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Everything posted by MissingSquish

  1. I hate that my libido often clouds my judgment. Still talking and clinging onto ex-Bf, why am I doing this?
  2. Hugs the_master. I lost my hubby after 7 months of marriage, but a total of 3 years being together. You are not alone here. I'm so sorry you had to join our crappy club.
  3. Congrats on your bachelors degree and continuing to push through grad school. You inspire me.
  4. I so wish I could make this one. It's just a bit too far for me
  5. Laundry is done and put away Started a load of dishes, have a couple more dishes to take care of Tidied up around the house
  6. Did a freezer clean out today. Tossed all of the old stuff that I hadn't eaten anyways. Now I've got some room in there
  7. I need to get on the goals bandwagon too. Mine for the week: Sort out medical insurance stuff with old provider Submit out of network expenses for new provider Finally bring my headlights to be installed on other car Get replacement title for other car and start process to sell it Put away clean laundry Do dishes and put them in dishwasher Also, deal with the traffic ticket I got 3 weeks ago
  8. Amazing purging you guys! Loving it . Keep up the awesome work.
  9. Great accomplishments everyone! I'm still going to ballet once a week for 2 hours. We now have a professional dancer in our class, so it's been considerably harder the past 2 weeks. I was so sore last week after class that I was unable to walk down stairs without searing pain in my calves for 3 days. I am really liking the change in my body and my mind since taking these classes. I am trying not to try to set additional unrealistic fitness goals. My daily step counts, I've mostly abandoned for the moment. The motorcycle riding season is starting up, so I hope to be doing that soon too.
  10. My money saving tip is that I get dog food delivered monthly via Amazon. It's much cheaper than petco, and I don't need to lug the huge bag home once a month.
  11. Saturday night is again upon us. Just finished watching Iron Man 3, got a pedicure this afternoon and am just hanging with the dog.
  12. I have read her book "Lean In" and while I didn't entirely agree with her message in that book, I truly respected where she was coming from. It's extremely hard being in an industry that is so male dominated as she is, and I am curious to see if her peers and her employer gives her the space and room in which to grieve. The way that Facebook treats her career as a result of her loss could set precedent for other tech companies to follow, and it might trickle down to everyone else. While I am never happy to see someone join our ranks, higher profile people that do have a potential opportunity to make things easier for us.
  13. I am so sorry I missed this! Sounds like you guys had a great time.
  14. Huge hugs CW. I also find that I am even more sensitive to issues that come up during dating as well. I find that much of it has to do with hidden triggers that the other person is unknowingly doing. I have found EMDR therapy to be really helpful for rationalizing and centering my emotions around these triggers. I am not perfect, and I have a long way to go, but it has helped me to desensitize a bit.
  15. Facebook's COO joins our ranks. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2015/05/04/death_of_sheryl_sandberg_s_husband_lean_in_prepares_you_for_a_worst_case.html?utm_source=slate&utm_medium=syndication
  16. Thank you all. I appreciate all the widda love up in here.
  17. Yeah, totally agree with you. In hindsight I shouldn't have done it. But there is nothing of his now left at my house and nothing of mine left at his. Sigh. At least I'm cooking myself dinner for the first time in weeks.
  18. Kamcho, did you leave an email address or a phone number in your note? He might not contact you regardless, but rather will bask in additional approval from someone in his past.
  19. Thank you guys so much for your support. Went to ex-bf's house to drop off a few things today and I got super upset. It was probably a mistake, as he said a few things that made me question whether or not I was engaged in our relationship and fair with him. But widow friends and my cousin have set me straight. I know I was more than fair to him, and couldn't have interpreted him being MIA as a sign he was still working through his own grief. Escpecially that he didn't tell me before he went MIA that he just needed some space.
  20. So I've gotten quite a few things done over the past two days that I've been putting off for weeks! Did a few loads of laundry Put the clean clothes away Did a load in the dishwasher Put the clean dishes away Went through old mail Shredded stuff I didn't need I'm just basking in the glow of having gotten enough motivated to get all of that done. I've got stuff that I need to do this week as well, but I'm on a roll!
  21. Awesome job everyone! Thanks for the continued encouragement! I went through some old mail today and shredded a ton. Also went through a few drawers and tossed some odds and ends.
  22. Thanks so much look2thesky. Continuing to be gentle with myself is what I should focus on now. Hugs.
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