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I know some people might think this is silly, but...


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It's the middle of the night, and instead of sleeping like a normal person, I am wide awake and worrying about what to do with my dogs, when I move. Though it breaks my heart, I think I am going to have to give them up. Makes me cry, every time I think about it. I love those furry, four-legged critters, and don't know if I could have made it this past year, since Kenneth died, without them.  :'(

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(((lcoxwell)), of course you love them, pets are great company and can be such a comfort!

Not silly at all, I hope if you have to give them up you can find them good homes, not an easy decision to make!!!

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It isn't silly at all to me, L. I had the same worry as I have 4 pets and it is hard to find rentals in my area that allow any pets. Don't give up hope until you've exhausted all options. I suggest that you look at potential places even if they don't allow pets. You may find that the people will like you and make an exception. T & I had this happen once. We went and toured the place. We were young and hadn't thought to ask if they allowed pets. As we were reviewing the contract with the owner, we came to the no pets clause. We apologized and told him we couldn't take the place as we had a dog we couldn't give up. He asked his name, which I thought was kind of weird. We told him and then he wrote in "except Wickett"" right on the contract and we kept going with it.


In the townhouse I'm in now, they allow 2 pets, but made an exception for me to have 4. I do have to pay an extra $100 a month pet fee, though. I toured first with the kids, then asked about the pet policy. When I told the guy we had 4 cats and couldn't imagine not keeping all of them, he offered to see if he could get an exception from the owners. I am only allowed to have these 4 and can't replace them if it would put me over their normal limit of 2 pets, which is fine as I have no intention to add any others.


It can't hurt to ask to see if they might allow an exception. If you can't make it work in the end, then I hope you will be able to find homes for them where you'll feel comforted that they'll be cared for. I'm sorry for the hurt this is all causing you.


Tight hugs...

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Guest nonesuch

It's not silly at all.  I actually wondered about pursuing a relationship with someone I *thought* I liked a lot.  A whole lot. I realized if I did that it would mean a wholesale change in where I lived and everything.  He didn't feel the same way about me I don't think, and he didn't make any promises.  I actually got to the point of thinking, if I did this, I'd have to re=home the cats.  I didn't see enough potential in the relationship to re-home the cats.


Sorry you are facing this decision. 

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Well, it appears that this is going to be another night of having difficulty sleeping, because I am so worried about my dogs and what to do with them, when I move. I really wish I could find some peace about this. It's amazing how many grief issues this is bringing up.. It's also surprising to me how much I have been crying over the idea of having to give them up.


My problem is that every place I have looked into so far either has breed restrictions, a weight limit of 25 pounds, only allows cats, or won't allow pets at all. New Guy is not an option, because he is SEVERLY allergic. The one time he was around my dogs, he broke out into a rash, where my Pit Bull licked him on the arm, and he had trouble breathing.

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Guest nonesuch

as I told my DH, love me, love my cats. They outlasted him, and to his credit, he grew to love them, they were his companions too. I hope you can work something out for you and your dogs to stay together.


The first time Late Husband came to my apartment, he bent down to get a glass in my very tiny kitchen-ette.  Before I could say, "Don't stoop down," Portia, the height-seeking cat had jumped onto his back, sinking her claws into his less-than-a-week-old leather jacket.


He froze.  He said, "Can you get this cat off my new coat?"  That he didn't freak out about it was what sealed the deal. Actually, it turned out Late was mildly allergic to cats, but he put up with it because I wanted them.

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I may have found a temporary solution to my problem. If I can get my Pit Bull, Boo, registered as an emotional support animal, then I could get around the breed restrictions of an apartment. My recent documented medical issues - fibromyalgia pain, migraines, and the mild stroke - were all triggered by anxiety. I've also had a series of anxiety attacks, for which I am now taking medication. My Boo helps to reduce that anxiety, and she is a well behaved dog, when I can get her to stop hiding under the bed. From everything I have looked into, I think she and I would qualify. Of course, there is some cost involved in getting her registered, but it would be worth it.


At some point, I will still have to find new homes for my two dogs, if I plan on a future with New Guy. The severity of his allergies will make it impossible for me to keep them, once we get married (which is the eventual plan, but we're not rushing into things). This solution would just allow me time to properly look for new homes for them, and would allow me more time with them. The truth is, right now, I am simply not yet ready to let them go.

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Guest nonesuch

Good luck. Late H was allergic to old Portia, but only slightly.  In fact, I don't think it bothered him at all once we moved out of an apartment and into a house.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I found a new home for my dogs! My best friend from college, who lives 1000s of miles away, knew how much I was stressing over my fur babies and said he would take them. Timing is everything. My son has been offered a job and is moving less than an hour away from my college friend. The ex is coming to help move my son, so the two of them can transport the dogs across the country for me. The ex is not overjoyed about traveling with dogs, but he nearly killed me once, so I figure he owes me. Having my son with them will help my neurotic dogs stress less, while traveling, which eases some of my stress.


I will admit, I am still having a hard time with the idea of having to give up my dogs, who are my world, in many ways. If my Kenneth were still alive, I wouldn't have to be looking for a new home for them. Admittedly, it has crossed my mind several times, in the last few days, that I would dearly love to kick that man in the butt for dying on me and putting me in this position.

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