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Posts posted by beth_krkswidow

  1. Exactly.  Keep venting.  Keep venting.  We understand.  Those imbeciles we have to deal with day in and day out do NOT. They think we should be "over" it.  Like that's even possible.


    I AM doing so very much better than I was.  I can see the difference. The horrible excruciating physical pain and anguish is not omnipresent as it was.  I have days of being ok.  I even have fun.


    However.  It is as if I am living someone else's life.  It doesn't really feel real.


    I want my old life back.  I want the old me back.  I don't like the new me.  And I don't like my new life.


    It's all so surreal.

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  2. Hi Ruth.


    So sorry.  So sorry.  His birthday was worse than even Christmas for me.  I'm so sorry you have those 2 dates, his birthday and sadiversary coming up.  I wish I had words of wisdom.  I don't.  It sucks.  I try to tell myself he is worth all the pain.  That doesn't help at all.  But it is true.  True... but not helpful.  Warm hugs and so very sorry.

  3. So sorry for your loss. No suggestions other than give yourself whatever you need. At your point i was catatonic. You sound so very much better and farther along than I.  But be prepared for many manny ups and downs. There is no roadmap. There is no normal. Just know this is a life saving place to come when you want or need. Again, so sorry you had to join us here

  4. Perfect perfect description...


    Decided not to die, but haven't decided to live.


    Perfect. And NObody outside the widowed understands that. For a year I actively wanted to be in the ground with him. I wanted to drive off a cliff.

    Somewhere close to a year i came to where you are now. Decided not to die but hadn't decided to live

    At 20 months, I  find joy in some parts of living.  So that is different.  It's progressing I suppose. Still haven't figured out a REASON to live. He was my reason to live.

    So sorry you're in this hell with the rest of us

  5. I think Englishwidow said it beautifully.


    I am at almost 20 months.  I remember reading here that it would "get softer" over time.  I didn't believe them.  I wanted to drive off a cliff and I could not imagine ever not feeling the unrelenting physical pain.  The PHYSICAL pain is gone.  It HAS gotten softer.  I miss him every day.  I still have not moved his clothes, his shampoo from the shower, his jeans hanging in the bathroom, or the dried out flowers from his funeral.  But that's ok.  They don't hurt me.  I still dance with his picture.  But.  It has gotten softer.  I can feel joy.  I can smile genuinely again.  I will always miss him. I cannot believe I have made it this far.  But I have.  You will too.  Don't rush anything.  Sending you warm hugs.

  6. I did not think I could survive.  Absolutely did not think it was possible.  And I looked forward to that.  I had absolutely no desire to survive.  At the first Widow Grief Group I went to, the first widower that shared began with,

    "My wife died a year ago."


    My mind exploded at that point because I remember thinking, How the HELL did he survive a YEAR?  I remember nothing else about that first Grief Group except that.  I was just so shocked that someone could actually survive it.


    As I said, not only was I sure I could not survive, I had absolutely no desire to survive.  I wondered how I would die, but never ever did it occur to me that I would not die.


    Well, here I am at 19 months.  It has gotten softer.  I don't have 20 crying jags a day.  Maybe just one.  I still miss him like crazy and can't imagine the rest of my life.  Somehow (I credit my Grief Group) I survived it.  Still not crazy about having survived it, but the pain has gotten bearable.


    I didn't believe those further out when they said you will survive and it will get softer.  But they were right.


    Good or bad, they were right.


    So sorry you had to join us here.

  7. You did what you needed to do.  Your kids didn't understand but nobody.  NOBODY.  NO BODY understands.  Only the widowed understand what actually happens when we are widowed.  And no two of us react the same way.  You reacted in the way you needed to at the time.  As you said, it kept you sane.  NO BODY understands.  Nobody has the right to judge but judge they will.  Don't be so hard on yourself.  You survived.  And in those early days, that is really really iffy.  hugs.

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