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Everything posted by Forgottenwife

  1. You know what, you continue to amaze me, I think I would be exhausted after half this list. Just fried, and sad too. These changes will be hard as you are finding out, beyond many other hardships in life, but look at what you have already lived through, you have buried your beloved, no move and divorce is gonna take you down. Too bad I am states away from you, I rock at packing! I even did it for a living for a brief period in my life. I have no idea what your finances are, could you consider hiring some local movers to pack the POD? My boyfriend hired movers and they moved his entire apartment, out of one and into another, in just under 4 hours. That included appliances! Movers could just pack it and you could split. Maybe we could start a gofundme page for you to move! I'm in! I can't relate exactly to what you are going through, yet I can relate to friends bailing and having to live through something exhausting and crappy. I know this sounds corny but when my list was so long as I was so alone and tired and just had absolutely no idea how I would make it through some events, I always told myself to keep my 'eye on the prize.' And that was my kids. At night when I laid down to go to bed, I would visualize that they were ok and I was still alive to take care of them, and that nothing else mattered really. I know things matter, our belongings matter and our martial status and legal battles and all of that but truly, I had no control over other people and the basement flooding and the fender bender I was being sued for and that my husband was gone and all the other things that were happening. It was so hard so I just did what I could and then remembered my kids and I were alive and in one piece, that's all I had left. My dearest friend reminds me of this once in a while. I am so sorry your husband is begging you for whatever will make him happy - that has got to just add stress on this already crappy situation. And your friend? Telling you moving a kid from one school to another is selfish? Weird, everyone knows that is not true. If you take care of yourself and your boy, that is what matters. He is seeing his Mother change an unhappy and unhealthy situation and he will benefit from that. SimiRed keep your eye on the prize and hug him tight. July will come, and then August and before we all know it, this day and these hardships will be your past.
  2. I was lostwife2011 on the old board and I chose that name in a fog, always tried to change it. Hello everyone! I've been just watching and reading and this SimiRed story prompted me to finally post here. SimiRed - I have thought of you many times since you had posted a few details of your new relationship on YWBB. Wow. You are amazing!! You did it. I know its gotta be unsettling to be out of your home and facing a divorce and a possible legal battle. You can do it. You are worth so much more than what this man has offered you. This person had the audacity to say you are having a nervous breakdown when he finally pushed you to the edge? And to touch your child? And question your love of your husband? Nope nope nope you don't need any of that crap. I am always mystified by people that neglect and mistreat their spouse and then act surprised when they leave. You SimiRed deserve love and friendship and to be adored and respected as an equal. And, I have to echo what a couple of other people have said, you may want to consider legal advice. It seems expensive but some things are just worth it and good legal advice is one of them. It is easy for me many states away to say this when I don't have to do the work but STAY STRONG!! Look to us for support and stay safe too. I'm pulling for you and your boy.
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