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Everything posted by Virgo

  1. Daily exercise? Melatonin? Different types of teas are suppose to help aid sleeping. My LH worked 3rd shift and swore by ZMA's.
  2. What about selling t-shirts? That could be a start. Then maybe with the proceeds from the t-shirts you could start to plan a benefit/fundraiser. Another popular option around here is Port-A-Pit sales (bbq chicken stands.) I'm not sure if you have those in Canada. When my husband was diagnosed our 'blue' family started with t-shirt sales. Then they planned a benefit for him. They booked a venue, entertainment, and set up a steak & potato meal. People donated baskets and items to be raffled off at the benefit. We sold almost 1000 tickets to the benefit. The support was overwhelming.
  3. Ok, coming from a wid that hasn't dated....just take things slowly. I think we all overthink things (or at least I do.) Especially when it comes to our wid status.
  4. I think a lot of men have the "might as well ask, never know" mentality. I don't mind it, but if the majority of the conversation was about sex then I would make a decision as to whether that's all I wanted out of the relationship. I've been talking with four guys, all but one has talked about sex. Two have shared photos of their 'special purpose'. lol Sexting seems to be the norm.
  5. I'm 15 months out. What I've accomplished so far: Sorted through his half of the closet. Kept t-shirts for quilts for our 3 daughters. They're being made now. Donated a lot of his clothes. Went through his drawers in our bathroom. Kept a few sweaters, sweatshirts, caps, and jerseys. Went through his tool box. Discovered childhood keepsakes in the bottom. Went through his shoes. I still need to: Organize the garage. Organize the shed. Sort through his man cave. Organize our photos. Save messages and photos from his cellphone.
  6. My name is Jen, Virgo at YWBB. My husband was diagnosed with ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) on October 11, 2013 and died February 4, 2014. He died just one week after his 38th birthday. Official COD was cancer/chemo/ischemic bowel. ALL is typically the type of leukemia children get. Oncologists don't stage leukemia, but we were told because of his health and age he had a 40-70% survival rate. Phil was never sick. Healthy, strong, fit guy. He was a K9 officer and happened to have 90 sick days built up when he was diagnosed. It's rare for officers to have even a week of sick days built up. We met when we were 16. Our first date was June 22, 1992. High school sweethearts, but went to rival schools. We got engaged when we were 17, graduated high school, and married when we were 19 on October 22, 1994. We celebrated our 19th (and last) wedding anniversary at the cancer center during his first round of chemo, October 22, 2013. Our daughters were 14, 12, and 6 when he died. I just don't have the words to describe how much my daughters and I miss him.
  7. I would just really like to be held. Rest my head on a guy's chest and be swallowed up in his arms.
  8. My daughters are 15 (almost 16), 13, and 7 (almost 8.) All more than capable of fixing dinner once in awhile, but it's still left up to me. lol We had scrambled eggs, waffles, and grapefruit.
  9. I'm sorry that no one remembered. ((hugs)) Happy Birthday! I hope you did something to spoil yourself. My 40th is in August. My LH and I had plans to celebrate our 40th's together, so I'm hoping people forget about mine this year.
  10. I don't feel like fixing dinner, so I'm thinking about just making scrambled eggs and waffles. Yet here I sit. Cereal anyone? lol
  11. Do you have anyone that could keep the kids overnight once in awhile to give you a break? We all need a break once in awhile. ((hugs))
  12. "My husband has been away on a business trip for a week. The kids are driving me crazy. Now I know how you feel." Yes, because being able to share your daily frustrations with your husband every day by phone, text, or skype for a week is the same as never having any contact with him ever again. Yes I get it! It's hard when it's blatantly pointed out to us, but for the most part it's better for our mental health not to compare situations. No one can fully understand until they are in the same situation.
  13. Does your 19yo want your 10yo to go along on the trip? Maybe he should decline if his brother isn't included. That way the two of them could do something together. Maybe their own camping trip?
  14. I felt the same way. How could this be happening? I lost two of the most important people in my life within 3 months. My mom was diagnosed with ALS about 4 years before my husband was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. I spent a lot of time caring for my mom before my husband's diagnosis, and like you my brother was never there. Hopefully ALL of your siblings will do right by your mom.
  15. My mother passed away three months before my husband. I have more regrets with the months leading up to her death than his because I wasn't with her as much toward the end of her life. My husband's chemo treatments were at a cancer center almost four hours away. I stayed with him. I was so torn. I wanted to be with her too. I was with my mom three hours before she passed. I understand that your mother's care isn't solely your responsibility but you might not want to step away completely. Only you know what is best for you. I'm so sorry. ((Hugs))
  16. ////These were my goals for this week: Take clothes to resale shop. (done, paid me $53 for half a basket) Finish mirror project. Schedule an appointment with insurance agent. Schedule an appointment to finish LH's headstone design. Make banner for my daughter's Sweet 16 party. Start cutting squares for shower curtain project. Price garage sale items. Work out at least 3 times. (once, terrible) More vegetables, less sugar. Usual cleaning/laundry//// (done) I'll be adding the unfinished items to my list for this week.
  17. I avoid photos for the most part too. I know I shouldn't. ((hugs))
  18. We had an earthquake here today in Indiana!?!?!?! I thought it was machinery from a house being built in our neighborhood until I saw the news. Wow, crazy! Not much going on tonight. Just messaging my guy friends, painting nails, and getting a card/gift ready for a bridal shower tomorrow. Inside the card I wrote "Cherish every moment together!"
  19. Always remember that your feelings are valid. ((hugs)) To me it just sounds like you needed to voice your feelings out loud. There's nothing wrong with that. It's what you needed in that moment. Grief isn't something you 'tuck away' or 'get over.' It changes over time and we adjust to the changes.
  20. Technically it's Saturday, but early morning. I made myself a strawberry daiquiri. Mentioned it on Facebook...minds blown. Lol! I haven't had alcohol for almost 20 years. My body is used to water. I don't even drink pop. My girls are staying the night with my dad, so I figured why not? It was good, but I'm definitely a lightweight.
  21. Yard work is hard work. Normally I'm not one to hire anyone to do my yardwork, but in your case I might since it's been awhile since it's been maintained. That way you can just keep it up afterwards. If that's not an option, just do one area a time. My husband always took care of the mowing, but I took care of the flower gardens. My father in-law has been mowing for me. I keep telling him that my two older daughters and I are more than able, but he insists on doing it. He HATES flowers and shrubs, so I'm sure it's taking everything within him not to mow over my landscaping. lol
  22. Well I worked meeting for dinner into the conversation today with one of the men I chat with. While knowing that more than likely he would say no due to a scheduling conflict. I guess in some ways that took the pressure off for me. Anyway, he said it probably wouldn't work out for tonight. Then I said, "maybe another time." He said, "absolutely! I would like that." I basically left it up to him to schedule a time. We'll see.
  23. I would say NO, not a single parent in that situation. The definition of a single parent to me is one parent being solely responsible for their child(ren.)
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