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Everything posted by BrokenHeart2

  1. Hi Jen, here is a link to a thread that explains 'widowbago'.
  2. Melissa, I'm so sorry for your loss of your DH. I seem to recall it felt like that's all I did was cry in those early days. One step/minute/hour/ day at at time. Whatever it takes to get through. Remember to drink water as crying is very dehydrating. Hugs to you and your daughter.
  3. Baby step Bubu27, yes it stays with you in different ways over time. Thank you Twin_mom for acknowledging that my signature helped you and you certainly did not mutilate it. I am rebuilding my life and it's been a tough old slog getting there. I had no idea how all consuming this widowhood can be. I'm learning that it doesn't have to define me and I'm finding my way again. Hugs
  4. Yes, I have just come to accept this is part of who I am now. I too didn't use to be this way.
  5. Lisa, I too am so sorry for your loss. Michael was a terrific writer. Hugs
  6. Gem, keep going one day at a time. Are you getting out of the house at all? Try to find something you might like to do. Maybe trying "fake it till you make it" could help until you find what you may like to do. Baby steps. Hugs
  7. Didn't do much last night. Fell asleep on the couch LOL Tired from hauling in wood to keep the house warm. Furnace oil is so darned expensive.
  8. Hey Ben1437, I feel your pain. A few years ago I was taking a pottery course with a bunch of friends and they were all doing just what you described. I turned to one of my friends and said "Really, are you really complaining to me about what your husband is or isn't doing?" I said it loud enough to be heard by others. I must admit they changed their tune.... for a few classes anyway. People just don't get it!! They have no idea how fortunate they are. I too distanced myself from that sort of stuff as well. I just didn't want to hear it anymore. Best of luck to you Hugs
  9. I have to agree with Tybec and Hachi, numbing is not the answer. From what I've read I'm concerned you are going to overdose. I remember not caring if I lived but I didn't work to harm myself. In those horrid early days I made a promise to myself to get out of the house once a day, even if just for a short walk. Wise words that stuck with me early out..... "If you're going through hell, just keep going" I said that to myself more times than I can count but eventually things started to smooth out. It was in baby steps for me but it did eventually happen. Hugs
  10. So sorry Powbesh for the loss of your dear husband. What you said makes perfect sense to me. I remember feeling what you described. Take it one day at a time. You'll get there in your own time. Hugs to you
  11. Hi Candice. I'm at 5.5 yrs out and I too remember you. What you're saying makes sense to me! Hugs
  12. So today is his 59th birthday. He died at 53 yrs old. His son is 31 today and down south with his GF's family. Nobody has acknowledged it today except his son when I wished him a happy birthday he said he's having a beer for Dad. That's it, nobody else. It's been 5.5 yrs and I guess ...........it is what it is. I spoke with a recent widower today, his wife, my friend, died in August and he didn't really want to "go there". Yeah ok..... whatever. I'm really getting tired of being there for others when nobody wants to bother being there for me. Maybe they are thinking it's been enough time that I should be "over it". It all just really sucks is all. Hugs.
  13. I have had very similar experience as well CW. My tolerance is low for other peoples self centered BS. Hugs
  14. Hey NT, just remember to not let the witch steal your peace. Sleep well!
  15. Nope, not a horrible person and don't let the witch manipulate you either! Stick to your original plan and believe your sister! Hugs
  16. As I was reading your post I thought if they're old enough to stay home let them cook their own meal. Then reading 21 and 25, let them take care of themselves. And the kitchen better be clean when you get home LOL. It's time for you to start to enjoy your holidays and let them be lumps if that's their choice.
  17. Oh good KK, yes it is so unfortunate that we have to go through this and they have to miss so much. Hugs
  18. KK you can always turn off his notifications for his special days to make it easier for you. I talked to my stepkids and then I closed his acct.. I can always re activate when I want.
  19. Glad you found us GettingThere!! As you well know this is a group nobody wants to join! I hope you find a source of support with all the terrific people here! Hugs
  20. I'm thinking of all our fellow wids in the path of Hurricane Florence on the eastern US coast! Praying you are all safely prepared for the onslaught of weather. Take care!!
  21. Yes RAM, I remember feeling just as you are now. I wondered if it would ever just not hurt remembering. I can say yes, most of the time now I don't get that searing pain thinking back on our life together. There are still things I remember that still kind of hurt but for the most part now I fondly remember with a softness in my heart. Hugs
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