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Everything posted by MissingSquish

  1. Count me in as hoping you feel better soon LC! I showered today, so my hair is no longer stringy, as it was this morning.
  2. Hi sex kittens! Welcome to the world of sexy widowed Saturday night! It is a time for us widows and widowers to gather together on what can be the loneliest night of the week. I'm hanging out with the dog and watching some YouTube videos.
  3. Ok, I scooped a lot of poop today, but I have a bit of the yard I didn't finish yet. It's raining here today, so it's a bit harder to pick up.
  4. I've got to lose some weight. I gained a bunch over the winter, and need to get back to excercising daily (which I haven't been doing). Went to ballet this morning.
  5. Great job! I tossed some mail and flyers I didn't need.
  6. Would be so fun for us to ride together .
  7. There are! The hamptons/ sag harbor ride is gorgeous! You can even take the bike on the ferry from CT.
  8. I would totally love to do this. I'll have to see how I'm feeling come the spring/summer and if I'll be physically able.
  9. I agree with Grace. You can totally do both. Sending you peace and hugs.
  10. I have nothing much more to add than what's already been said. I'm also wishing you luck on the interview and your decision, whatever it ends up being.
  11. This weekend, I must scoop some dog poop in the yard. Since the snow has melted, it has revealed loads of poop.
  12. Thanks for your support rifatheroffour. I feel a bit better currently. Going to try to get to sleep early tonight.
  13. Spoke too soon. Crying has ensued tonight again. Fuck.
  14. Huge hugs, deedee. Sending peace and love your way for the beginning of your journey. We are all here for you.
  15. 1. Good day at work. 2. No nightmares last night. 3. Weather is finally warming up around here.
  16. Adding my positive thoughts to the list of supporters.
  17. Great job on the cleanup and purge! I am so impressed that so many people are sticking with it. . Now off to find something to get rid of.
  18. Thank you Carey. Was busy today at work and had a better day overall.
  19. Hugs to all! Yay for widow besties
  20. Thanks Singinmom and Captainswife. Completely throwing off our axis, yup, totally agree with that. CW, I'm sorry you are going through some similar emotions currently. Sending you peace and love.
  21. Thank you guys so much. Trying, you hit the nail on the head. He SHOULD be here to celebrate and share in my success. The triggers for me now are the positive things in my life. The negative stuff I have learned to cope and deal with in a way that doesn't make me miss him anymore. I have been through the worst in my life already without him.
  22. Thanks Anniegirl. I am so thankful to be able to be among supportive and understanding peers.
  23. I have so many things to be thankful for right now. So much about my life is finally coming together better than I could have ever dreamed was possible. But the intense memories, both good and bad from my relationship with Squish, are bubbling up to the surface. So many things in my daily routine have been affected. Tonight, I was showering, and I thought back to when Squish used to shower and sang loudly and completely off key. When I'd sneak in the bathroom while he was doing it, he'd give me a sheepish grin. I miss that deep intimacy with him. Where he'd give me butterflies so often. He was intoxicating. But on the converse, I remember all of the times he overdosed and the deep, lasting pain of losing the man I loved over and over again.
  24. Great job everyone! I tossed a few miscellaneous items from my nightstand drawers.
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