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TMI (too much information) but really this is the only place!


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I don't go around discussing my sex life (I have none so it would be a short conversation! hahahah... so sad...)

However, I am now replacing our mattress. This was the mattress which witnessed our entire relationship. It never dawned on me how intimate an item a mattress is. Witness to everything, really. The first time, the many many times of the "young people in love" phase, the lazy naps listening to RadioLab, two children created, a lot of cuddling ("adopting the sleeping position!" we used to warn each other), a lot of conspiratorial whispering late in the night, a lot of our first newborn sleeping between us, the lengthy discussions of our fears related to his diagnosis, the end of sharing it because his pain and cough and my pregnancy made it impossible for anyone to sleep.

Now it'll be gone. The positive is that I will finally sleep comfortably again (this change is wayyy overdue). But I will be irrationally sad to see it go.

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Not nearly TMI in my book, and a beautiful reflection.  Kind of reminds of when I had to move from our apartment, and scrawled love letters to him in pencil in the dark parts of the closet.  That mattress IS a love letter to the intimate shared love/life (and lovelife! hahaha TMI).  Hugs.


[Editing to add: How's this for mattress TMI?  My daughter was conceived on the mattress he shared with his late fiancee, and we now sleep on the mattress I shared with mine.  #widowproblems]

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I get it! I do not think it is TMI at all.

The mattress my DF and I shared was pitched outside the NIGHT BEFORE he was killed. We had received a new to us mattress that night and so we pitched the other outside in the driveway until we knew what to do with it. Every day after his accident it rained. I had to force myself not to go out and sleep on them. He slept in that bed a few years before I came around.. We shared 1 night in our new bed, which I guess is a blessing in the end..

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I don't think it's TMI at all, either.


The day Tim died, I moved out of our apartment and back in with my parents.  I just couldn't face spending time in our apartment without him.  Luckily, my old bedroom was just being used for storage, so it (along with my old bed) was ready for me to return to without much work.  Unfortunately, it meant that our old bed needed to be gotten rid of.  I made this compromise with myself - I'd get rid of everything but the headboard and the featherbed/comforter set.  That way, I wasn't parting with every piece of the bed we'd shared.


At two years out, and in preparation for moving into a new apartment with my New Guy, I finally felt ready to let the headboard and the bedding go.  MIL and grandmother-in-law have taken the bedding, but the headboard went to the curb.  And even though I had made the choice to throw it out, it still made my heart drop and stung like hell to see it there in front of the house, waiting for the garbage truck to come pick it up....

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Guest nonesuch

This makes me sad.  Is it gone already?  Can you take a piece of the mattress cover and have it sewn into a throw pillow cover, a teddy bear, something?

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I had to throw my mattress out when I moved in January, and it was a wrench. So much history in a crummy, saggy mattress... I meant to cut a piece out of it, but for some reason I didn't, and I didn't realize it until I was making up my new bed for the first time. So I put the old cover on my new mattress, put the last fitted sheet Jim slept on over that, then put a new mattress cover and sheets on. Sounds extreme, I know, but it gave me some peace of mind. Hugs.

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