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Everything posted by BrokenHeart2

  1. Very well said MikeR! It's been 5 yrs for me and I'm just thinking about it. I've been asked out and politely declined. I just wasn't ready. There is so much I miss about being in a relationship and yet so much I miss about "our" relationship......... I need that clarity before I go there!
  2. Sc39 I'm sorry for the loss of your DH. Yes I too remember feeling this way as well. I live rural and I remember I had to drive a bit slower. It freaked me out a bit. Thankfully it did subside. Hang in there and hugs to you.
  3. I still think there's nothing wrong about posting about DGI's here on our site as we all experience the frustration of them in our real lives and have nowhere else to express those feelings. That's why we're here and why we come here to relate to others that 'get us'!! Hugs to all!!
  4. Bunny, my situation is kind of similar to yours as in feeling detached from his family. His parents are gone but has 2 sisters. I have not talked to either of them in over 3 yrs. When they decided (without at least talking to me) to invite DH's ex to holiday dinner. I was with DH for 20 yrs, she was never invited. This also put my stepkids (adults) and I in a strained position over the past couple of yrs. I have come to realize that things change and I need to keep moving forward rebuilding my life with or without them. As DH used to say "it is what it is" Hugs
  5. Well said CG! I hope you come back more often. RAM, hugs to you and I hope it works out for you. BTW.... rant away, most of us get it!
  6. Last time I was in Portland was to pick up DH for a weekend with friends in Maine in 2009, they are no longer friends, just sayin .
  7. Hi SW, I'm at just over 5 yrs and yeah the 5 yr anniversary hit me much harder than I thought it would. I'm not dating, I've been asked out and politely declined. Sure do miss the companionship but I'm guessing it will happen when/if it happens. I don't have the muster for the online dating thing so I'll just have to go with "it is what it is".
  8. Hi Mattie, I too can relate to your "what if's". In the early days/months it sure is "insane and painful" One thing that helped me in the early times was a statement I read "if you're going through hell, just keep going" I repeated that to myself many times to remind me that evenually I will get out of this hell. Hang in there. Hugs
  9. BrokenHeart2

    Triggers in public

    Excellent post Lewis. Oh yes I too remember those early days. Tears flowed in the grocery store, in the bank, at the butchers etc. Sometimes I felt like it was never going to end but thankfully it did and I survived. I don't know what I would have done without this board and it's predecessor YWBB.
  10. Congratulations Rob!! Best wishes to both of you!!
  11. Well said Portside. I couldn't conceive life improving and early out couldn't comprehend how it possibly could. Baby steps, drink lots of water and take one day ( or hr/minute) at a time. My DH too died in my living room in my house. It doesn't bother me any more. It did somewhat early out but for me I felt that was a gift I was able to give him. He wanted to be home and I made sure that happened. It wasn't easy but it was the least I could do. Be gentle with yourself as you tread these troubled waters. Big gentle hugs to you.
  12. Sorry you are all going through this with nutcase but I am going to say I have to agree with Portside here. BF needs to step up and finish his business with his wife and get custody straightened out. For your own sanity taking a step back for a bit may not be a bad idea. Hugs
  13. Hey Steph you don't need to appoligize for your rant! Rant away! . I get what you're saying and at the same time others have made good points. DGI's for sure. klim, I'm with you on your friend's comment because it is real and from the heart. I appreciated when people said "I just don't know what to say". That was more comforting than the empty accolades.
  14. Well I would think if I became friends with someone that preferred to talk instead of text then resorted to text, I would want to know why??. Just be honest if whatever media you choose to let her/him know. In my opinion it should be by talk always as hard is it would be honest either way.
  15. 105° F here. Just watered my vacationing neighbors flowers then did mine. Thank you God for central air!!! Going to watch a movie and hit the sack. Tomorrow with humidity its supposed to hit 120°F..... don't think I'll be doing any Canada Day activities outdoors. Stay cool wids! And Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadian Wids!
  16. Yes, I too remember year 2 being harder for me as well. Hug
  17. Sorry for your loss Mattie. Be gentle with yourself. Hugs
  18. I miss him everyday. I know he's not coming back and I missed being loved. You know what I mean. The look to each other, the touch, the smile, the pat on each other's butt 😊......all of it. The companionship, the taking care of each other, knowing we have each other's back...and well just all the rest that you know I don't even have to say. Just sayin'
  19. Hi KM88, I too remember my first birthday and people sending birthday wishes and I just thought WTF are you crazy? They don't know. They don't want to know and they don't want to see you hurting. I know that doesn't help, at least it didn't help me at the time. Maybe it's not a bad thing to feel the pain. Go through it and try not going around it. Yes it is deeply painful, I didn't even realize that a pain this excruciating existed. A statement that helped me was "if you're going through hell, just keep going". It's a good thing you took a day to yourself tomorrow. Be gentle with yourself. Hugs to you.
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