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O.T Epstein Barr/Mono


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Over Christmas break my oldest son (14) had blood work done and was diagnosed with Epstein Barr. -Our tiny little hospital told him just lots of rest, fluids and gave him an antibiotic just in case he had a sinus infection on top of it.


-almost 3 weeks later very little improvement...he can sleep with 14 hours and thinks he's ok only to be exhausted after 10 minutes of doing anyway.  He's even too tired to text chat on his phone with friends.


He insisted on going back to school Tuesday then watching his team at basketball practice after school.  He can't play basketball at least thru Jan (and probably the rest of the season). He struggled at school (no longer contagious) -and slept in his last 2 class s.  Didn't go yesterday and went 1/2 day today.


He's starting to get depressed because he's always on the go and mr social and only wants to sleep. --Anyone have this b gore?  Or your kids? How long can this last and what s the best remedy to help him at least feel better????Should I see a specialist?


Yeah I am worried...

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That really sucks, poor kid!  I had mono in high school and one of my sons had it twice and it definitely can take a long time to recover. Over doing can make it worse so you just have to give in to the need to rest.  May be time to go back to the doctor since 3 weeks have gone by, they should be checking to make sure his spleen is not enlarged since he plays sports.

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Guest wecouldbeheros

Well versed in it. I had it's sister virus, CMV. There is not much more known now than 30 years ago. It is related to a chicken pox exposure, stays in the systemic system for life, just like chicken pox, the body builds a resistance to it over time. Everyone is exposed to it, most people become immune to it, but it can be gotten by anyone. Stress can set it off at any time in the future also, as a reoccurrence. Only thing that helps is plenty of sleep, eating well, and some reccomend vitamin therapy. Care must be used with antibiotics as the virus has the potential to become unaffected by it. It affects people differently. It's also related to the mono virus. A periodic future titor test, on a scale of 1 to 10 is used. He needs rest, fluids, and time. When I had it as active, I slept 18 hrs a day for a rather long time. It'll get better.

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My boyfriend had mono last winter (I had it when I was 5, so obviously not helpful info from that experience).  It took him weeks to recover, and his job is all physical labor and he couldn't take more than a couple days off.  He was tired, but he's also a tad crazy, and just pushed through as though his physical and medical needs were irrelevant - obviously not advisable.  I would say the obvious symptoms lasted a few weeks only, definitely not more than a couple months.  But like I said, he is stoic to the extreme and has immense powers of denial, so he could have just convinced me he was ok when he wasn't.  That being said, there were no complications and it didn't last an exceptionally long time.  Poor kid.  I'm sorry.  And in the winter too, which is depressing enough....  Best wishes for a swift recovery for him. 

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I had it when I was 16 during the summer and the start of school.  It took about 6 weeks to be back to school full-time, 8 weeks before I was feeling about 100% and back to sports full time. 


As for school, I went 1/2 days for at least 3 weeks.  The school/my parents I don't remember set it up that I hit each class at least twice a week so I didn't fall behind, so I went erratically, sometimes in the morning, sometimes mid day etc. 


I feel for him, I hated it.  My doctor recommended the same, rest, fluids and movement.  It's a vicious circle, the less active you are the more you don't want to do anything.  My dr had me eat meals sitting at the table, not just resting in bed, move from the bed to the couch and sitting up.  I remember moving from my room to the living room felt like the hardest thing in the world.


That being said, if you are worried I'd trust yourself and probably go back to the doctor, there can be complications.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update..He's able to stay awake at school all day and doing better.


Still not allowed to run or do major activity. Sitting with basketball team.



He did start back into baseball conditioning last night...Not able to run..but was able to get back and practice pitching in short spurts. He clocked in last night at 71mph...not bad for being sick and in the 8th grade.


I think he's on the mend...but I am forcing him to do very little besides school work and minimal sports conditioning.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey Sugarbell, has your son been kissing my daughter??


Spent two days in the hospital, she was admitted because her throat closed up, after many many tests, galk of surgery and it was mono.  Complicated mono. 


Dealing with this crap alone sucks!



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