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  • Date Widowed
  • Cause of death
    Esophageal Cancer

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  1. OMG, me too!!! I actually look forward to getting the oil change or (happy happy joy joy) a warranty recall. It smells like my sweetie's hug when he got home from work.
  2. I'm here with you - it will be six years next month. I still wake up some mornings surprised that he's not next to me. Like you, I miss him. All the time.
  3. If my mother tried to type something on a computer (she adamantly refuses to touch one and since she's 83 we don't argue) it would look very much like that. "Mess" or not, I got a warm feeling that she knew how important you were to your DH - and it made me smile. (Autocorrect is not always your friend!) BTW, in my part of the world usually if you say somebody's "such a mess" with a smile and a little headshake, that's a quirky complement!
  4. I feel your pain! I am now on my fourth and final teenager (thank God!!) and they have all been like that. My son used to wander through the house looking up at the ceiling...when I would ask what are you doing, he would tell me he couldn't find his shoes. I still wonder why he thought his size 14 tennis shoes were hovering up near the a/c vents, but it gives me a headache. And he still can't find his car keys when he's ready to go home after coming over to see me. Every. Single. Time. The good news is, either youngest DD (the only one still at home) is better than her siblings at keeping up with her stuffs or the first three just wore me smooth out and I am now accustomed to random teenaged brain farts. Hang in there!!
  5. I still wear my rings and it will be 6 years in October. My wedding band was my grandmother's and she wore it for 20+ years after my grandfather died. So when I think I'm maybe a little nuts for not taking my rings off I remind myself that she was the most not-nutty person you'd ever meet, sharp as a tack till she passed at 94. And she would have been the first one to tell me that it was fine if I had taken the rings off my finger the day after he died. What is right for you is the right thing to do. And you can change your mind just as often as you care to!
  6. Bat shit crazy IS my normal. I just roll with it.
  7. 3 at the moment - living room, TeenQueen's room and my bedroom. Before the 2 older kiddos moved out, it was up to 5. In self defense, there is only so much Teen Wolf, anime, Halo and Disney Channel I could take. Sending them their rooms was the only way to save my remaining brain cells.
  8. Awwww.... Thanks, Shelby! :-* Oh, sure - mokie and kmouse and fleur are all so wonderful. Nary a mention of poor old Eeyore. :-\ Where's the shovel? You may as well dig a hole and bury me. :-X Now wait just a minute there, hoss. I put 'Eeyore' right there in my post way back near the front end of this thread.
  9. I am so sorry that happened. Maybe they really did just assume you knew, but it does hurt if you feel like you are on the fringe of things. I just wanted to let you know I hear you.
  10. Esophageal cancer - he went in for a routine scope as it was suspected he had an ulcer. Diagnosed in March, gone n October. He did radiation and chemo simultaneously, then surgery in July when his esophagus and entire stomach were both removed as the mass was centered where the two meet up. The surgeon thought he got it all, but before DH recovered enough to start the second round of chemo.....things went badly very quickly. We tried to keep him at home as he wanted, but the hospice nurses, DH and I realized we simply couldn't (gastric pump issues, which he thought was funny as by then he didn't have anything gastric) so the last week was at the hospice. I was with him at the end, it's the only time I ever lied to him when I told him it was okay to go.
  11. I remember you, fleur. And kmouse, and mokie and eeyore and wifeless and andyscandy and so many others. I never posted much even in the beginning of this mess 5 years ago, but I came to the board almost everyday. I've just been lurking for the last couple of years, but the kindness and the support from the 'vets' (if I can use that term) were so important to my sanity in the early going. I was surprised at how the abrupt closing of ywbb affected me - it hurt physically. Anyway, my $0.02 would encourage all those wise ones from those earlier start up days to stick around and help get this board off to a good start. A lot has been lost in the last few days, but it can be rebuilt I think.
  12. Like! Now going back to letting DH do the smite-ing (potential or whatever...)
  13. Well, 4 posts in and I done been smite-ed. A new record --- goooo meeee!!! Anybody up for a food fight??
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