house, but now I have to wait and see, and pray they think it's the right place for them!

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:(  They loved the house, but it wasn't quite what they had in mind.


It's a kind of a mini-farm, with a few acres and barn for hobby animals, and a rambling family home. This is a pretty blue - collar/factory job area, so the buyer will likely be someone moving to town for a management type job, probably. When we built it 7 years ago, we planned on living here the rest of our lives. Well, he did, and I can't.

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I'm sorry, that you didn't get to live out the future you planned to there, as well as the potential buyers feeling it wasn't what they were looking for. Hopefully someone soon will come along and decide it is just right for them.


Hugs to you...

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