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Everything posted by DonnaP

  1. Sorry, Mancino, There will always be those people who take advantage of our kindness. It is just the way of things. It WAS still a nice act on your part. For me, I saw an elderly man at the grocery store and offered to take his shopping cart back into the store for him. I even helped him unload his groceries into his trunk. He seemed truly grateful for the assistance I also took our dog for an extra long walk (kindness to animals) since it was such a pleasant day. HUGS, Donna
  2. No need to apologize for your feelings. We are all human. I was in my later forties when my husband (50) died. I had many of the same thoughts. Who could I possibly find who'd want me (an aging, wrinkled, past-her-prime mother of two...). But guess what? Lightning DID strike again for me. And it can for you too, so long as you are open to that idea. Good luck. And may the force be with you ... HUGS, Donna
  3. Vineyard? Sunday? Sounds good. Count MrDrew and me in!
  4. The guy doing my emissions test was grumpy, so, instead of being grumpy back, I thanked him for his time and efficiency in getting to my car quickly. He seemed taken aback by the compliment. Mailed a surprise jar of roasted red peppers to my in-laws.
  5. 4/22 - Made a new bib for my husband's handicapped step-daughter. She is in her 30's and needs total care; the oversize bib is specially designed to make it easier to feed her without dripping food all over her.
  6. Tallied up our kindnesses to date... We had 113 acts of kindness from the original thread (on YWBB) and another 82 here. That makes a collective 195 total acts of kindness so far. GREAT JOB TEAM! Keep up the good work.
  7. Mick very rarely tried to surprise me. He did the usual stuff, like bringing flowers home with him on our anniversary and Valentine's Day, and he'd sometimes call me and suggest something spontaneous, like going out to dinner. But the two real surprises I remember are for my 30th and 40th birthdays. For my 30th, he invited a few key people over to the house (it was a weeknight) and got an ice cream cake. Our boys were very young (2 and 4) so it was easier to stay in than go out. For my 40th, Mick and my brother-in-law planned a double surprise party for me and my twin sister. It was a rocking good party, filled with family and friends. A ton of planning went into the party. I was so impressed!
  8. 4/21 Picked up a dozen Happy Birthday balloons and dropped them off at my hairdresser's salon.
  9. Hey sweetie! I'm right there with ya! Springtime is so hard, for a number of reasons. It used to be the time Mick and I would gear up for the start of golf season. Also our anniversary in April would jump start the nice weather. It's hard when these days come and they are not here with us to share in them HUGE HUGS!!! Donna
  10. 4/18 Spent the day visiting with my husband's handicapped step-daughter and putting smiles on her face. Saw an elderly woman at the grocery store and put a smile on her face with just an acknowledgement of how beautiful a day it was.
  11. OMG! So much hatred in the world. I fear for the future generations of our children. So glad your daughter is safe and it was over quickly.
  12. April 16 Taking SD out to lunch today, to mark what would have been her mother's 54th birthday. Also, invited the sister of my husband's late wife to accompany us to see her niece in a college play tonight. Texted several family members to alert them that today is a potential trigger day for SD and ask them to send text hugs her way.
  13. Thank you everyone for your kind replies. This past Sunday would have been Mick and my 29th wedding anniversary. I did not post anything that day -- I was absorbed in several wonderful activities with my amazing husband, MrDrew. We spent the entire day together and I felt more loved than lost. I still miss my sweet Mick -- especially on beautiful days when we could be golfing together -- but I am no longer lost in hopelessness and despair. My memories are vivid and happy ones. We had such a great life together. I miss that, but I can look forward to a new future--one in which I can be happy and content. <3 DonnaP
  14. If only this were true... Maureen Maureen, I "liked" your post to empathize, not because I think the pain you feel is good. Hugs hon. Ditto. HUGS from here too <3
  15. As sensitive a person as I KNOW you to be, I'm certain that the "lapse" was minor. Plus, the fact that you picked up on it after means you are NOT oblivious, ... just a little slower to catch on. Hopefully, the person to whom the comment (probably joking??) was directed knew you did not mean to offend. HUGS my friend. (Wish they could be in person ...) Donna
  16. MrDrew and I baked a batch of homemade macaroon cookies this weekend to bring in for our office mates.
  17. Picked up a packet of gum for my office mate -- we often borrow gum from each other
  18. 4/9 Took SD's boots to a cobbler to have the soles re-glued. Picked up some toiletry items for her at the pharmacy. Shared some Dove chocolate covered blueberries with my co-workers. YUMM
  19. I've been slacking off, BUT I did fill my recycling bin with a bunch of outdated papers and old floppy disks that I can't even access anymore because I have a new computer with a CD drive instead of a floppy disk drive.
  20. 4/8 Picked up more fruit leathers to give to the other co-workers who didn't get one yesterday. Who knew these would be SO popular -- haha.
  21. GREAT goals, Virgo. I will try as well. I seem to have fallen in a vicious rut -- not getting enough sleep and not making time for exercise. Now that some other parts of my life are more in order (like my husband finally living with me full time), I am trying to get back on track...
  22. Went to the Natural Foods Store at lunchtime and picked up a dozen fruit leather packets. For anyone who's never had one, they are similar to fruit rollups, but without the added sugar. Just plan fruit, dehydrated. Yummy. Anyway, I passed them around to some of my co-workers. Next time, I need to get more...they were pretty well received
  23. Today is my sadiversary (5 years since losing Mick). I'm letting someone do a kindness for me. My twin sis is taking me out to lunch. <3
  24. April Fool's Day. It figures. Five years ago, it was also Holy Thursday. This time of year carries a sadness now. Easter. April. Our anniversary was/is April 12. In 2010, the year Mick died, we were planning to go away for a romantic golf weekend (yes, the two DO indeed go together)... I know I'm rambling, but that's where my thoughts are today -- all over the place. My memories of him are still vivid. There are still remnants of him everywhere in the house. I've been going through rooms and trying to de-clutter and pare down the STUFF that has taken over. Not hoarder status yet, but clean surface space is dwindling. Anyway, it seems, more and more of "his" stuff is going away. I get nostalgic looking at it, and yet have not cried over any of it yet. It think it's time to let go. It feels ok now. I will always love you, Mick. I gave you my heart so many years ago. A piece of it is still with you. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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