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Everything posted by Mancino

  1. Sorry to hear you're having a rough time, IfIOnly. I'm sure you're doing the best that you can. Wish I could wave a magic fix-it wand for all of us. {{widdahugs}}
  2. I started putting away winter clothes and noticed that there were quite a few I brought out last fall and never wore once this season. So into a donation bag they went. Now I need to do the same with the warm weather clothes; I'm hoping to figure out which ones I probably won't wear this summer and get rid of them now.
  3. Perhaps an admin could make and pin a post with the list of acronym definitions? I remember being a little perplexed by some when I first joined the old board.
  4. I'll take one of those margaritas. Earlier today, I was with some fellow retired coworkers and asked one guy about his wife, who had taken the early retirement at the same time I did a few years ago. Turns out she died the year after retirement (!) and I had never heard about it. I was a little taken aback when his response to my "I'm so sorry" was to chuckle and say "Why? It wasn't your fault." ??? (In my defense, he had been talking about his wife; I assumed it was the one I knew but come to find out, he was already remarried.) I know we all handle grief differently, but I just found that response a little odd. Oh, well...
  5. This thread is reminding me of that old song, "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife..." :
  6. Yes, I've had several "what was I thinking?" moments as I come across items that I thought I just had to keep way back when.
  7. I just refilled my wine glass. TooSoon, I worked at a college as well and saw that kind of thing happen way too often. Sometimes it seemed that anything short of murder was excused in order to avoid the threat of a lawsuit. Any chance Johnny Paycheck's "Take This Job and Shove It" is on the jukebox?
  8. Move over, Rob...I'm on that hamster wheel with you. I don't know why I can't seem to make any headway towards some changes that I would like to see happen. I've gotten very good at Scarlett O'Hara-ing -- Tomorrow is another day. Sigh!
  9. Ha, I think the fringe would get caught in the spokes.
  10. You bet! Shall I add in the poodle skirt and saddle shoes costume I also found? ;D
  11. I'll take an umbrella to add to the glass of Gavi wine I just poured, unless someone can bring me a vodka and tonic. And Baylee....you're a can!
  12. I got sidetracked with working on this, but am trying to get back on track so I need to catch up. Today I sold my DH's camera (big sigh!), and then I started in on my spare bedroom, gathering a bag of goods to go to consignment and another for donation. I also tossed two trash bags of stuff that wasn't fit for either pile. This purging/decluttering has been a real trip down memory lane. I had a good chuckle over an old dance costume I found in the bottom of a storage chest, leftover from my ballroom/disco dancing days back in the 80s. : While I would love to get back into ballroom dancing one of these days, I think my days of wearing a sequin trimmed leotard with a gold fringe skirt are long over (not to mention there's no way it would go over my aging, ample ass, lol). Next I need to get the nerve to sell/get rid of my unicycle that is collecting dust in the basement. I remember saving my allowance to buy that thing when I was in 6th grade (I'm 56 now!) against my mother's rather loud objections. I have carted it around with me all these years for some unknown reason. Silly me actually thought about trying to ride it not too long ago...but then I decided if I was going to do that, I'd better do it in the hospital parking lot to save time and an ambulance ride ;D
  13. I'll take one of whatever is on special, please. As part of my efforts toward the minimalist challenge, I sold DH's 35mm camera today. I had no interest in "real" photography (I just point and click the cellphone when needed, lol), so it seems kinda silly after all these 5+ years that I felt a little pang when I handed it over to the buyer this afternoon. (a very appreciative college Photography student) Crazy how these moments hit when you least expect it. Sigh!
  14. So sorry, Roomie! I hope you got over the hump with some help from your favorite furbabies... ((Hugs))
  15. My husband was a gun enthusiast and belonged to a group that staged shooting competitions with an old west theme. The participants used nicknames and when he asked me to help with one for him, I happened to be studying Italian at the time. Since hubby was a southpaw, I looked up the Italian word for "left-handed" and it was "Mancino".
  16. Renal Cell Cancer wid here. I knew that my husband had a history of kidney cancer; he'd lost one kidney when he was a toddler and then half of the other one as a young adult. We met each other later in life (me in my 40s, he in his 50s) and he had been cancer free for over 20 years. We both kinda assumed cancer might eventually get him later on, but we thought we had more time that what we got. He was diagnosed just 3 months after we married after a doctor's appointment for back pain that turned out to be stage 4 RCC that had metastasized to his spine. The doctor gave him 6 months; he made it 18. For a long time, I made myself crazy with the thoughts of 'we should have done this' or 'we could have gone there'. His last 6 months involved a lot of extreme caregiving and I know I did the best that I could with hand that we were dealt. Watching helplessly as he deteriorated and fought through the pain is something I still have trouble getting past. He could be stubborn and pigheaded at times (probably part of what kept him going so long), but also had a heart of gold and would give the shirt off his back to anyone who needed help and it was heartbreaking to see such an active guy waste away to nothing. I find it a little ironic that although he had renal cell cancer, that half a kidney he lived on most of his adult life was still functioning up until the end. It was the RCC cells that had spread to his spine and other areas that finally killed him. As we can all attest, life can be very unfair at times and I have to keep reminding myself of the phrase my hubby always used -- it is what it is. Sigh!
  17. Nice going, RIFoF! Over a year ago, I decided to dump all loose photos that were stuck in drawers, shoe boxes, albums, etc. into one spot to see what I had and I ended up with a storage tub full! I have been trying to motivate myself to weed through them all...there are tons of duplicates, scenery shots of I-forgot-where places, and of people I-have-no-clue-who-you-are. Something that I thought would be fairly simple to accomplish has turned into an overwhelming task. I need to move this back near the top of my to-do list. As for the minimalist challenge -- I dropped off several items at a new consignment shop here last week. As of yesterday, I see that several items have sold and I have a few dollars coming my way! And whatever does not sell, I will let them keep and donate as they see fit...those items are *not* coming back in my house.
  18. I'll echo the 'should I stay or should I go' sentiment. I too had been slowly drifting away from the board, just skimming it now and then to see what was up, mostly in the BAG and Social sections. A lot of the people from my time period are gone; I'm not sure why I hung around so long...I guess I missed that same memo, Rob. Since I don't post much, I would bet most new folks wouldn't even know who I was (other than confusing my ID name with MacInCo -- glad to see he changed it to just Mac on here) When I got over the initial shock of how abruptly the board was shut down last week, I thought to myself that this would be a perfect time to just let it all go since I really don't 'need' the board any more. That being said, it was a little comforting knowing that it was there if needed. So as you can see, my curiosity of a new board got the best of me. Just when I thought I was out, it pulled me back in, lol. Anyway fleur, it's good to see you here. I remember you from back when I was a new kid on the widow block back in 2009. I'll probably continue to hang around here a bit longer, just to see how things shake out here.
  19. Howdy all. Thanks to those who put this new forum together so quickly. It's good to see so many familiar names here, including several from my "class" of the fall of 2009. I'm 5.5 years out in this journey and had just been skimming the board now and then. I had been telling myself it's probably time to pull away from it, but when I saw that the old one had been abruptly shut down, I felt like I'd lost a friend. This place saved my sanity back in the early days! I kept the same name from the old board...long story short, it's a nickname my husband used for a club he belonged to. We married later in life (me in my 40s, he in his 50s) and were married such a short time...just two years (although we were together for 7). Only 3 months after getting married, we got word that the kidney cancer he had thought he'd beaten two decades ago had returned. What we thought was a sore back due to arthritis, ended up being stage 4 renal cell cancer that had metastasized to his spine. He managed to last more than a year longer than the doctor first predicted, probably due to his pigheaded stubbornness, lol. I'll probably be more of a reader than a poster (always was), but it's nice to know that this place is still here if needed.
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