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Today I just hate everyone. Feel free to add your own!


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I'm having one of those days where I have to fight all my battles all at once.  These things are not actually bad, but I need the release!


I hate the company who provides me with internet and changed my billing terms without my notice or permission while I was in the hospital with my DD.  I'm waging a war, so watch out world!


I hate the nurse who came and made said DD cry while changing her ostomy bag.  I know it had to be done, but hey - this is a rant.


I hate the fact that I have to retile the bathroom floor because it's leaking.


I hate that my kids are incapable of listening to me, or talking in any voice other than a whine.  They have cried so long on the front porch today (what I do when they cry at me) that I'm afraid of CPS coming up and taking them away.


I hate the disease that my children have, as it makes them clumsy and unwilling to eat properly.


I hate the cancer that stole my DH, so I can't leave and get a rest.


[me=smabify]stamps foot.[/me]


Feel free to add your own rants!

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I hate the fact that the clock is ticking on my move and there are so many things I have to wait on. Nobody's fault, just nerve racking.


I hate that I have to do my taxes in the middle of this because I kept putting off getting all the paperwork together and that is still not completed. I hate that even though it's not taxable I still have to declare DD's SS and I don't recall them sending me anything and if they did I have no idea where it is. I hate that I'm getting the taxes done because Dan is dead. He always stayed on top of that and would have had them done by now.


I hate all the people ranting about all the toxins in our foods but never once mention alcohol, which is a known carcinogen and kills 88,000 people a year.


I hate Steely Dan, I just hate them. They suck.






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This thread topic is ingenious! And timely.


Current grievances:


Self-absorbed family and friends who deluge me with their own damn problems like since Im widowed I ain't got shit to do or worry about. I wanna give 'em all the finger and tell them to find a therapist! Or perhaps I should begin charging by the hour...there's a thought.


A couple girlfriends of mine. One (tilted her head, pursed her lips and squinted an eye) appraised it should take me about three years to move on from grieving, while another smiled and "reassured" me that her mom lost her stepdad four years ago and is still in the throes of grief...as if that were a positive outlook for me. Ya gotta love unsolicited armchair psychiatry from people whose worlds haven't imploded with calamitous effect.


Feeling pushed (beyond my coping skills) to do things I don't want to do and go places I don't want to go. DH really insulated me from these types of things. And I miss that. My vulnerabilities scare me. I wish I could I could tell certain folks to kiss my widda ass but there just isn't a courteous way to say exactly that.


So frustrated--I feel like I'm a fairly plainspoken communicator, yet I feel misunderstood or not heard at all most days. Even when I'm abjectly succinct about my wants or needs...it matters not, people have their own agendas, and only want my (unwilling) subscription to them.


Ok, that vent felt hella good! Blood pressure may even be somewhat regulated for the moment!








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Sorry, but I have another one. I hate people who post a house for rent but do not state their pet policy and worse, get pissy when you ask. Excuse me for asking if half my family can live there. I don't begrudge people for not allowing dogs (I thought twice about it when thinking about renting out my house) but then put it in the pets field not just the narrative. And don't advertise your house as pet friendly if you only allow cats or one dog under 25 lbs. Guess what? Small dogs have small bladders, making them more prone to accidents and they yap. Some cats scratch everything and/or spray. So don't give me attitude about my two medium sized, not huge dogs. Especially if you don't make your policy clear.

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I hate that I count the hours.....

Get to work, 7.5 hours until I go home.

Get home, 2 hours until dinner (normally when E would get home from work)

Dinner, 3 hours until bed time.

Bed time, I hate that I question how many times I will be up and IF I will be able to sleep.

Morning, start all over again.


Weekends, I hate that I constantly watch the clock. 


Sandy - E's Wife

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I really hate that today would have been another wedding anniversary to celebrate complete with more conversation around how much fun we've had and what we had to look forward to in the future.  Instead I sit here typing this with tears streaming down my face and incredible sadness. :'( 

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Great Topic ...sorry we need it

I hate that I went on a vacation with sister's and nieces to florida ,(a get away for me to get my mind off things:)

and not one person asked so how you doing

I hate that they talked about how sad it will be to send their kids off to college and how lonely ...really!!

I hate I had no one to call at home to rant about them ,He was always my calm in these emotional family storms

I hate that when I came home at 1 am the heat had stopped working

Most of all I hate that my don wasnt here waiting for me to come home



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I hate moving, and all the emotional shit it stirs up.  That on top of the "normal" moving stress (I hate that it's my third in two years), I've finally started going through the bins of Tim's things to decide what to donate, what to throw away, and what to keep.  I hate that I decided to give away our old sheet sets (which were wedding gifts) because it somehow doesn't seem proper to use the same bedding now, and because New Guy already is frustrated with how much stuff I have.  I hate that he has already complained that it feels more like mine and Tim's apartment than mine and his.  It's all exhausting and NG doesn't understand why I've been so distant and depressed and overwhelmed.  I hate that this is all ON TOP of the two year anniversary of the accident just two days ago.


I hate that I don't react like a "most people" anymore.  NG told me quite angrily last night that "most people" would throw themselves into their relationship for comfort.  "Most people" probably aren't constantly waiting for their life to fall to pieces AGAIN, just like it did two years ago.


I hate that I'm still so badly damaged.

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I hear your frustration.  NG doesn't understand that "most widows" have had an experience that is very different from "most people!"  Stuff is just stuff, right?  Nah.  In our throw-away society, "most people" get attached to something new, but lose attachment and can just let go of things or replace them with something new and better and shinier.  "Most widows",  on the other hand attach great meaning to the stuff they had and used with their late spouse. 


Loss of our spouses injures us deeply.  I'm sorry you are feeling like you can't heal fast enough.  I wish you could feel comfortable honoring the process as you experience it for yourself, and still keep moving into the life you didn't expect to be living right now.





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Guest look2thesky

And widowers also.

I have every gift, every card, and every photo, neatly sorted, packed, and filed.


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I hate that I dutifully take my friends daughter to school every day, to the point of going in the house, literally dragging her if necessary, fixing lunches,etc and making sure she gets to school; yet today when I needed her to get my son to drivers ed she couldn't be bothered to do more than honk.


I hate that money is always always always an issue, to the point of where the next meal is going to come from and I hate that it evokes feelings of anger towards Chad nearly every day for leaving me.


I hate that my feet and legs wont stop swelling, I feel like an 80 year old with elephantitis (not to mention the shortness of breath and irregular heart rate cause all the meds are more expensive than I can handle most months.


Hate that I am having my yearly employee performance review this afternoon and I know it's not going to go well because my give a damn has been busted for quite awhile ... I'm not even scared or nervous, just it is what it is.  I'm not in love with my job :(

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I hate that the staff at my doctor's office is as slow as molasses. They ask that patients show up at least 20 minutes early but then have no problem making the patients wait 45 minutes or more past their appointment times. Which wouldn't bother me if I didn't need to rush back to work!


I hate that my performance has plummeted at work. I used to be diligent and efficient, and now, I make ridiculous blunders and oversights. Lately, I'm worried that my boss thinks I'm washed up.


I hate that there's not one aspect of my life that hasn't been affected or decimated by being widowed.






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Guest sphoc

I hate my dad. I hate that I feel like he should get it since he was widowed at 51, but that he continues to act like a jerk. I hate that when I talked to him last night and mentioned taking time off next week (my birthday and two year anniversary - happy birthday to me, right?), he has no idea and asks me why I'm taking time off. I hate that he's been telling people that he calls me but that I don't answer and don't return his calls. Me being me, I downloaded all of my call records for the last 18 months. Tally? He's called me 10 times, 6 of those times being return phone calls to me after I'd called him. I don't know if he's just lying or he's dialing a wrong number and thinks he's calling me, but something ain't right.










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I hate that I am still so physically exhausted all the time.  When does that go away!?


I hate this as well. 


I have a hate on for my friends with kids who are just not helping out by inviting my kid for playdates or the occasional outing (and yes, I did ask for this help and yes I do reciprocate by having them over and yes like all of us I recognize that they have their own lives and preoccupations).  The last few months have been really hard and I could use the support.  I HATE having to ask again and again and troll for playdate invites. It also requires a level of organization that I am sadly lacking. See ref to exhaustion above.

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I hate having very negative feelings towards some people and in many cases I have no idea how to deal with it.  So generally I do nothing,  just pretend to be a nice person and continue with my day. But in my mind I am kicking the living snot right out of them but even with an ass kicking I don't think they still will feel the pain that I think they should feel.  Come on it Karma I have a list of people you have missed.

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Guest Kamcho

-People who assume they are better than others, because they have been fortunate to have their investments in their education, offer a return. If someone is at their core, rotten and a pig, no amount of designer lipstick will buy them class.


- It's not ok to resent people on the basis of race, gender, sexuality, (dis)ability, mental illness, et al., but it IS ok for people to attack others on the basis of income, and weight.


I'm grateful when people display these traits early and loudly. It saves me much time.

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I hate that it seems that if it is possible for things to go wrong in my life they do.


I hate that my VACCINATED, INDOOR cat still died of a disease that he was vaccinated against after a $6000 bill to save him (he was less than 2 years old)


I hate that my kids have gone through yet another loss (pets seem much more tragic after dad) in their short short little lives.


I hate that the company making my granite countertops used the wrong template to cut the sink rendering the slab of granite I had painstakingly chosen unusable - and there is no more of that colour available.


I hate that I'm reno-ing my kitchen ALONE! 


Today, this week, this month....I just hate everything.


Thanks for letting me vent.

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Guest marian1953


Let's hate together.


I hate that I just did taxes and he died in 2007 and I am still reporting stuff I will report FOREVER and it still makes me want to vomit or? or.. or..

it makes me want to be not here.

I hate that I  am here doing other peoples  taxes and doing so does not bring you back to life. It only makes me more pissed off.

I hate I am paying for all the renovations and I don't know how to demand more  money-let alone ask for for it.



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I hate people at work (ok, only some people). I hate that they come to me to fix their mistakes. Why can't people make deadlines? What's that stupid saying - "Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part."


I love my job i love my job I love my job. Why don't I make enough money to make it worth it?? OK, I'm happy I have a job!



At work taking a break from all this $#@% so I can go home to my own $#@%.

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Guest marian1953

Losttogether, I am so sorry aout your cat. I missed this in my own selfish rant and am now seeing it. sorry for your loss.



ps I am about to start kitchen reno- well, after I pay taxes because collectng as a widow raised me into a new tax bracket. Nice, a new anxiety to have.

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