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First holiday- excited and nervous!


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Leaving Saturday with my toddler daughter and two girlfriends for two weeks In Costa Rica!! So excited. I really didn't think this would ever happen... ie. take her somewhere awesome while she's so little. I've been fortunate to travel a lot but this'll be pretty different- so grateful my two girlfriends wanted to take a trip with us. not sure how many toddler melt-downs will happen on the plane but what can ya do. (Tips appreciated!) A huge step towards living a life as a family of two.

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Guest TooSoon

Mine was a little bit older but we've been intrepid!  First I also traveled with friends and then solo to visit friends and then to do research and brought a babysitter.  Now we do overnights or weekends on our own. It is always fun (though tiring) and I love these little stints where I get to be the "yes, I will buy you that obscenely expensive copy of the Declaration of Independence" or "Of course we can sit at the bar and of course you can have french fries and Shirley Temples for dinner and no I am not embarrassed that you just told the bartender and everyone sitting near us that your Mommy is taking you to "a gig" tonight and you're going to get to stay up until 1 am."  or "let's take a carriage ride."  Since solo-parenting is so often about the drudgery of it all, it is good to take time to step out of that.  Your friends will be a big help, too, I'm sure.


We did toddler travel several times in the Balkans for my work.  People are really, really nice and helpful, I found, when you're traveling with a toddler.  We had a sick toddler in Sarajevo - very sick - and  people were so eager to help it was almost overwhelming. 


Good for you!  I hope it is absolutely wonderful!  Enjoy!

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I am so glad you have this opportunity and hope you have a great time!  We bribe my nephew with snacks when we fly but toddlers will be toddlers and he still gets bored.  Just try to relax, like Mangomom said you will never see the other passengers again.  I also found that people were extremely helpful last time I traveled (solo) with my son.


Good luck and enjoy it!

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Definitely lollipop and sippy cup for takeoff and landing.  A new toy and special snacks will help to occupy.  If she's old enough to watch a video on an iPad that is always good too.  We travelled a lot when my older 2 were little (longest from CT to Hawaii when they were 2 and 4) and there were no iPhones or iPods back then but we had a portable DVD player that was a life saver.  I also always made necklaces out of shoe string licorice and front loops cereal that they only got on airplanes.


Sounds like an awesome trip, have fun!

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