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Everything posted by mokie

  1. 24 is the answer... What is the question?? How many pairs of shoes did Mokie just fill a giant garbage bag with? Good lord, you may have a problem if... I also filled another giant bag with clothes to take to the thrift store. I could probably garage sale many things in those garbage bags, but they'll get out of my house sooner if I just take them to St Vinnie's.
  2. Oh goodness... I ALWAYS have a song stuck in my head, every day. I sometimes think I should post my "song of the day" on facebook. Maybe that would get rid of it. Today it's a song the redneck has been practicing to sing in church with his guitar. It's a fun song, but it's been in my head for days now!! Usually when a song gets stuck in my head, it runs with about half of the correct words, and my brain inserts other random words in the place of the ones it doesn't know. ???
  3. I enjoy being alone too... My mom used to tell me that she always knew sending me to my room when I was in trouble was not much of a punishment, because I could be content all by myself anytime. I'm still that way.
  4. I don't know why this made me think of this... But I was filling out some stupid online survey today, and at the end they wanted demographic info... And the choices for marital status were your usual "single, married, divorced". I can check the "married" box again now, but I found myself thinking "Why don't they think about putting 'widowed' on these dang surveys???" I remember, not so long ago, when I would have clicked out of the survey, because my status was not listed. Or if it was, wanting to check "all of the above" because I have been all of them at one time or another. Anyway, sending fairy sleep dust to you... Hope you get some good sleep soon!!
  5. Oh isn't that the truth! I was so pleased with myself that I actually wore each of the pairs of flip flops that I took on our 6 week winter vacation... I think it was 5 pairs. I usually take way more than I wear. Which means I probably can get rid of the kabillion other pairs that I didn't take. Actually, I need to replace a few of my favorite pairs. I have a pair of black ones that I really love, but I think other people see them differently than I do... Toss out the old, and get a **few** new pairs. Heck, up here in Michigan I only get a few days in the summer that I can actually wear them... But we're working on this "living in the frigid north" thing... There may be hope for my forlorn flip flops yet! Oh wait... We're supposed to be getting rid of things, right?
  6. Hey ManutesGirl!! The soup sounds good enough to try... Scoop me up a bowl! And Mancino, you're right!! That does sound good. I usually make my grandmother's warm cider with red hots in it, but the cinnamon whiskey instead of the red hots sounds amazing!! Actually, it sounds good with the pumpkin soup! Who's in?
  7. Oh, a warm beach somewhere is a great remedy for a myriad of troubles!! And yes, a running list of little things happening is enough to derail the strongest of us! Keep pushing though, one day (or problem) at a time. <this, from the person who finally broke down and yelled and screamed when the sewer line busted, and **I** was the only one to take care of the problem, about 2 weeks out... Good thing we lived in the country and the neighbors were all pretty far away>
  8. Coming up! I'm having my usual White Zin. Anyone know why it's called "White" Zinfindel, when it's not even white, it's pink?? Anyone want to try my Davy Crockett Cinnamon Whiskey, straight from Tennessee? It'll give you a burn!!
  9. Oh Mancino!! Great idea! **Hopefully** spring will be arriving in Northern Michigan soon... I'm going to do this! I donated several sweaters last fall before I brought them downstairs and only put in my closet the ones I thought I really loved, but glancing in there, I know there are at least 4 or 5 that I still didn't wear this year. I actually despise all winter clothes. Maybe if I toss all of them, I can avoid winter??
  10. Yeah, that was kind of an odd response... But also sounds like something I'd say if I was in a really sassy mood. Like when a co-worker commented on my loss of weight about 4 or 5 months after his death, right in front of a group of other co-workers... I just blurted out, "I don't recommend the method." I felt really bad afterwards, but it was already out. I'm usually better at filtering my words, to the point of sometimes wishing I HAD blurted out my first thought.
  11. Awwww... That's awesome that they've named it after him. I'm sure it'll make you smile someday. :-\
  12. Yes, no lie, it does get better. You get to a point where you enjoy your new life. You don't forget, but you begin to look back with smiles. It's a different length "tunnel" for everyone. But you do emerge, a new person, but whole, and with optimism for the future. Keep at it!
  13. Hmmmm... I just know I had to try a couple of times before I saw the "curve" option. It's been awhile though, and I was on my phone.
  14. I'm constantly trying to show these Michigan peeps how to do barbecue. ;D Wait till it warms up enough for me to do some baby back ribs!! (Gawd... Will it EVER warm up here?? I was duped, my first Michigan spring, 4 years ago... Warmed up really nicely, stayed in the 70's in April and May, 80's most of the summer... It was all a trick!).
  15. Oh goodness yes! I do this on Facebook a lot. Type out a status, then delete it before I post it. You're right... Sometimes you just need to "say" it, and then you feel better and don't need to hear what anyone else thinks.
  16. Nothing today, but the Redneck has been scanning photo albums and saving the pictures on a DVD so he can give the albums to his boys. We've got a full day tomorrow, but then Saturday it's back to Operation Clean Out the Attic. And then maybe I'll attack the medicine cabinet and my "cosmetics" basket. Honestly, I only wear 3 different things as far as makeup... Why do I have a whole basket of stuff?? I should probably toss a bunch of nail polish too... But a girl never knows what color she's going to be in the mood for!!
  17. I don't have any doohickeys to post right now, but I was "cleaning" out my Yahoo email folders today, and deleted a whole string of emails from someone that I have no idea who it is. My guess is it is someone from the short time I was trying out online dating... Obviously wasn't someone worth remembering, but I saved them at the time. Sheesh!!
  18. Hey gang! I've been out of the loop for a couple of days, getting the house picked up for a 12-person Bunco game here. We'd made a mess of things, sorting through tubs from the attic, but the Redneck did a good job of helping me get things picked up, and then keeping himself and the dogs out of the house while everyone is here. What's everyone drinking tonight? I know Maureen won't be around. She's off with smart people tonight. ;D Ooh, I have leftovers from Bunco that I've brought to the Bistro. BBQ pulled pork, cole slaw, veggie pizza, chips and salsa, and cupcakes. Help yourselves!!
  19. I remember asking something along the same lines when I joined, oh so many years back. I'd never been part of an online group before, so it was all new.
  20. Hand over the red pen and a small stack of papers... I'll help you out. And I'll send the cat out to take care of the mouse.
  21. They're best when you open the package and let them get a little bit stale. I actually survived the whole Easter weekend with nary a Peep. We somehow just didn't buy any Easter candy. Thanks to other people, I had one jelly bean, 4 egg-shaped malted milk balls, and a slice of coconut bunny cake. Now I'm craving Peeps.
  22. It's white. The complete opposite of black. Nice!!
  23. I'm glad you're feeling good about your decision today. And sorry about your sister's comment. You wouldn't have had to go get one if they hadn't been so snotty about taking back the one you were borrowing. Oh, and calling the insurance company? Ugh. But here's the really important question... What color is it? ;D
  24. Nothing of substance today, but I did clean all the clutter off the kitchen countertops and island, and tossed a bunch of junk mail that came while we were gone for 6 weeks. So I guess that counts. And we went through the shop, and labeled a bunch of things my son wants, that we'll take to him in a month. The Redneck is scanning photo albums to DVDs, so he can give the photo albums to his boys.
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