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Everything posted by Lisa

  1. No apology needed. That's pretty sickening . My prayers for those affected.
  2. Youre a good aunt and you have a good heart
  3. Lisa


    Thanks for posting. I passed 7 years. Time has made no sense since he died. Sometimes I feel knocked over. But I am mostly happy. I am at peace with my past and present . I have some regrets about how I handled myself a few years ago but I am letting it go .i am hopeful forvthe future. I can't really ask for more.
  4. Portside, I don't believe the entirety of your reply is helpful. We don't use transgendered as a term anymore. I'm always a believer in counseling but not because I think this is a mental illness. Because everyone needs help coping. It is a shock, but love lights your way. I have a friend who has accepted his child's transition. Yes, it was a struggle. The young person is somewhat troubled. Most of us are at some point. But my friend and his. wife love and support their child. Acceptance is the most important thing. You don't want your child to feel alone and abandoned. I recommend you look for a local PFLAG chapter and go to meetings. This is so confusing I'm sure. Sending prayers.
  5. ask them to take it out of your check over the long term. go in person. theyll go over your financial situation and deduct accordingly. good luck.
  6. Reasonable and attainable. Warm thoughts your way.
  7. Ladybug, it will be my 8th summer too. Mostly I am used to this. But I have a hard time as the anniversary approaches. It is expected. 7 years is a long time. But nothing has ever shaken me like his dying. I moved very far away this year so I need to come up with a new plan for that day relatively soon. I miss him. I wish he was here. but I'm happy again. Just in a different way.
  8. Sounds like you got a lousy counselor. My grief counselor mostly listened. Told me I was doing well. Somtimes gave me hints for coping. She never ever shamed me. She helped me realize grief is not crazy. Regardless how I felt she told me I was doing great.
  9. Broken heart syndrome is a real thing. I feel we owe it to those who love us to try our best to watch our health. I am so far from healthy. But I'm trying Some of us have that passive I'd be ok if I didnt wake up, this plane crashed, different fantasies or strange thoughts. I usually push them away because of my family. I was under tremendous stress late fall with a major move and multiple serious hospitalizations of my late husband's young adult son. One day out of the blue I had intense grabbing chest pain and felt like I couldn't take a breath. I was under the delusion this would be resolved at urgent care. When I found myself in the damn ambulance I was scared beyond belief. How could I leave his kids like this? Luckily I did not have a heart attack. I dont think I had broken heart syndrome 6 and a half years out. But it scared me to tell them what was going on. I believe I am incredibly resilient. I may cope differently than most but I have made it my business to cope. We have seen widows and widowers die of various causes since Ive been in this club. It hurts extra. I hurt extra for their families. I rode a lot of waves, got a good deal of counseling and lots of time with other widow's and widowers. My biggest stress was financial so I finally packed up and started a new life about 1,000 miles away. I feel like I have somskills to deal wupith intense stress now. I wish I had less ! But I finally feel like I'm building my new life. And he's still wiypth mevall thebtume in my heart, soul, memories. He's my soulmate. I know this should be a male thread so I hope i didnt babble on too much. Ive met so many wonderfulnwidowers who also took the time to grieve and are rebuilding their lives. it takes a long timebfor most. Give yourself time . Get check ups!
  10. Youve got this! All good vibes your way
  11. Thinking of you today. Joys and sorrows live side by side
  12. I made my late husband chase me for 6 months befire i git with the program. You dont beed to make a decision now. If you bith had a pleasant tume, see eeach other again.
  13. As outrageous as that statement is, it is quite popular. Im sorry.
  14. Very sad. "Blast Crater". I can relate.
  15. The Name of God is Mercy by the Pope on kindle
  16. sciencefan...7 yeas in june, i could have written the same almost verbatim.
  17. there is a florida widows and widowers facebook group
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