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I know it shouldn't matter so much...


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I know other people's opinion shouldn't matter so much but sometimes it does.


I spoke with my MIL the other night.  We have a great relationship that is made difficult at times due to the influence of my step-kids mom.  As a result I sometimes get silly and hesitate to call cause I'm worried about what may have been said to her (I know that's very high schoolish but I can't help it sometimes).  But at the end of the day I know she is not only one of my biggest supporters but someone I can call and talk through my grief when it hits...and she gets it.


We were talking about me & things going on in my life.  How I handle myself with the difficult situation with the kids, a promotion at work and my goal to do an Ironman in 2016.  I'm doing my very first triathlon in May and she is so excited about it.


Anyhow, she then said to me DH would be so proud of you, he really would.  It brought tears to my eyes and made me feel so good.  I know it shouldn't matter so much but it does...I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that.

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Anyhow, she then said to me DH would be so proud of you, he really would.  It brought tears to my eyes and made me feel so good.  I know it shouldn't matter so much but it does...I didn't realize how much I needed to hear that.




There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting/needing an encouraging word once in a while, even when we are doing a pretty good job by ourselves. And it is particularly comforting when it comes from someone whom we love and respect. As widowed people we have lost our "encourager in chief", and our inner child still yearns for that occasional pat on the back, hearing a voice that says: "Well done!"


"Instruction does much, but encouragement everything."


― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Conversely, if we never hear any positive feedback from a valued source, even success can feel like a hollow victory. I am so glad that you have such a kind and supportive mother-in-law. Enjoy this gift and blessing!






"Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame

by another human being.

Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light."


~~ Albert Schweitzer


Congratulations on your achievements and setting goals for yourself, and good luck with your first triathlon!





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