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The first of his fur-babies to join him... :(


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As I was getting the kids off to school today, one of my neighbors approached me, carrying a limp little form in her arms. It was Peridot, one of our Siamese cats-- one of Jim's kitties. When we got married, my cat, Onyx, was pregnant, and on our first Mother's Day together, she littered in our bedroom. We couldn't stand to break up the family, so Picasso, Pigeon, and Peridot (plus Onyx) have been with us ever since.


When we moved to the new house with my mom, we quickly found that we couldn't keep all of them inside anymore. My mom has four cats of her own, and eight cats plus five people and a dog-- it just didn't work. We have a little gazebo in the backyard, it's a perfect shelter for them, and they've been happy outdoor cats ever since. But you can't stop cats from wandering, even ones who have been spayed and kept close to their humans all their lives, and this morning Peri went out into the street. The wrong place at the wrong time-- some jerk came speeding around the curve (the 25 mph sign is right in front of our house!) and hit her. According to the neighbor, he didn't even slow down. :(


My oldest was here, so she already knows, but the boys had already gotten on their buses. My older boy, who considers all the cats his special pets, will be devastated. I dread having to tell them when they get home.


Jim adored his cats-- I used to come home and find him sitting on the couch with all of them (!) piled on top of him. I'd like to think Peri is snuggled up with him now, purring ferociously.


We've lost a great deal more than one little cat, so this shouldn't be too much of a setback, but... it hurts today. If you can spare some gentle thoughts for my poor kids, I'd be grateful.







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JJ, I'm so so sorry about this newest loss you and your children have to face.  Our wonderful, warm and loving little balls of fur are so important and such dear parts of our family.  Having to say goodbye to them - especially when we lose them in such a horribly tragic manner - is just awful.  On the list of "bug hurts" we've all had to endure it may comparatively be near the bottom, but there's no denying it's a big hurt nonetheless, especially when piled on top of our other losses.  I wish you the very best of luck (whatever the hell that means in a f*cked up situation like this) in telling your little ones this afternoon.


I hope that if there is a little bit of each of them still out there in the universe, Jim and Peridot have found each other.  It sounds like there was so much love in your household. 


I'm just so so sorry....

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Oh honey I am so sorry!! We got a puppy just a few weeks after Chad died. His name was even chadder (a nickname Chad had when he was young). He was for the kids to "help heal". What actually happened is that when he was five months old he got out of the house one morning, I didn't know he was out and he ran under my tires as I was leaving for work :(  To be the one that did it made it even worse. I'm so very sorry about your Peri. I don't underestimate the effect our animals have on us, and the love we have for them is very real :(

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It got worse. So much worse. I went to get some flowers to plant on Peridot's grave-- petunias and a hosta, it's a shady spot-- and when I got back, I found Pigeon in a pool of blood at the end of the driveway. Both my little girls, in the same horrible day. WHY???!


I buried her beside her sister, then went up to my room and screamed my lungs out. I haven't screamed like that in a year or more. I got myself together before the kids got home, but lost it completely when they did. We ended up sobbing and clutching each other in the backyard until we could barely breathe.


My older son reacted exactly as I suspected: he cried, cursed, and immediately brought the remaining 6 cats into the house. They're all nervous, hiding under furniture and avoiding the dog, but hopefully everyone will calm down and get used to each other. I just can't believe this all really happened... it can't be real, can it? Who loses two cats to cars in one day? I don't understand. My poor kids don't understand. We're devastated.


Thank you all for the hugs and kind thoughts. I can't believe how much this hurts tonight.  :'(

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It was a rough night... my daughter took it especially hard. But the sun came up, and we're still here. Thank you all. ((((((HUGS)))))


I found this pic of the girls with Onyx, their mother. I took it at the end of June. I can't believe they're gone-- just like that. My poor sweet girls.  :'(

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Oh JJ, that's just so awful.  To lose two sweet baby girls in one day.  Oh god.  I'm just so sorry.  NG and I  adopted two kittens in June, and just the thought of having to say goodbye to them one day brings me to tears.  Our cats are just such dear, wonderful little people and mean so very much don't they?

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