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Everything posted by twistedmensa

  1. I have baggage, you have baggage...we all have baggage and the older we get, the more we accumulate. Only you can decide what amount of baggage you are willing/able to deal with. When I was much younger, I belonged to a church that has been accused of being a cult. I don't know if that's true or not, but it has certainly left its imprint upon me. Tread carefully, but you may find that her experiences are the reason she didn't run away from your own baggage.
  2. My 11 year old son started a new school this year. As if that weren't stressful enough, one of his teachers embarrassed him in front of the entire class. He has a nervous twitch, made worse when he is stressed. The last year has been exceedingly stressful for all of us and his twitch, though not as bad as it was a year ago, is still fairly pronounced and frequent. This woman, a teacher of 10 years, called him out in the middle of class and told him to stop twitching because it was distracting to her. He was embarrassed and had to force himself not to cry, but he cried tonight when I put him to bed and he doesn't want to go back to her class tomorrow. Guess I'll be making a trip to school tomorrow and raising holy hell.
  3. I have the same issue of tears constantly right at the surface. I'm at 15 months and I really thought I might be turning a corner as far as my emotions, but the past three or four days have been a nightmare. I'm back to crying multiple times a day and completely breaking down at night. I've taken to turning the music up loud while I take a shower so I don't wake anyone. I suppose it doesn't help that I'm having constant hot flashes and all the other fun side effects of pre-menopause. If I could live in the freezer, I would....sigh.
  4. I wish I could dream. That would mean I'm sleeping. In some ways, it's a relief. I have been plagued with nightmares for most of my life. But it would be nice to see my husband one more time.
  5. Sleep? I've heard about it, but have never actually experienced it. Grrrrr.
  6. The usual...football and laundry! I am a creature of habit.
  7. We just had to put our 15 year old cat down a few weeks ago. He had an aggressive tumor at the base of his neck. He comforted me so much after DH passed. I will say a little prayer for Pru as well as for you. I know this is difficult to deal with.
  8. You don't need my strength, you have already shown that you are strong by leaving the situation. You just have to believe it for yourself. I feel like your son sees your strength as well. Our children look to us to show them how to live and love and they mimic our behaviors, both good and bad. You have shown him, through your actions, that you don't have to remain in an unhealthy relationship.
  9. You did the right thing...don't second guess yourself. I recently had to put down our 15 year old cat (on the day before we left for Florida) because of a large and aggressive malignant tumor (which, ironically, was located at the base of the neck in the same location as my DH's most obvious tumor). It was, like yours, a difficult decision and also like you, I have lost a lot of my confidence in my decision making abilities. But we both made sound decisions that allowed our furry family members the ability to leave this world peacefully.
  10. Wish I had heard about this sooner...sounds like something my son would benefit from. Maybe he can participate next summer.
  11. I saw that on Facebook as well, and posted it to my timeline. So true.
  12. I am sooooo looking forward to an exciting evening of laundry. Living the dream, my friends! At least I finally have football to look forward to tomorrow!
  13. It would be nice to go back to a time when I didn't have to hold my nose every time I voted. Recently, I have considered switching to a good quality gas mask.
  14. I do the same thing. Sometimes I'll even hit 'repeat' a few times. Makes me question my sanity. But music is very healing to me. Maybe it's a way to handle the pain in three minute increments.
  15. I am sooooo right there with you! A little venting goes a long way.
  16. My son told me the same thing. He and his Dad were extremely close. I think my son got the butt end of this deal...lol.
  17. This struck a chord with me. It has been 9 years for me as well. My husband was on so many meds for PTSD that it simply wasn't physically possible and he was ashamed to the point of not wanting ANY form of sex. Thankfully, our bond was strong enough to survive this, but he has been gone nearly a year and a half now and I am nothing if not horny. Sadly (or not), I'm not really wired for a one nighter and I certainly don't feel ready for a relationship so I'm trapped in this hideous limbo of desperately wanting/needing intimacy, but not really being in a position to deal with the emotions that come along with it. I hate this shit.
  18. I just avoid leaving the house...problem solved...sigh.
  19. Travelling is what has kept me alive for most of my life! Have fun.
  20. I just spit coffee all over the computer...oh, fuck....OMG...I can't stop laughing. TI imagine the reason he only dates women under 35 is because no woman over 35 would have him. And he shaves his twig and berries...sorry...just not into dating a prepubescent BOY!
  21. Fuck my HOA who seems to think I give a flying fuck about the "spurge" (it's a specific weed...yeah, I had to look it up) in my yard. Fuck that I now know what spurge is. Fuck crying every day even after 13 glorious, fun-filled months. Fuck that we don't have a "flip-off" emoticon.
  22. Fuck cancer...I've lost too many loved ones to this scourge...including DH.
  23. Congrats on the new house. I, too, just moved into my new house about a month ago. I closed on it nearly 6 months ago, but needed to make a few repairs/improvements. I am 3000 miles away from my real home in the Florida Keys...but that life is now over. Stuck in suburbia where the only thing that matters is perfect landscaping and everyone constantly has their panties in a wad over everyone else's business. I don't know about you, but I am really having a hard time accomplishing anything. I still have a lot of stuff in boxes in the garage. I culled most of our possessions when I moved from Florida, because it was more cost effective to shitcan everything than to move it, but there is still quite a bit. I just can't bring myself to care.
  24. It's just a nickname I was given by my friends when I first started going to college. Apparently I was a bit on the cerebral side and my sense of humor was decidedly inappropriate. Here's to hoping my sense of humor returns.
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