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Everything posted by Virgo

  1. What I got accomplished today: paid bills/balanced check book cleaned kitchen gathered trash, garbage, and recyclables organized computer closet (not quite finished) got together tax paperwork for my appointment Friday sorted and folded laundry mopped and swept floors
  2. 1. I visited with a friend today. 2. I went out for dinner with my dad and daughters. To funny listening to them grilling him about his dates. I did tell them to let up a bit (none of our business.) My mom passed away just three months before my husband. 3. We got a package from Amazon today. Even though I paid for it, it's still fun getting packages.
  3. OSAAT, I eat gluten free. I'm allergic to wheat. It's inconvenient when you first start, but it gets easier. I don't feel deprived at all. It's a lot easier to eat gluten free now then it was 9 years ago. Most products are labeled with allergens and there are several name brand companies making gluten free products. No workout for me today. I blew off going to the gym to visit with a friend. I'll make up for it tomorrow.
  4. I detest scheduling appointments and being on the phone too Trying. I put it off as long as possible. I didn't get a lot accomplished today. swept/mopped 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, dining room, and the hallway cleaned 1 bathroom put dishes in dishwasher away cleaned kitchen I'll have to think about my specific goals for this week. I don't know if I really want to get into a project this week. We'll see. Wednesday all four of us have dentist appointments. Thursday I told my 7yo I would have lunch with her at school. Friday is my appointment to get my taxes filed.
  5. I get most Friday evenings to myself thanks to my dad and in-laws. I suppose I need to find a willing participant for sleepovers. Not much going on here tonight either. My daughters were entertaining themselves with snap chat. I was chatting online with a friend in between cleaning. Then we watched a movie. Now they're all getting ready for bed. We're planning on going to church in the morning, getting a bite for lunch, and then seeing a movie. It sounds like my in-laws, sister in-law, and niece are joining us too. Should be fun (seriously.) I get along with my in-laws.
  6. Good job MissingSquish!! I had a friend drop by this morning to look at my dryer. Unfortunately it stopped heating yesterday while I was doing laundry. We ordered a part. Hopefully that works. If not I'll call a repairman. My water heater also stopped heating this week, but my father in-law was able to fix that for me. If you don't laugh you'll cry, right? Goals for today: clean 3 bathrooms (1 done) sweep/mop/vacuum start gathering tax papers
  7. I finally scheduled an appointment to file my taxes.
  8. Tough week for two of my daughters, but they are handling things so well. 13yo decided to break it off with her "boyfriend." They had been "dating" for over a year. Basically that means they sat with each other at lunch, and texted after school. 15yo finally decided to break it off with her "boyfriend" this week too. They texted and had movie nights at our house. No dating until she's 16. I've seen this coming for months. She just needs to figure out how she's going to do that. I'm encouraging her to do it in person, but she's leaning toward texting. Sadly, she's afraid of his reaction. I told her I would be with her if she decided to break it off in person. I think both of them used these friendships to help them cope with losing their dad. I told my 15yo that I thought she was holding on to her relationship because she didn't want to lose him as her friend. She agreed. He is her best friend. I hope that after things settle down they'll still be able to be friends. Anyway, I'm proud of my girls. I'm also glad that they ask for my advice and opinion. I hope that's always the case. My 7yo daughter just shakes her head and says, "boys are trouble!" She's so smart! ha
  9. I had this too. Everyone that was interviewed after his death mentioned his infectious laughter. Sending you ((hugs)) SVS.
  10. 1. Making progress with my 15yo and 13yo daughters as far as opening up and sharing their feelings with each other. 2. Visited with a friend today. 3. Kick butt workout at the gym!
  11. cable lat pulldowns cable lat pulldowns-underhand grip cable rows straight bar pushdowns db rows db hammer curls db curls db cross curls 30 minutes cardio
  12. I'm slacking this week! Back at it tomorrow.
  13. I got two of my weekly goals accomplished today. Groceries and getting my Jeep washed.
  14. Normally I lift weights at the gym on Mondays, but I had errands today. I missed it! My plan is to lift tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday. My daughters don't have school Friday, so I know we'll be to busy for me to go. I hope to go Saturday too.
  15. I haven't attended a bago yet, but I would like to. Hopefully there will be a few in the midwest this year.
  16. Goals for this week: schedule an appointment to file taxes (done) schedule an appointment with my insurance agent get my Jeep washed (done) get groceries (done) take clothes to resale shop drop of donations at Good Will get a gift card/make card for a friend battling cancer get a study guide from the DMV for my oldest daughter (16 in May, wow!) purchase paint for my daughters' bathroom Plus the usual meal prep, cooking, cleaning, finances, and laundry.
  17. Thanks, it looks like I'm going to have to continue to be the moral compass in this friendship.
  18. I think that sounds great Mel! I'm sure your daughter will enjoy her party, and definitely her trip. I've been gathering ideas for a small party for my daughter. She doesn't like cake (gasp!), so I think I'll either order or make a variety of small cheesecake bites for dessert. I could use mini cupcake liners.
  19. Great job BlueBird! Love seeing everyone joining in! Great goals too! 3/13 Chest/Tri's/Abs/Cardio 3/14 no workout
  20. I didn't get any of my weekly goals accomplished this week, so I'll add them to this week. Today I finished up my cleaning. Floors, kitchen, living room, and dining room. I need to start on laundry (again.)
  21. Feel better LC! My dad kept my girls all night last night, so I had the morning to myself. Of course I didn't do anything exciting, but I got some things done around the house. Now we're all home and just relaxing in our pj's.
  22. Confession? I was home alone last night and was very tempted to allow a married man to come over. Not just to visit either. He is a friend. We talk a lot, and it gets a little inappropriate at times. I've known him and his wife for years. Yes they have a troubled marriage, but they are MARRIED. Why does 'skin hunger' make you so crazy?? I was mentally listing the pros and cons, seriously. :sigh: Really only one 'pro' here, and that was to satisfy my urges. Not good! Full disclosure, I haven't been with anyone since my husband passed away. I've never had casual sex, and I would have never even considered being with a married man before. A little disappointed in myself.
  23. There is always guilt that goes along with the death of a loved one. I honestly can't think of anyone close to me that I've lost that I haven't asked myself "what if?" We always wonder if we would have done something differently if it would have changed the outcome. I'm glad she shared with you. Hopefully it helps take that load off her shoulders.
  24. Thanks for sharing your opinions and experiences. I like the idea of going all out with decorations even with a smaller group (immediate family.) If she wants to add to the guest list as her birthday gets closer then we'll do that.
  25. Congratulations to your son! ((hugs)) to you! I think it would be difficult to watch your child leave for college, but under the circumstances it's even more emotional. My oldest is a sophomore, so I have a couple of years. I cried at her boyfriend's graduation ceremony. I kept thinking about her graduating without her dad there to watch her accept her diploma.
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