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Signs from our loved ones


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I'm sure we have all experienced them, weather they were actual signs, or coincidences that made us feel better for a moment.


In the 5 months without my DF B, I have had a few signs from him.

While getting my memorial tattoo for him, listening to white boy rap, a song came over the speakers of the parlor that not many people knew meant something to us. The artist freaked out, thought I was messing with him. I felt like it was B cheering me on!


This morning on my way to work, the parking permit for the Toadies concert I went to, started to flutter. There is no rhyme or reason to why it would have done such a thing. The air was not on, there was not a bug under it, no rational explanation. So of course, I figure it is my love telling me he is around. I had recently been thinking that I did not feel him as much anymore, think he was just trying to prove me wrong :)


There have been a few dreams, those were a little sad and unsettling.


What signs have you had from your loved ones? I'd love to hear about them.



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So I have a neighbor who completely decks out her house for every holiday. Back around Valentine's day, I was sitting in my driveway with a friend who is the only person I confide all my afterlife stuff to, that I felt like I had been seeing hearts everywhere and maybe they were from Dan. She pointed to the Valentine house, and said, "What, you mean like that?" We had a laugh. No I meant I see them in things on the ground, shapes on puddles and things.

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I get lots of foxes. Pictures of foxes, real foxes, fox items in shops, people with the surname fox. All sorts. I have no doubt that it's Elle. Her favourite cuddly toy was Basil the fox and he was cremated with her.


I've travelled to some far flung destinations like Thailand and STILL had fox signs. They don't even have foxes in Thailand!


Best fox sign of all was last night. I'd been looking forward to meeting this date for ages but it fell through last week. We finally met yesterday, she was gorgeous, brilliant and WEARING A FOX PENDANT. I nearly burst into tears of joy. Sorta made me think this was as close as Elle could get to going on a date with me, but also a sign that she approves of this girl.  :)

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What a great topic.

my friends and family have had some many "signs" from my Don that we have all started to write them down.

Right after he died we were all around getting pictures together and being in auto pilot I was just numb but getting things done

as my sister was trying to write something for his service I was opening his wallet and a metallic pocket angel fell out

he had given them to all my family years before , made us all smile

During his service I was going to play a Neil young Cd , harvest moon but in that CD case was another Neil Young Cd

it was to late to change

The few minutes as people settle in and before anyone speaks

the only thing we all heard was "on my way home" by Neill young

and I heard "can you feel me now because I love you " and that repeats at least three times

could not be a stronger sign from him and I then felt him the entire time, that day (and still now )

I have a lot more but this was a start

thanks again for starting this , It brought back such good feelings of him

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There is a popular convention in believers of afterlife and paranormal activity that dimes are sent by loved ones.


I have about 600 collected in the last 12+ years -- they always come at times when I need them, and I always pick them up, give them a kiss and say 'Thank you, babe - I'm thinking about you too!'


There was several of these discussions on the mothership, but now lost forever - I will cut and paste a post I made on Widownet a couple years ago (they have a forum for Afterlife Discussions - hint)


** This one is from May 2009: 


I had a couple dime experiences in Australia ~ the Aus nickle is thin and small like a North American dime, and I found several Aus nickles and thought: 'Close, but not quite the same....' until a week before I was returning home and found TWO Aus nickles on the pavement in my parking spot (where I had been parking for 6 weeks and didn't see them). Seemed like a bit of a smack on the head to me ~ and I got some comfort.


I took a leisurely return to Calgary - stopped for 6 days in Hawaii and spent 4 of those days with my brother in Kihei, Maui. I found a dime on Maui and one in Honolulu ~ both in parking lots, so 100% explainable but 110% comforting.


Carried on from Honolulu and stopped in California for 3 days -- the sink in the Napa Valley hotel room was slow draining, so I got out my little flashlight and took a look and there was a dime sitting flat on the trap. I fished it out and kept it for my piggy bank (I had to get a bigger bank, I filled the itty bitty black ceramic pig).... um, explainable - sort of, odd - you bet.


So anyway I finally arrive in Calgary on 18 March - (departed Melbourne, Victoria, Aus on 9 March) and I am in a funk: it is frikkin' COLD here, the place is a sty after 5 months of my children's care and I am NOT 100% convinced that I'm glad to be back.


But I've found 21 dimes since I got back home --

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I get signs all the time too !

The main one is the time 12:21 time he took his last breathe in my arms and 9:19, our wedding date. I stopped telling anyone about it but just yesterday after seeing 1221 repeatedly for a few days, I wanted to but then didn't because people think I'm nuts with my signs. They're real, I'm convinced! Songs and so many other things. He knows how much I miss him and it's his way of saying hi & he loves me, no one could convince me otherwise.


I've put in a request several times for help in a certain stressful area and it hasn't work to my satisfaction, so I wondering what he's planning. Anything else I've talked to him about has worked wonderfully, so I haven't given up, I'm anxiously waiting.

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My E leaves me subtle signs. He never believed in the "stuff" however, I do.


My family and friends have been randomly finding penny's and change.  The strangest one was the Euro from Ireland I found on my night table.  We traveled there last year for E's 40th birthday.  I could have sworn up and down that we gave all of the "leprechaun money" to our niece as she was doing a report on Ireland for school.  Well I woke up one morning and right there next to my cell was a 10 cent Euro from Ireland.  I was dumbfounded and I knew he was just saying don't forget.


The other one that gets me is the Shamrock's..... I see shamrock's in the strangest places at the strangest times.  E was Irish and all of his tattoos has some type of Irish theme including a black shamrock on his forearm (first tattoo).  It was just before Easter a few weeks after St. Patrick's day (favorite holiday) and my mom, sister, SIL and niece/nephew were going to an Easter Egg Hunt.  We had to park a mile away and a shuttle picked us up.  As the shuttle pulled up there were Shamrocks ALL OVER the vehicle.  After that I was at work and one of my coworkers had a folder on here desk with shamrock's all over it.  Then I happened to flip channels one night and came across NCIS.  I do NOT watch this show.  The episode started with the actors all dressed in St. Patrick's gear and one of the first lines of the show was "It's a little late for Shamrocks isn't it?"  This was after St. Patrick's day.  I think this is my favorite sign of them all.



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Yes dimes..just like Nuggets said.

After my grandma died we found dimes all the time, now I find even more!

It may not seem odd to find coins on the ground, but it's always dimes, so I say it has to be a sign :)

Music too. I have heard our fifteen year old wedding song on the radio so much since he passed away, and I hardly ever heard it on the radio before!

Bluejays and hummingbirds usually when I'm upset they always seem to appear.

And other signs, usually when I'm having a hard time.

I don't doubt at all that they send us signs, I think to receive them you have to have an open mind!

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Music, birds, butterflies, feathers, coins.  The coincidences are too many, and I am a rational science person.  People have amazing things occur - difficult to ignore.  I like the little things.  I am on widda.org, there is a mourning dove outside my window (the only one in my yard I have ever seen) and Amelia Curran's Love's Grave is playing on the radio.  Right now. 

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Eagles.  His song was Where Eagles Fly (Sammy Hagar..and yea I played it in a Pentecostal church for his funeral lol), he worked on F15 Strike Eagles and now it seems I see them flying over, either the planes or real eagles just when I need him.  One eagle flew in the sky over us all the way from the funeral home to the cemetery when he was buried, and that was a 55 minute drive. 

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I have had signs from my husband as well - mostly with white butterflies. The first happened about 9 days after he died at the end of March. It was still pretty cold here. I had walked down to get the mail. This white butterfly kept flying all around my head, to the point I was swatting it away. That evening I mentioned to a friend how strange it had been to see a butterfly so early here. She asked me what color it was and proceeded to tell me that white butterflies were considered in several cultures to be a communication vessel from those who had died. I looked it up and the internet and read about it.


My T wasn't much of a believer in an afterlife and I swear that incessant little butterfly was him trying to let me know there is in fact an afterlife. Since that time, I have had white butterflies appear at amazing times, when I was talking to T or feeling stressed. The first time I mowed the lawn on my own, a white butterfly literally fluttered beside me the whole time. Another time I was driving myself to the ER and had to drop the kids at my in-laws. I stopped at a drive-thru to get them a quick dinner and while waiting in line there, a white butterfly landed directly in front of me on the windshield and stayed there until I pulled out. Once the weather got warmer and more of them started to appear, I told the kids it would be hard to figure out what might be a sign. That evening, we saw one flying in the rain, which I had never seen before. I looked it up online and found that they do not come out and fly in the rain. They are so fragile that the force of a raindrop would knock them down and also affect the powder on their wings. I have several other times too many to list here.


I also have experienced signs through music and squirrels. If you ever knew my husband, you would understand the squirrels. I appreciate every effort he's made to let me know he's still with me in the only way he can be right now. Sometimes it feels so inadequate, but I am really grateful for each sign I get.

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Guest marian1953

dragon flies. especially when I was at my worst in the first years of hell. Now when I see one it always seems to be just when I need one.

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Alright Saturday night I watched tv and I started getting tired, so I looked at the clock (hadn't in hours )  and yesterday was my birthday. Now tell me I'm nuts... He always excitedly tried to be the 1st to tell me good morning, happy news years, merry Christmas & of course happy birthday on my birthday. I looked at the clock it was 12:21am (explained in a few posts ago) and I consider that random look at the time, as Chuck saying Happy Biryhday to me FIRST! lol yah maybe I am nuts but really, I just explained all this here and well...

I've told no one, except here.

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Signs, so many over these past almost 3 years....standing outside of a Steak n Shake in 2012 with my now 81 year old widow friend, we were talking about our DHs and then suddenly a blue jay chased a Cardinal in the parking lot, then suddenly the two birds circled around Lucy & I 4 times, she wiped her eyes and said to me, did you see that? I said yes, she said they just said hi to us.  Finding pennies for the longest time, then I finally asked for dimes and quarters - now I see dimes and quarters, lol! (Now I am asking for paper money and found a $10 bill on the floor last week, it suddenly appeared) Still cannot get that one.


Having a bad day when in the minivan and suddenly every fave song of mine comes on the radio, song after song until I arrive where I am supposed to have gone, even if I change stations because of a commercial, the fave songlist continues :)  Hearing these loud knocking sounds coming from the fridge, happened every time a now ex-widower friend was over or one of the exes was over, when my guy came over, no weird knocking sounds.  Another song thing - one day had to drive an hour to get home when it started to sleet, I HATE ice! It scares me to no end to drive in ice/sleet/freezing rain, so I prayed and then turned on the radio, had two wonderful songs come on and when I listened to the lyrics, it made me feel better and safe.


I found a widower in my town in 2013, we became friends but twice while he was in my home weird things happened. He is not a member here so I am going to say that I found out some real bad things about his family after our friendship ended from people he went to school with.  One time during a cleaning run I was trying to remove the smoke stains from the mirrors in the rooms, each bedroom in the house has folding or sliding glass mirror doors, I called him into the master bedroom to show him the smoke stains I could not remove, he stepped into the room and I heard a noise, I said WTF is that? He pointed in front of him to the floor, I stood up and walked around the bed and saw a bracelet that had previously sat in a wicker bowl on my dresser, under a pair of sunglasses, roll on the floor. He immediately said 'Hi Bob'.  Then a month or two later, we were sitting in my living room, he was chatting to his GF on the phone and a penny sailed in the air between us.  After the friendship ended I realized it was DH trying to warn me about him....see my DH took this guy under his wing when he was a teen, my DH was a cop in this area and this now ex-friend told me that if not for my DH, he would have been dead or in jail.


I see Cardinals, butterflies, dragonflies, eagles and hawks during a bad day or just because. I have been seeing certain birds and at the same time a song would be playing and just know that the two are related in some way, like I am being told to pay attention to the lyrics. The lyrics are always what I need to hear at that time.


I also look at the clock and will see repeating numbers or numbers in a row like 12:34, 9:11, 10:11, 4:56, etc, it happens constantly daily.


Before DH died though, the oddest thing happened. From Christmas Day 2011 til May 4, 2012, I woke up every single morning at 7:35, no matter how many times during the night I was called by the hospital, nursing home or DH, I would wake up at that time. I woke up the last time at 7:35 on 5-4-12, ran to the restroom and came back to find DH not breathing. A week or so later I was going thru papers, DH died at 7:35, found his Mom's death cert, yep, you guessed it - she died at 7:35 also.


So, if you are seeing birds or certain flying insects, coins, rocks, hear those special songs that help you at that moment, or your fave songs....you are pretty much getting signs.






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I also look at the clock and will see repeating numbers or numbers in a row like 12:34, 9:11, 10:11, 4:56, etc, it happens constantly daily.


You receive amazing signs HvnBound.  I was just reading about your signs, wondering, and reading about your consecutive numbers thinking that's not one that occurs here and I look down at my clock and it is 2:34.  ((HvnBound))

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Guest IronBear

I have had many signs from Laurie since she died but I rarely talk about them publicly. Just last week, I heard her distinctive whistle, while lying in bed, that she used to get my attention. I mentioned it a few days later to my older daughter. That same night, Brie heard her mom call her name while she was in that half sleeping state.

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I've heard John's voice... usually a single word, a couple times it was my name.  Comforting but a little eery too. 


A couple weeks after he died I swear I felt him sit on the side of the bed....


Every once in awhile one of the kids uses as word that was uniquely his (for example, he called beans -- like pork 'n' beans in a can - 'fluffers' because a fart was a 'fluff' ) and it gives me a bit of  start.

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After my father died it was cardinals, and still is.  The first Fathers Day without I literally had them flying in front of my car window as I was driving that week several different times.  The day after DH died there was one sitting outside the window of my 3rd floor bathroom. 


With DH it has been music mostly.  Sitting in the funeral home, planning the wake for Monday with my mom and sister they had soft elevator music playing in the background. Suddenly my sister and I both stopped talking at the same time, Jimmy Buffet (DH's favorite) singing "come Monday it'll be all right"

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I'm so glad you started this thread because it is a regular occurrence for me (too many to share) so I just enjoy the moment and laugh alot.  Last week it was a big (ridiculously big) male wild turkey in my back yard staring at my window showing all his feathers again and again..nothing else around.  Years ago we had a funny incident with a big male turkey so I have no doubt he had something to do with it.  Early on it was a large buck hanging out completely by himself first standing in front of a target Dan had set up in the backyard staring at me for a very long period of time.  He hung out near the house until I got the alarm system, always by himself and during the day particularly when friends would come over.  And, then at least once a red fox ran through my yard during the day which again is highly unusual and something we saw when we vacationed in July.  Red cardinals and crows (believed to be closest to the afterlife) can typically be found whereever I go, particularly if it was a challenging day.  If you believe in "spriit animals" then each of these represent something or are a reminder, for example..stay strong, mischief, and count your blessings.  Also, I've had lots of blinking lights outside my house (rope light on the deck and stick lights on the deck) and on my route home, as well as wacky, unexplainable activity with electronics for the first several months for both me and my daughter.  His sister has also had the flashing lights in her office.  But the funniest thing was her trying to interpret a series of numbers that she kept encountering...it was the month and day of my birthday.  For some it's creepy or something worse but to me I can take great comfort in all of these signs and his awful sense of humor :)  .


Here's some information on signs:  http://www.amandalinettemeder.com/blog/2014/1/27/10-signs-from-your-deceased-loved-ones

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I posted earlier about the signs I find/see shamrock's and finding change.  I have to tell you about the Darn raccoon in my backyard.


It was the 2nd or 3rd day I had been back home after E's funeral.  We have a very large tree in our backyard and our yard is fenced.  So I get home from whatever I was doing and let the dogs out (3 dogs, 42-85 lbs)  they run back to the tree/fence and start barking like MAD.  Usually it is the dogs behind us that they bark at and will calm down after a few minutes. 


I was putting on my sleepy clothes and they were still barking like crazy.  I go to my back door and start yelling for them to come in with absolutely NO response.  I started to get nervous that someone was in my back yard.  My neighbor (SIL) is yelling at the dogs out her window.  So I grab a little flash light, put my snow boots on (still 1 1/2 foot of snow) and slowly make my way into the back yard. 


As I shine the light around the yard and fence, I see these 2 glowing eyes.  There is a HUGE raccoon sitting on the top of my fence making the dogs go nuts.  Did I mention that there was a foot and a half of snow and it was the first weekend in March?  I manage to wrangle 2 of the dogs in the house however my barker was still at it.  He is very agile and always seems to elude my wrangling technique.  So as I am trying to get him into the house, I fall in the snow. 


I finally get him in the house, I am soaking wet, fuming mad and my SIL calls. I am almost yelling on the phone how E is messing with me and I am now covered in 7 layers of crap as fell in the snow after the looong snowy winter we had.  When I finally sat down and thought about it.  I could see my husband sitting on the couch laughing and giggling in the way he did about the whole fiasco. 


It has been about 7 weeks since this incident and I have NOT seen that raccoon again.  I miss that sometimes wicked sense of humor.

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Over the last week I have been getting messages from other people who are either thinking about DH or had a dream about him.  It's been really nice to hear from some friends I haven't heard from in a while and some people I don't really know. My college roommate had a dream about him last night that he asked her to tell me that he would gone for a while but I should use the boat.  I didn't use the boat at all last summer but I plan on using it this summer, especially now!

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Guest IronBear

I have had many signs from Laurie since she died but I rarely talk about them publicly. Just last week, I heard her distinctive whistle, while lying in bed, that she used to get my attention. I mentioned it a few days later to my older daughter. That same night, Brie heard her mom call her name while she was in that half sleeping state.


Brie was waiting to see if she was accepted into graduate school (she was) so I think Laurie wanted to show her approval.

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During the first year, I got signs all the time.  Now that I just passed my second year, they seem to be slowing down.  But I have a couple of good ones.


Two of my daughters decided to get a memory tatoo on their wrist.  It was "Love, Dad" for one and "Love Always, Dad" for the other in his handwriting.  We were all going to the cemetery to talk/show him the tatoos, and he was not a fan of getting tatoos.  So my oldest showed hers to Dad and the middle daughter was being shy at the cemetery.  My oldest says to her, "Kristen, show Dad!  Like you think he's going to yell at you?!!  I mean, he's dead ... what's he going to do about it."  We all laughed, then she showed it to his grave and said, "Dad, I know you're not a fan of these, but I wouldn't have gotten one if you didn't die.  So, it's really your fault I got one.  And besides, what are you going to do about it?"


We came back home and I had both of their dogs at my house.  I have a screened in porch off the kitchen, so we let the dogs out the front door before we leave ... never the one off the kitchen (plus their is a huge deck so we just don't mess with that door to let the dogs out to go potty).  We came back and one dog was in the screened in porch and the other was in the kitchen!  Nobody was at my house to do this, and the dogs are tiny little 10 pound dogs that couldn't possibly unlock that door and open it. We still laugh that Dad showed us his displeasure in them getting a tatoo.



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