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Prayers or Good thoughts....


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I spent much of this afternoon and evening with SimiRed.  Fortunately, her parents are now here for support.  Many things have come together and tomorrow will be an important and risky time as SimiRed, her parents and a couple of friends pack/move her property from the house and into a POD.  SimiRed's husband continues to persist in trying to talk her into staying (which has no chance of working) but this is wearing on her.  Family isn't allowing him to be alone with her.  I think everyone (but her husband) recognizes the risks at this point.  I had a chance to spend some time with her son as well.  He is quite articulate about the situation and seems resilient.


This is an incredibly difficult undertaking, but SimiRed is doing what she needs to do to get out of what has become an unbearable situation.  I admire her strength and resolve to end this chapter so that she and her son can heal and begin a new life....again.



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Loading the POD today, give me strength.  I already have knots, wanna cry.







"The first step towards getting somewhere

is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are."


~~ Unknown



Sending Support, Strength and Love!



ATJ emoticon-0152-heart.png



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SR you are an incredible woman.  My prayers today are specifically intentionally for you, your son, and your parents.  Safety is foremost.  I can't imagine how incredibly difficult this has been for you and the amazing strength you have shown.  I'm so glad your parents are taking you son and proud of your resolve.


Thank you Maureen for being there and updating us.  Your son sounds amazing.  You have been the Mom we all aspire to be.  You have given us all a lot to consider in future choices.  Please know you are in my prayers. 

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I waited for things to get better. I stayed optimistic that things would change.


I questioned many times if I should leave. That was the first sign that I should.  I looked for signs that I should stay. And sometimes if I looked hard enough, I found them.


I leaned on friends and built up a tribe around me. They supported me. They always did. But it took me forever to be strong enough to do it.  The support everyone has shown me brings tears, I am PROUD to call all of you my widda family!!


Maureen... Seeing you just gave me more strength, it was every widda that was there in spirit with you that got me through Saturday.


Whew, I am SO glad that time was on my side and it kept moving!  This weekend is done...  It was difficult.


First, the delivery time changed on the POD, it was supposed to be there Friday, but didn't end up getting there until Saturday morning.  I got there as soon as they were dropping it, they had already given the invoice to husband and he was questioning where they were delivering it.  It's being stored in their warehouse, that's all... I have no home, you fool!  That's all he needed to know.


I will say that he helped load the POD with all the boxes I packed, the big stuff that was heavy.  Maybe that was because my family surrounded me.  Every chance he caught me alone I got the "I'll help you unpack it, just me and you", "we're still married, you can come over next week and XXX", groping me, grabbing me, wanting a hug, kiss... asking me if I still love him, asking me why I'm treating him like trash.  Feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, weakness, etc.  Ugh, the emotional turmoil was terrible.


I was so emotionally exhausted by the end of the day I just wanted to cry...but held it together, It's like I'm not allowed to cry, no one would understand anyway... I'm leaving a horrible situation, but I still hear in my head, "You're just throwing our relationship away, it's easy for you to run than to take the burden of actually trying to work on anything"


That's not true, I don't think so.  I tried in so many ways, to a point there was nothing left of me to give anymore. 


I left because I couldn't live with the emotional, verbal and mental abuse anymore. I left because I need to respect myself.  The sadness became too much, the stress too overwhelming and the hurt enclosed me.


I couldn't leave earlier because I kept believing and hoping things would get better. That he would see the sadness in my eyes and actually look further than skin deep. 


Now... I need to learn how to forgive myself for letting him mistreat my son and I for way too long. 


What I accomplished today:  Because YES, I am still moving and keeping my eye on the prize...


Transferred Vehicle to Me Only ✓

Got all records from school ✓

Prepare packet of medical and school information to send with my son ✓

Filled the gas tank... since there must be a hole in the tank somewhere ✓ (kidding, I've been driving everywhere lately)

Got travel cage for smaller pets ✓

Loaded vehicle for my son's travel away from me ✓  For now....

Grocery store, since I should eat... ✓

Pet store, left biscuits at the house, but not going to get them ✓

Filled out new address forms at Post office ✓

Updated some email addresses ✓

Somewhat organized my chaotic mess of paperwork ✓



That's it for today...


I'll keep picking myself up, keep digging for the courage and try to believe in myself.

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Dear SR,


You've accomplished so much. I hope you realize we know this hasn't been easy for you. It has required immense courage and effort which you have displayed admirably. You are reclaiming you and your son's life. Try your best not to look back since that's not the way you are headed. You are moving forward to the more peaceful, happy life you deserve.


Sending love and hugs...

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I wish I could walk more closely with you, my friend, but my niece has been anticipating our road trip since I "gave" it to her as her Christmas present.  I saw your exhaustion, but I also saw your resolve.  You've managed to make the most difficult decisions and made what seemed like impossible moves -  and you know there is no turning back, only moving forward.  This is another death, the death to what you thought was going to be hope for future happiness.  He should have treated you like the beautiful gift that you are....but instead he hurt you (and your son) repeatedly.  Now...it is time to reclaim yourself.  I resolve to remain with you, even if it is from a distance.  The next time I see you...hopefully in the fall, you will have had some time to get resettled.  Remember that there is hope out there.  I'm not sure I have that down yet myself, but hope comes from knowing that there are people out there willing to walk with us through unbearable pain.  We've walked this road together for over 5 1/2 years.  We will keep walking the road that for both of us has had more heartache than we think we can handle...but we have handled it, and we will continue to handle it.  You deserve only love and kindness, not to be controlled and abused.


I love you, my friend!



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You amaze me with the strength you have, your organization and determination. Methodically taking one step at a time away from misery and towards a better life for your child and for yourself is SO admirable.  I never did it. Many times think I should have but now will never know if that would have changed anything. We are all standing here with you still ...

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I will say that he helped load the POD with all the boxes I packed, the big stuff that was heavy.  Maybe that was because my family surrounded me.  Every chance he caught me alone I got the "I'll help you unpack it, just me and you", "we're still married, you can come over next week and XXX", groping me, grabbing me, wanting a hug, kiss... asking me if I still love him, asking me why I'm treating him like trash.  Feelings of guilt, sadness, anger, weakness, etc.  Ugh, the emotional turmoil was terrible.


Just, ewww...He's in need of heavy-duty pharmaceuticals. If they even manufacture a pill for what he has...


Remain undeterred. Forward motion, SR. Do not capitulate to his menagerie of manipulation.



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Son safely out of state ✓

Four phone calls today starting at 6am that I DID NOT answer ✓


I'm trying my best to keep focused.  I find myself having too much idle "thinking" time, since I don't have to run to the house to pack, run here to do this or run here for that errand.  Which is NOT GOOD.  I'm missing having someone to share my day with or my thoughts with.  Even though I know that sharing would only end in him twisting my words into a knife to thrust into my back.


When I find myself second-guessing my decision to leave, I MUST think about the crap I tolerated for so long and tell myself that I don't want his manipulative behaviors back in my or my son's life. Why do I get afraid to NOT answer his calls? How do I learn how to not be afraid I'll be in trouble cause I didn't answer his call?  Why am I still acting like the person who is under that control? 


I'm tired today...






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^^^It's gonna take time to for your reflexive feeling of being awash in fear each time he phones. Fear is ingrained in you secondary to the deteriorating, ruinous situation you endured for years.


You're a literal phoenix rising from the ashes. Seriously.


Meantime, assemble a playlist of songs with empowering lyrics that you can listen to when you need a fresh boost. Might I suggest, "Baggage Claim", by that sassy lil miss, Miranda Lambert:)


The only way to prevail is to not give up or give in.



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Sending prayers and warm hugs.  I was in a similar situation when I was young and with my first husband.  Had to leave and it was hard but also for my son I had to do it.  Just keep breathing and hold your head high. 

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