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House in contract


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It's been on the market less than 30 hours.


I got a low ball offer today...we countered back and forth. Finally agreed at only 1000 below asking price.


This young couple (late 20s) just got married in Oct...no kids, professional moving here from out of town.

They are me and B 16 years ago when we bought it.


Felt their energy all day...can't explain it...but I knew they would be the owners. The house drew them in.

The same way it drew us in. The decks..all of it draws a certain type of person in.


This house has had 3 owners....all of our husbands died while we were living here. Three widows have lived here. Two  were under age 40 with kids.


The happiest and saddest days of my life has been in this house. This house has a lightness to it...it also has a darkness...which has been at bay for several years. (My sage/salting/happy prints/plants.


But it's still there laying dormant...the darkness is shoved away...and light is all around....but it's still creeping.


I am not going to say much more (don't want ridiculed)... but the realtor was worried they wouldn't settle for only 1000 off asking price...and they took several hours to accept.


I told the realtor...I am not worried....the house draws you in...I was feeling it all day with them.


I hope the house stays light all the time for these folks.


Sad to let go with all the good memories we/I/kids have had in this house.


But also feel a lightness...I lightness that I survived the bad/dark here.

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I am so happy for you!!  I think you have done everything to turn the darkness into light in your home and the pattern can be broken for the new couple.  You have not only survived but you have thrived!

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Thanks Trying...I am just happy we don't have to drag it out and attempt to keep the house looking good for showings.


And it's very happy now...I read books for years on how to get rid of negative energy and how to keep the house light/positive. It's sad letting go of all the memories here..especially with the kids stuff.


I don't know how that stuff works...but some things that have happened here I will never be able to explain.

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I am glad you got a couple who will love your house

I get the feelings you were talking about when it comes to your house/home

I believe that houses have a soul in a way and pick up what people have lived or lost in them

I am sure you have "clensed" it of bad energy

congratulations , this must have been hard to do

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This house has had 3 owners....all of our husbands died while we were living here. Three widows have lived here. Two  were under age 40 with kids.



Oh gosh!  May you be the last!  May the pattern be broken.  Sigh. 


Congratulations!  Really happy for you! 

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Thanks! I am pretty excited because the timing couldn't be better: kids can finish school year here...and we can me down there most of the summer so they have time to adjust. After home inspection I will feel much better (I know those can be picky and I really don't want a list of things they demand be done in order to buy). They are ore approved for the loan money.


Cleaning out under the house...I  am finding old old camping stuff. I rented a dumpster to throw out junky furniture I don't want to move. I have it for a week and it's almost full. I am relieved I don't have to keep it "show ready" all summer and drag the kids out constantly. After 2 days they were worn out.


My oldest really likes our new house...even though it's 500 less square footage...the space is more functional and it's going to greatly simplify my workload at home: I am so ready!

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And yea the 3 widow thing always baffled me.


One was 65...he died of heart attack in the car. Wife stayed here several years after


One was 38...he died in a freak chemical explosion at work...Wife and 2 little kids stayed here till she remarried and moved.


Me. He was 34...


Yes. I definitely pray I am the last.

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Congrats on a fast sale, SB - what a relief to not have to show and keep everything tidy for the next few months!  I get it on the energy of a house - have had my share of saging/cleansing my homes, whether it works or not who knows.



For me it's always been bittersweet to leave a house but exciting also to move and settle into a new home, redecorate and start again. 





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I have never lived in many houses. My folks still live in the same house I was raised in.


I had 3 post college professional apartments/townhouses...but always rented.


This is the only home I have ever owned. Been here 16 years...With all the updates it looks fresh and new like it did when we first moved in. It's kinda taken me back 16 years...and I had a brief meltdown last night. I know we have to move...we need outta here...it's in all of our best interests...but I couldn't help but have a moment of sentiment.


But today ...it's back to moving forward.

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Great news, SB! So happy for you. There is bound to be a need for embracing those sentimental memories before you let go. I was surprised how once the kids and I had moved everything out of our house, it wasn't as hard to do the last walk-thru and leave. It was just a shell at that point. All that was special came with us, either in physical or memory form.


Best of luck to you and your beautiful kids in your new home!

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SB..Meltdowns can be therapeutic.  I sure relate to this one.  It has been 11 months since my house sold and I made my last walk through.  Packing the wedding china and flatware was my moment of meltdown.  You have thought this through and your forward looking attitude is very positive.  The financial freedom and being debt free were my motivations and I have no regrets.  We take memories with us and put them in safe places in our heart. 


Enjoy your new home and having all your kids together again.  I loved your final comment  " Today it is moving forward". 

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