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Everything posted by twistedmensa

  1. I'll take a happy mess over a sad mess any day of the week! Enjoy your happy mess! You are on your own timeline...nobody else's.
  2. It really does feel like a dream at times, doesn't it? I wish it were as easy as going to sleep to get it back, not that sleep comes easy around here.
  3. I am soooo sick of hearing, "Oh, you're young enough to find another man." It isn't the lack of a man that makes me sad, it is the lack of a specific man.
  4. Metastatic cancer from an unknown primary source. 32 days from diagnosis to death. Made worse because they first treated him with antibiotics for bronchitis even though he had a history of lymphoma. When the first round of antibiotics didn't clear it up in two weeks, they put him on stronger antibiotics for an additional two weeks. Four weeks of non-treatment for what we already knew was cancer and based on his past experience, would be astonishingly aggressive..and it certainly was. Fucking managed care...more like careLESS.
  5. I'm in, if anyone is around. Thrilling Friday night.
  6. I don't know that I would break off the friendship entirely, but I certainly wouldn't rely on her for a ride again. I am sorry you were stranded like that.
  7. I managed to find most of our Halloween decorations last night. I planned on setting them up today, but it rained...and hailed...and a small tornado actually touched down a few miles from my house. Very unusual weather for these parts. So I guess I will put he decorations up tomorrow.
  8. Hi Kat. I'm at 18 months out. My 19 year old keeps threatening to move out and I keep telling her that her threats would be more effective if she had a job. I think my 12 year old would very much like to be an only child right now. But I do remember how I felt when I sent my kids to my Mom's while I packed up and got the house on the market. It was six weeks of unnerving....quiet. The last time I was alone like that was 20 years ago, and it wasn't nearly as pleasant this time around.
  9. That sounds like quite an honor! Congrats to your son!
  10. I know that scream. I'm glad my son was at school when I let it out. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I hope you get some nightmare-free sleep.
  11. I feel like this, too. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, car in the driveway...who am I to whine? Yet I whine away just the same. I don't really have any words of wisdom, but know that you aren't the only one feeling like this.
  12. I'm sorry you had a bad birthday. Mine was sort of a bust, too, but I'm not big on birthdays, so it didn't really bother me. It's probably late, but have a big ole birthday hug, anyway!!
  13. Shit...I'm out of luck. I suffer from Resting Bitch Face!
  14. Managed to get the bulk trash out before 6 am, actually took it all out around 4 am...there are perks to being an insomniac! Finished my grocery shopping only to realize that the one thing I HAD to get (dog food) was forgotten. So...I will be going back tonight. Currently doing the laundry, just finished loading the dishwasher and plan to start cooking dinner in about 20 minutes. Living the dream!! And no....I haven't hooked up the stereo, yet!
  15. I am so glad to hear that. High-five!!
  16. My eldest child's father died when I was 31, so I feel some solidarity with you. I felt old at a very young age. I'm 47 now and am approaching 18 months of "official" widowhood. If I felt old before, I feel absolutely ancient now. My face has aged drastically and I barely recognize the reflection in the mirror. I bounced back before and I'm hoping if I'm patient, I'll bounce back again. Though I've found I'm not nearly as elastic at 47 as I was at 31...lol.
  17. Absolutely! I was very regular until DH got sick. Then my cycle changed to every two weeks for about 9 months, then skipped a month. So pleased to start the Change while riding the Grief Train!
  18. It could be because a single diner has a smaller dinner tab. Tips are based on the dinner tab...smaller tab, smaller tip. If a server is busy with multiple tables, a single diner will be a low priority. If I'm alone and there is bar seating available, I'm likely to get better service there. I also tend to go out during off-peak times. Fewer competing customers means I'm likely to get better service.
  19. Guess I'll be hitting Best Buy tomorrow. I hate paying for stuff that I KNOW isn't that difficult, but that's my new life. I even broke down and paid to have the fluids in my motorcycle changed out. I have always done my own maint. on my bike, but my garage is currently being used as a storage room and my HOA doesn't allow vehicle maint. Sadly, my neighborhood is full of people that like to report others for minor infractions. I've actually started hiding my "stealth flamingos" in my bushes as a way to "stick it to The Man."
  20. Unsolicited advice...always a favorite in my book. Lately, I have been going from zero to Queen Bitch in about a nanosecond as soon as a "well meaning" individual opens their mouth about how I "should" be doing things. Well, I suppose I should be doing a lot of things, but I don't really give a flying fuck about much of anything right now. Nor do I care if I piss people off...they certainly don't seem to care if they piss me off. That said, I probably do need to tone it down just a bit...if for no other reason, Christmas is just around the corner and I don't want to get coal from Santa.
  21. I've stared at this stereo all night and the damn thing never did set itself up. I think it's mocking me. Now it's after 4:30 and I need to at least try and nap before I have to get my son ready for school. So back to the same old "I really need to do this" and then not do it....again...sigh. So I will set this goal for tomorrow. I will set up the stereo, albeit temporarily, as the TV is currently sitting in the spot I intend for the receiver. I still need to bolt the TV to the wall...I can't imagine how long it will take me to finally commit to drilling the holes in my wall to mount it. Maybe I should just go to Best Buy and pay them to do it for me. It would be worth the $80 just for the peace of mind that it's finally done. I hate this new life.
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