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Everything posted by twistedmensa

  1. We've been beach bums for the past few days. Looking forward to meeting everyone tomorrow!
  2. I'm glad he's gone and you can get back to some form of normality.
  3. I am so glad he was talked down. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. You aren't alone. I still talk about him constantly. I don't care if people think I need to move on; when they've walked my journey, they are more than welcome to offer their opinion.
  5. My oldest was 17 when DH died (he was her stepfather, her father died before she ever got a chance to meet him) and she was generally the catalyst for his more violent outbursts. My son was only 10 and doesn't remember and/or wasn't present for these outbursts; because of this, my son and my daughter have very different memories of the same man. After every incident, the docs at the VA would increase his medication and we would have a year or two of relative peace before the next incident. The last incident resulted in an overnight stay courtesy of the county sheriff and anger management classes for him and a 6 week stay at a barely tolerable one-room studio with only a mini-fridge and hot plate for a kitchen for myself and my daughter. There is a part of me that is relieved that the inevitable escalation has been permanently averted...but at such a high cost. My son will eventually learn the truth that his father was far from perfect; chances are good that he will hear it from his sister and probably sooner than I would like, but she has managed to hold her tongue for now. When he begins to ask me questions about his Dad's issues, I will tell him the truth: that he was a good man that was forced to survive under horrific conditions at the tender age of 19, and his experiences permanently changed how he related to others...and not for the better.
  6. The kids and I are in! Just booked an RV spot on the beach at Camp Pendleton for the week of July 17!
  7. I haven't seen a dick in quite some time. What does one look like?
  8. I'm watching a marathon session of Forensic Files and feasting on french bread pizza. LIVIN' THE DREAM!!!
  9. Love that new baby smell! Congratulations on becoming an Auntie!
  10. Google and YouTube have saved my life many times...lol.
  11. I bought a Winnebago Saturday evening! I don't know about sexy, but I will be attending the Disneyland Bago in STYLE!!
  12. I'm taking the opportunity presented by my son's exhaustion after a soccer tournament to watch one of my favorite guilty pleasures: South Park.
  13. My husband was a disabled Vietnam Vet...so I understand about the demons. Everybody handles grief differently; just because you aren't in complete despair doesn't mean you aren't doing it right or should feel guilty.
  14. Sad news. It's hard to lose our furbabies. :'(
  15. I enjoy the versatility of the work fuck as well! As a fellow rider I will join you in saying, "Fuck you" to all the morons that don't pay attention to the road...bass turds!!
  16. Hope you had a great time on Duval. I assume you went to 801 Bourbon Bar...IMHO, they have the best show. I spent many nights there when I lived in the Keys.I even remember some of them. Good times!
  17. Solidarity! I've been in this house a year and have yet to completely mop my tile floors. (In my defense, I have used my little Swiffer to spot clean areas that need some cleanup).... ;D
  18. I wish I had some words of wisdom that would magically transform your feelings, but all I have to offer is a hug from someone who has fought those feelings for almost forty years. For what it's worth, I don't think you are a coward for not acting on your feelings; it takes great courage to continue to put one foot in front of the other in spite of the emotional pain you feel. I urge you to seek counseling. You deserve to have hope and happiness in your life.
  19. Perhaps she has had a bad experience with a caregiver in the past. I have some serious issues leaving my kids with ANYONE other than my mother. But then I had some pretty traumatic experiences with caregivers in my childhood, so trust is not something I give easily...especially when it comes to people with access to my kids.
  20. I have always been an avid reader, tearing through anything I could get my hands on, but the past few years I have found it difficult to concentrate long enough to actually get through a book. I recently downloaded Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray; I've wanted to read it for many years and am hoping I can become immersed in the story like I used to be able to do. So far, I haven't been able to get past the first few pages.
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