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Everything posted by mmg19

  1. Relate so much to this topic. Not a FB fan and I use it solely for family and distant close friends and relatives. Maybe I am overly cautious and private but I don't want to put myself or my kids picture and private happenings out there. My Ch. 2 feels the same way and it works for us. As I read Trying's comments I found myself nodding my head. Yes. Yes.
  2. mmg19

    2nd job

    Yes I am referring to rate of return. This is not money to risk. SAvings accounts and/or CD's are under the once safe place paying 6 percent Age based 529's have moved them out of stock market into safe accounts. Serpico - I believe you are in banking. Is there a safe way to reach 6 percent on the principle?
  3. Hope this goes well. Today I start after school tutoring for 2 hrs. after completing a full day teaching. With 2 teenage boys and college on the horizon (4 yrs.), this seems like the best way to add to the college fund. It will be M-F 2hrs. a day and I'm actually excited about getting the job. Same school where I teach and boys no longer need a sitter after school so it is a good fit. My number crunching tells me I need to find a way to get back to 6% interest on the principle. Is this a thing of the past?
  4. No you are not too sensitive. Disappointed is understandable. It seems to me that ethics and honesty are not values practiced and lived within our present culture.
  5. This post touched my heart. Thank you for sharing . Isn't it amazing how we sometimes put ourselves out there to strangers thinking it is the answer to our loneliness and miss out on the true redemption of friendship and caring in our everyday life is missed. At about 6 months after losing K I was at a very low point in my life and filled with self pity and rejection. My Dad could take it no longer and firmly said to me "Stop taking all the blessings and kindnesses poured upon you by friends and family for granted". I expected them to read my mind and act accordingly and when they did not they were DGI's. Opening up our hearts and breaking down the walls we build made a huge difference in my life. Your introspection following the joy of family and friends on vacation is so positive. The reaction of the friends in your own backyard is just what you need to nurture relationships that have been neglected. Wishing you joy and peace as you move forth in this new plan.
  6. Good Luck Maureen. You can see the finish line. Since changing to teaching, I find I will be forever in the learning mode. I'm taking a class online (not required) that will better prepare me with new content in the subject I am teaching.
  7. Another school year. 1. My boys liked teachers, connected with friends they hadn't seen all summer, and were up and ready on their own. 2. I'm so thankful to be starting year 2 in a job I love. 3. Best summer in years. No vacation, no trips, but accomplished goals set in June.
  8. ((Hugs nonesuch)). General sadness says it all. Relating to your words.
  9. My first 18 months of widowhood was financial crunch time for me. It was drastic but let me tell you it can be done. You are already on the right track. No credit card balance and no interest. Sticking to a budget and recognizing expenses are greater than income. 1. What expenses can you cut. Cable? Either bare basic or cut entirely. Eating out?(Plan and come up with low cost meals. Electric?Carefully watch your use. Leave a room, turn light out. Raise AC a few degrees and don't run when not home. No eating out. No quick run thru for a drink. A little ingenuity in the use of simple everyday expenses can add up. Track every expenditure. 2. Never draw from 401K but you may need to cut back on what you put in. 3. Part time job? Check out what is available and what you could do. 4. Are there higher paying jobs in your field of work? 5. Do you own home? Rent? Can you make do with a smaller and less expensive place? I don't know your situation or if you have expenses that were incurred before death of husband, but for me I was faced with debts from my LH's medical expenses and business that forced selling our home and learning a new meaning to the word frugal. Good news is all debts were paid, started a new career, house sold and my kids and I made it. I am so sorry you are dealing with this but the bottom line is you can't spend more than your income and get stable financially. Lottery is not an option.lol I hope others on this board have ideas that will work for you. Lifestyle change sometimes can make a huge difference. Tracphone worked well for me and thrift stores became my new friend. Good Luck in finding the best solution.
  10. Agree with Mrskro. Nix to the coach but having a dinner with a friend sounds nice. One dinner may just reinforce the friendship but gives you both a chance to see if you want any more than friendship. Maybe friends is the best for both of you but who knows without trying. Good Luck.
  11. Congratulations. Much happiness to you both.
  12. Congratulations and lovely family. A picture that radiates the love in this family. Much happiness.
  13. I'd say your kids (all 3) handled it well. If your boys were embarrassed at their sister's remark, I'd say they are well adjusted and have learned socially polite ways to answer or comment that their father is dead. Sounds healthy to me.
  14. The boys have another week before their school starts but I will be going this week. So I'm the gradual person and will be resetting my internal clock tonight. I know this is no big deal but as a teacher I know the importance of adequate sleep for teenagers.
  15. Does your getting up and going to bed times affect your kids. In the past we started a week before school going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. This year they want to just bite the bullet and accept they will be tired day 1 but this means no trouble getting to sleep that night. I prefer the gradual process but I feel it's up to them. What works for your kids?
  16. Rob these are my warm thoughts. 1. Your incite, suggestions, loving manner has been helpful to me in so many ways. 2. You are doing things right and even though sometimes it seems too slow, your patience, love, and concern for your girls is amazing. 3. Parenting is a long term job before we see results of our efforts. 4. Thank you for starting a Love and Logic thread and providing the resource for solo parenting and particularly for showing us how to never give up. 5. Hugs to you and wishing you a peaceful day.
  17. I certainly don't have all the answers to your questions but this is something that concerns me greatly. We are not a heavily wired family. 1 TV with limited cable, 1 laptop computer, and 3 cell phones as of this summer. Previously the boys only had trac phones. Once they got smartphones rules went into place and they were so excited about having their own phone that they accepted my rules. 1. All phones are charged and put up at 10 pm. Mine included. 2. No texting, social media checking, or game playing when guests, family, friends are visiting or we are engaged in activities. (Meal time, discussions, chores, family activities (my call). 3. All passwords are given to me and they know I check. Safety and convenience of keeping in contact with me is top priority. 4. Since school is not in session, they have a lot of leeway texting and talking with friends during the day unless it becomes a detriment to physical activity and all other interests. (Reading, hobbies, etc.) I've never been thought of as a drill sergeant and try(I say try) to listen to objections and accept there will always be exceptions to every rule at times. Because my boys were older when getting a phone it has been easier. I'm not so naive as to believe it will remain this easy.
  18. 1. Helpful and motivating seminar yesterday. 2. Sound 8 hrs. sleep last night. 3. Fresh garden vegetables from a friend this morning.
  19. Hugs to you, Widower Baby Daddy, and daughter. Thank you for sharing. I believe the goal of all relationships(partner, spouse, family, friends) is to make us a better person. Sending good wishes to you.
  20. 1. Up at 6 feeling energized. 2. College roommate and family visiting today 3. My roses are blooming and healthy.
  21. Well stated Trying. I share your concern. I wonder what has happened to "We are the World" and love of all humankind. Just working really hard in my little spot in this world to see some good and praying my 2 boys will help bring about the civility and values needed for their generation.
  22. July 4th long week-end and I do not have to travel. Really dislike traveling on holidays Family reunions and boys are loving it. Weather is nice.
  23. I'm so sorry. Sending love and prayers.
  24. What a refreshing post. Sadly we all sometimes miss or overlook the life lessons of age and wisdom right in our backyard. I concur with your belief that interaction with people is keeping her mind and heart young along with an amazing work ethic. So happy for your successful move and new location.
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