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Everything posted by rifatheroffour

  1. Sorry to say that I also can't make this work...enjoy the city!
  2. I'm very happy for you, this is exactly what I need to hear today. Thank you. I long to take care of another again...enjoy it and appreciate it. There should be no explanation needed when someone cares for you, it is how life should be. We all deserve to be treated this way and should strive to treat someone else like this.
  3. Peep back at ya...we chocolate coat them with graham cracker crumbs.....mmmmm....
  4. Kerosene heaters are not by definition dangerous. In a garage, not placed too close to anything they should be fine, same as any space heater. The issue with Kerosene is they stink and give off a lot of soot relative to other types of space heaters (electric or propane). They are relatively cheap to run as space heaters go which is why he is probably using that. Electric space heaters are more user friendly from a smell perspective but they will cost you in electricity. Propane heaters are fine but they need electricity for the fan and I would not use one unattended in an inhabited home. He probably uses this heater for unfinished houses as well when there are no utilities hooked up yet. Hope this helps.
  5. Fried onions Total subject change... Warm & toasty bedroom with minimal bed covers Or Cold fresh air bedroom with extra comforters?
  6. Yesterday I finally moved a box of donation goods from my kitchen to the donation center. Today I replaced a light fixture with the new one that has been sitting in my back hall stairs since November. The old one is at the front door to go out with me in the morning to the recycle bin.
  7. Never ad a Brussel sprout in my life... never will, so green beans blanched and saut? in butter and sliced almonds. So the garlic mashed with butter and green beans almondine along with... Juicy medium rare steak or fried chicken?
  8. Really... I'll eat potatoes in just about any form but mashed would go with more varied meals... Mashed potatoes... Smashed with skins Or creamy with garlic?
  9. AW, I'm sorry today is hard for you. We were married in April as well, 23rd. Today I have been thinking about her a lot as it is snowing again and I am reminded of how it snowed a few weeks before our wedding and she was so upset thinking there would be snow in our pictures. I also have to go Easter dress shopping for my daughter tomorrow. this is something my wife should have been doing with her. The things we miss and that we think about what our spouses are missing can always seem so challenging.
  10. But, but - we didn't get to talk in Connecticut. Camping trips come and go - what about the bago??? You will be missed - we need a gentleman there, and I don't qualify. This made me laugh! Thank you. The camping is with the boyscouts, two of whom are mine, we are short on adult leaders and it's my son's birthday during the campout. So...no skipping this one. I will see what I can do, I really did want to get down there. What time do you think you will be a the restaurant till?
  11. My wife and I traveled to St. John a number of times over our almost 19 year marriage as a quiet getaway just for us, the last was in February 2012. While there we discussed the idea that it was time to bring the kids next time to share our love of the island with them. She died in January 2013 never being able to take them there. On a very last minute whim in February I looked online and saw that the place we wanted to stay at had an open 4 days in early March, unheard of as the place has a minimum 7 day stay, so I took the kids and we had a really good time, yes as MM said very bittersweet for me as well. It was the first place we left some of her ashes, looking over the ocean from a cliff side bench we visited on every trip. My son sings in a chorus that had not toured since 1995, they decided to go on tour in July of 2014. Prague, Vienna and Budapest singing Dvorak's Stabat Mater in the hall it was debued. Followed by a week in Switzerland where my father is from and we have visited many times. All told we were gone for the month of July. It was a great trip, trying at times. Traveling with me & the 4 kids, my parents, my in-laws and my SIL, BIL and thier 2 kids. 13 of us all together, we have a "special" relationship with the number 13, it shows up every where, my wife died on 1-13-13. Our trip ended with us leaving more of her ashes in Lake Lucerne off the dock across the street from the Hotel we have stayed at many times...again with the damn bittersweetness. Of course the toughest part of all of this is that these trips would not have been possible without the life insurance... Our next biggie yet to be planned...a homecoming to India to leave the last of her ashes. We never made it there together.
  12. Down pour, get it over with. It's been dreary, foggy and drizzly all day...ohh but if there were someone to spend all that drizzly day in bed with I would have to change my answer! So during that downpour... Avoid it like the plague or run around in it and get soaked to the bone?
  13. Love this... I love this too. For a split second I thought about it...then as I said the flood gates were about ready to let go and ...well you know...I'll try better next time.
  14. You are out shopping and see pretty spring flowers in the market and think to yourself "she would like these". The urge to purchase them comes...then you realize you have no one to give them too... better run fast at that point because the tears are hard to hide in the grocery store at 5:15pm... Sigh....
  15. Unfortunately the time change makes me a no. Have fun...
  16. hello there, hoodie and my long johns. Watching some really bad pilot of a show that will never go anywhere with my kids. Well at least three of them. Why? Because #3 was all pissy last night about not "EVER" getting got watch what he wants. Now its my turn, Moonrise Kingdom...
  17. Ok at great personal risk...here I am freshman year HS...Its amazing I survived HS after this one. Ok, OK, you can stop laughing now, thank you.
  18. WHOA!!!!! JeanGenie...traitor...what kind of choice is that? We have Orange Creme Eggs, PB Eggs and Coconut Eggs... WW...WHAT!!?? Peanut butter and Milk Chocolate are made for each other!!! Masureen...(new name? haha)...tough choice here...but due to recent history I'm going with hot & sticky in the sun. so if your hot and sticky how do you cool off...Tall glass of Water or jump in a pool?
  19. 1976 First cubscout camping trip High school senior portrate, note the corduroy jacket and leather tie... College before I met Fal...Its a wonder she ever was interested in me (I'm the one standing)
  20. Absolutely Sean Connery... if I were a woman... anyway, I like most any movie he is in. Just finished watching Hunt for Red October. Blockbuster Movies Or Independent films?
  21. Like Momtojandj not much imagination coming out of me either. Hell I was 5 months out when I found YWBB and imagination was not my strong suit at that time hence you can guess that I have kids, how many and where I live. So much for anonymity.
  22. Window Seat, I don't need to get up while flying and then I am also not disturbed. That's when I fly alone, with family it doesn't matter, the kids want the window! As far as big planes taking you to better places...unless you are the pilot and can just go...I dream of that someday... To continue the theme when traveling...guided tour or seat of your pants?
  23. I love my big truck so SUV, I camp with the boy scouts, we need to move a lot of stuff around and I plow....boy did I plow this year. And enough already, you are all making me hungry...Chocolate OR Ice Cream? really is that any kind of a choice...BOTH Anyway... BIG PLANE or little plane?
  24. I stopped drinking Pepsi just about a year ago, I LOVED my Pepsi and drank a lot of it. I also switched to almonds as my go to snack, it keeps me from munching other snacks, keeps me felling satiated and they are high in protein and healthy fats. This simple change has helped me to lose 20 lbs and I really don't miss the soda anymore. I switched my primary drink to lime seltzer, I mostly make it at home using a soda stream machine.
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