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Wanna come for a swim, my house is now a pool ....


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working on 3 hours sleep here so I'm punchy today. We were out of the house for awhile last night. Came home to find a lovely lake forming in the den/bathroom/kitchen.  You could hear water RUSHING and pouring into vents.  A pipe had burst in the bathroom and flooded the place.  Life is the gift that just keeps giving whether I choose to participate or not.  Had to spend the night at John and Tammys , got to sleep at like 4, and that threw off getting ready for work and I'm sitting here wondering what in the world I'm gonna do.  I do know the water will have to stay turned off to the whole house until at least tomorrow cause I don't have a dollar to my name, so it'll be another night of refugee camp and my kids are NOT happy about it.  Cant afford a plumber so if it's not an easy Lowes kinda fix I'm in trouble.  This week already the fridge died.  The washer has been broken for months.  Im kinda hating on home ownernship at this moment.  Oh and did I mention, no homeowners insurance? (I paid cash for the house, it's not required and always seems like there are more important necessities and haven't been able to get it yet). 


Chad woulda had it fixed in 2 seconds.  <pout>  Maybe at some point I will quit making everything directly relate to him being dead.  Not today though.  Maybe we can have a good hail storm and knock a hole in the roof, then I can spread  a beach towel out in the kitchen and pretend I'm at the beach.  Which at this rate I may never see again.  pfffft

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4 1/2 yrs later and when something goes wrong it's still Grant's fault for not being here to fix it.


I finally gave up on my house and moved to a condo.  Everything that could, did go wrong that first year.

Maybe it would have all happened if Grant had been alive, but he could fix anything.


So so sorry.  One of those things would put me on the edge, all of those things would make me bat shit crazy!


Hang in there.



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oh man that's a lot to have to handle

thank god you still have your sense of humor

don could fix anything also and now even trying to fix something simple takes me forever

and I do curse at him when I am doing it

I agree the condo idea is sounded better and better to me everyday

good luck with the burst pipe




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A pipe had burst in the bathroom and flooded the place. . . . Cant afford a plumber so if it's not an easy Lowes kinda fix I'm in trouble.  This week already the fridge died.  The washer has been broken for months.  Im kinda hating on home ownernship at this moment.  Oh and did I mention, no homeowners insurance? (I paid cash for the house, it's not required and always seems like there are more important necessities and haven't been able to get it yet).


Ouch!  I'm so so sorry that you're in such a state, especially with the insurance.


On the bright side:


- There's nothing else that could go wrong at this point, surely?  This must be the low point.

- It's water, not sewage, so it should be dryable, especially since it's summer and you can keep the doors/windows open.  Get a couple of those huge fans to drive some air through the house to speed things up.


Yeah, I know, hardly much of a bright side, and again, I'm sorry to hear that you're having to deal with this on top of everything else.

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From one widow, with not a dime to her name, to another, I am so, so sorry. I know what it is to have to choose between buying groceries and paying bills; and I know about having to make the tough choices to give up things that just about everyone seems to have (like some types of insurance), in order to have the basics. Hopefully, it will be an easy fix. The important thing will be to get things dried out as quickly as possible, so you don't end up with a dangerous mold problem. Hang in there, missy, I know it is hard. I'm sorry that it is when we are already down, that life sometimes seems to feel the urge to come over and give us another kick. (((Hugs)))

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Last night was yet another night without water.  Really don't know how much more of this I can take :(  Needed mobile home parts because it's a doublewide and nothing standard fit. After many trips to lowes we realized this and by then the only store in the county that sells that stuff was closed and by that point I was out of money.  This is fun.  NOT.

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